Electric vehicle tax from 1st April

Re-tax your electric car before the 1st April, it doesn’t cost anything as they’re still on free tax. It will just reset your renewal date from the 1st of March, you can do this any time in March & that will get you another 11 months free tax before you start paying VED,
Already done mine.

You can do it online & you will need the info off the V5, If you lease it then you can’t do it.

I am on this as I will gladly delay the paid for tax as long as possible.

I was in a Skoda dealers on Sat and noticed the vehicle info board for one of their electric cars still listing road tax / ved as £0, which is true (for this month), but also a bit misleading when looking at the ongoing costs.

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Never mind avoiding it, they should be backdating the VED to the date you all bought the vile things. Why do you think it’s ok to use the roads without contributing to their upkeep? If you had paid your way we maybe wouldn’t have so many potholes.

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in a few years we’ll all be paying so much for car tax most of us will have to sell our house to afford it.
15 minute cities :thinking:

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I like the idea that I can choose to live somewhere where everything I need is within a 15 minute trip.

I know we, being drivers, may be an exception, but who else enjoys travelling a long time to get to shops, Drs, pub etc?
I enjoy travelling for fun but not when I need pint of milk.

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Just renewed my VED. £190 + £400 surcharge🤬

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