Eggs al Fresco

Was parked next to a tracksuited fella the other night.
He was stood outside in the cold, dark and rain, boiling eggs in a kettle in his side locker.
I know they are fond of a picnic but this is extreme.
I left before he had finished, but they were definitely hard boiled, wonder how and where he ate them??

You can live for weeks on boiled egg sandwiches or just eggs, simple cheap meals, tin of tuna, mayo and egg

Wheel Nut:
You can live for weeks on boiled egg sandwiches or just eggs, simple cheap meals, tin of tuna, mayo and egg

You might have something there I would rather do that than spend a fortune on fast food and still feel hungry :open_mouth:

I’m a fan of eggs, and home cooking.
Just wondered why he was stood out in the rain instead of plugging his kettle inside?

I often see Turkish drivers cooking outside, no matter what the weather. Most keep the same trailer on so have the benefit of large side lockers equipped with gas hobs and more food and water than you can shake a stick at. A pop up gazebo next to the trailer and they are away. If you are friendly and interact with them and you will most likely be offered Tea or a coffee and something to eat.
We tend to keep to ourselves, do everything in the cab or eat in cafe’s or MSA or pubs, and we have not just driven on average about 3000 kms to get here either!

I’m a fan of eggs, and home cooking.
Just wondered why he was stood out in the rain instead of plugging his kettle inside?

Perhaps he was using gas.

I quite often hard boil the rest of the eggs I haven’t used over the weekend and bring them to work. Cheap tasty healthy snack so why not. Never thought to bring eggs to cook or boil…wonder why not. Oh well.

Being a dyed-in-the-wool day man, I never need to bother with cooking (or sourcing food while on the road for that matter). I do have a hard boiled egg in my pack-up every day though!

Having been stuck on French motorways for hours due to major accidents even the car drivers soon have the tailgate open and various foodstuffs appear .
I have been offered all sorts of delicacies after offering hot water from my fresh boiled kettle . Boiled eggs seem to be pretty universal as a snack for those that picnic regularly .
Maybe we have fallen out with fresh air dining these days .
Watching the programme “Our Yorkshire Farm” on TV where they brewed tea and used tin cups up on the hillside on a cold frosty day did make me smile , and put the kettle on, the kids seem to enjoy the whole experience.
The programme is about the family with 9 kids under 15 on a hill farm in Yorkshire, a very simple life .

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