Email notifications

I get email notifications from here whenever I post on a topic & forget to uncheck the flag top right in the tapatalk app.

Is there any way for me to set flag to non activated until I specifically click on it?

Pain in he arris for me the above.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Three suggestions…

Force stop Tapatalk.

Uninstall and then re-install Tapatalk.

Uninstall Tapatalk.

Three suggestions…

Force stop Tapatalk.

Uninstall and then re-install Tapatalk.

Uninstall Tapatalk.

Gracias. [emoji106]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

says it all.
dont use taptalk in the first place …job done.

I get email notifications from here whenever I post on a topic & forget to uncheck the flag top right in the tapatalk app.

Is there any way for me to set flag to non activated until I specifically click on it?

Pain in he arris for me the above.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I’ve no idea how Tapatalk works because I’ve never used it, but there’s a very small ‘unsubscribe’ button at the bottom left of every topic. If you click that button, you won’t receive any notifications about that topic.

Gonna sound really thick here, I’ve heard of it…but wtf IS tap talk exactly.
If it’s s long winded technical answer, be warned …I get bored VERY easily with that sort of stuff. :smiley:

Gonna sound really thick here, I’ve heard of it…but wtf IS tap talk exactly.
If it’s s long winded technical answer, be warned …I get bored VERY easily with that sort of stuff. :smiley:

Just an app for posting and reading forums

Sent from goodness knows where

blue estate:

Gonna sound really thick here, I’ve heard of it…but wtf IS tap talk exactly.
If it’s s long winded technical answer, be warned …I get bored VERY easily with that sort of stuff. :smiley:

Just an app for posting and reading forums

Sent from goodness knows where

Ok,.so what advantages over doing it the normal way.
(You can tell by terminology I ain’t really into all this stuff :blush: ) :smiley:


blue estate:

Gonna sound really thick here, I’ve heard of it…but wtf IS tap talk exactly.
If it’s s long winded technical answer, be warned …I get bored VERY easily with that sort of stuff. :smiley:

Just an app for posting and reading forums

Sent from goodness knows where

Ok,.so what advantages over doing it the normal way.
(You can tell by terminology I ain’t really into all this stuff :blush: ) :smiley:

You don’t have to zoom in to read it , it’s in normal sized letters

Sent from goodness knows where