Elbe tunnel

Got a run into Sweden via Germany and Denmark this week. Its the second time and I recall that the Elbe tunnel at Hamburg is restricted to 4m and I’m running at exactly that. Anyone know what the best alternative route is? Thanks.

You’ll be fine at 4M I’ve chanced my arm a couple of times & gone through at 4.13 so there’s a small bit of lee-way. :laughing:

Bang on 4m isnt a problem, off the top of my head, you could allways go Puttgarden-Rodbyhavn, or up the 21 and 404 into Kiel and out, but you should really stick with the tunnel!

Anything over 4m and you will set off the height detector which immediately closes the whole Autobahn until the Polizei arrive to ■■■■■■ you to the naughty step.

Bang on 4m is no problem as that is what the majority of trucks will be running at.

Thanks for the info fellas. Yeah, i’d heard that half of Germany comes to a halt if you transgress, hence a bit wary. Going through tomorrow morning, so beware!

Keep your windows shut, just in case you do puncture the tunnel lining and keep your foot down :laughing:

It’s at least 4.2 :wink:

Well in the end it was sweet. I sat tight behind a Slovakian rig and sailed through. Then I hit all that rubbish up the A7 where they’re repairing the Kiel bridge and diverting anything over 7.5t through the Rendsburg tunnel. Very congested and lost a lot of time. Plus thats also 4m but theres no prior warning. I notice on another thread though that 4m seems to be the norm.

Well in the end it was sweet. I sat tight behind a Slovakian rig and sailed through. Then I hit all that rubbish up the A7 where they’re repairing the Kiel bridge and diverting anything over 7.5t through the Rendsburg tunnel. Very congested and lost a lot of time. Plus thats also 4m but theres no prior warning. I notice on another thread though that 4m seems to be the norm.

4.0m IS the norm, that’s why Euroliners/tilts etc are 4.0m.
It isn’t just the norm, it’s the max legal height for just about everything, in most of Europe and beyond. Tunnels and bridges are built to allow for vehicles of that height, ie with a bit of extra clearance to allow for bounce, snow, re-tarmacing etc etc.

after hamburg did you go up to fehmarn / rodbyhavn (DK) and helsingor / helsingborg into sweden?

been on that route a couple of times.


Well in the end it was sweet. I sat tight behind a Slovakian rig and sailed through. Then I hit all that rubbish up the A7 where they’re repairing the Kiel bridge and diverting anything over 7.5t through the Rendsburg tunnel. Very congested and lost a lot of time. Plus thats also 4m but theres no prior warning. I notice on another thread though that 4m seems to be the norm.

4.0m IS the norm, that’s why Euroliners/tilts etc are 4.0m.
It isn’t just the norm, it’s the max legal height for just about everything, in most of Europe and beyond. Tunnels and bridges are built to allow for vehicles of that height, ie with a bit of extra clearance to allow for bounce, snow, re-tarmacing etc etc.

Thanks for clarifying that, Simon. Showing my inexperience there a bit!

after hamburg did you go up to fehmarn / rodbyhavn (DK) and helsingor / helsingborg into sweden?

been on that route a couple of times.

No. Kept my feet dry. Went up via Kolding, Odense and Copenhagen to Malmo. My firm seems to want to avoid ferries as much as possible, although my satnav wants to use your route. I’ve even suggested Harwich - Esbjerg, but not interested. Not got round to comparing times and costs, pros and cons, of these alternatives. Any views?