Elephant racing ;Tin hat on

What is your opinion on truck racing at 56mph.
Some have to get past,whatever the cost and fifty cars behind offering Gareth Hunt’ s famous coffee beans.
A quick tap on the button to release the speed limiter and let him pass.

No time is lost,the trip is calmer.Do you think lorries limited to 50 to 52 mph are dangerous or not?

I very rarely sit on the limiter nowadays when I’m being overtaken. If someone’s going faster than me, what’s the point in leaving them in the middle lane going four inches a week quicker? I back off and let them go, and only stick my cruise back on when I’m happy with my braking distance.

I’ll be honest and stick my hand up, If I can pass at an inch an hour I’ll go out, havin said that if the guy passing me at inch an hour and there’s nothing behind me I’ll always drop off let him pass and leave a space,

I very rarely have to deal with overtaking, less struck at 50mph :sunglasses:

It’s something none thinking morons masquerading as professionals indulge in.

Do you think lorries limited to 50 to 52 mph are dangerous or not?

I think they are dangerous, trucks now do too many random speeds, I think the more uniform the speed, the less we overtake, hold up traffic, pull out last minute etc, no wonder car drivers say trucks are a nuisance on the road…

Down to about 52 is ok. Some of the Tesco ones which are limited to about twelve mph can catch you out on a free flowing motorway though.

its more fun at 65 than 56…your better off flat to the mat,and on the lookout,than bored into a catatonic state at the speed limiter.the only near misses I have are when im running legal on the 75 etc.im sure theres more than me feel the same? but theres no point in tortoise racing for an inch a mile,just petty/stubborn,if you work for a co with a limited truck,then work legal,and time dosent matter…when I had the misfortune to work for txxxo for a while,then day 1 on the induction you are told, its never your fault if your late. so an inch a mile tortoise racing is just for the braindead,as you get nowhere further than 1 red light ahead of the other guy after a 4 hour drive.feet off the pedals,on the cruise,watch ■■■■,or make your tea and eat it as you pass the time of day with Jeremy kyle and loose women. :smiley:

Do you think lorries limited to 50 to 52 mph are dangerous or not?

It’s not even remotely dangerous.

Don’t see how people can be caught out by them on a wide open motorway if they are paying attention. It’s hardly a massive speed difference FFS. Surely everybody knows what firms are the slow coaches… see the back doors of a Tesco/Argos/Wiseman etc. trailer in the distance and you prepare for an overtake.

It’s something none thinking morons masquerading as professionals indulge in.

It’s not even about being professional, it’s just showing you’re not a ■■■■■■.

It’s fair enough not dropping off if there’s something behind you which will then have to overtake if you slow down. Or weight, power, incline comes in to it, limiter rules on the flat in my opinion in these cases as when it evens out the bloke/lady pegged higher should be in front.

Had one last evening, I pulls out to overtake as I was going faster than him, then he speeds up when he sees me (on the flat) causing a prolonged over take, now I know some will say, drop off & pull back in which I usually do as I’m used to cretins by now but I was on the tail end of a 15 & I admit it gave me the hump.

I did not acknowledge his flash back in, that will teach him! I’m such a badass.

It’s just basically macho BS, you’re not getting in front of me, some blokes need to chill out before they aneurism out.

Rhythm Thief:
I very rarely sit on the limiter nowadays when I’m being overtaken. If someone’s going faster than me, what’s the point in leaving them in the middle lane going four inches a week quicker? I back off and let them go, and only stick my cruise back on when I’m happy with my braking distance.


Some good points,did firms that use lorries limited to 50/52/53 mph need to get permission from the authorities before using the trucks on the road.?


Do you think lorries limited to 50 to 52 mph are dangerous or not?

it’s not even remotely dangerous.

PMSL :sunglasses: that’s why no one crashes! :laughing: too many thick SCREWDRIVERS :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Ok - So what am I supposed to do when driving a coach at 62 (Which in reality some coaches are actually doing 65) and I come across a Tesco lorry doing 50 on a two or three lane motorway (Neither makes a difference) when it is a normal day?

These trucks driving at this speed are nothing but dangerous.

What you save in fuel you loose in bloody wages. Simple.

Rhythm Thief:
I very rarely sit on the limiter nowadays when I’m being overtaken. If someone’s going faster than me, what’s the point in leaving them in the middle lane going four inches a week quicker? I back off and let them go, and only stick my cruise back on when I’m happy with my braking distance.


My way of thinking is that they’re going to overtake me anyway so why hang it out? Come down to about 87/88 kph, let them past, give 'em a flash, and once they’re clear, back up to 90.

No harm done. No time lost. Everybody happy!

What is your opinion on truck racing at 56mph.
Some have to get past,whatever the cost and fifty cars behind offering Gareth Hunt’ s famous coffee beans.
A quick tap on the button to release the speed limiter and let him pass.

No time is lost,the trip is calmer.Do you think lorries limited to 50 to 52 mph are dangerous or not?

Two lorries side by side for long periods of time is just stupid, if one lorry has an edge, even if it’s only ½mph, pull back and let it go.

Lorries limited to 50 to 52mph probably aren’t in themselves dangerous, but they can impede smooth traffic flow and can be a cause of traffic build-up especially in relatively heavy traffic, that can lead to people becoming impatient and making poor decisions about when to pull out.

Ok -

These idiots who can’t negotiate their way round another vehicle of any description driving at this speed are nothing but dangerous.



Lorries limited to 50 to 52mph probably aren’t in themselves dangerous, but they can impede smooth traffic flow and can be a cause of traffic build-up especially in relatively heavy traffic, that can lead to people becoming impatient and making poor decisions about when to pull out.

This is the bit the gets me to be honest. You notice the traffic getting heavier and heavier, you slow down to 50 ish, everyone’s moving to the middle lane, then you get to the route of the problem, everyone pulling out to pass Tesco doing 49.5mph.

My companys trucks are limited to 50-52, passing slower trucks is few and far between for me, but I do have a million and 2 trucks flying past me. Occasionally I do get people crawling past me at 0.25 mph faster than me, which I don’t mind as I’d do the same, the thrill of a overtake eh!!!

What really F’s me off, is these morons in cars sitting at 48, you finally get a overtaking chance, pull out and they speed up to 51 or 53, then pull back in and they slow back down to 45… repeatedly. Some diddy driving along, no idea whats going on around them causing frustration and risky behaviour, leading to accidents. Not fact, just my opinion

selby newcomer:
I very rarely have to deal with overtaking, less stress at 50mph :sunglasses: