Eating too much bacon gives you cancer

McD’s latte is really rather good. Cheap too! :open_mouth:

eating not enough gives you Hunger


44 Tonne Ton:


44 Tonne Ton:
I can recommend you avoid that rubbish posing as a bacon roll that McDonalds do!

Nothing wrong with McDonalds Bacon Rolls mate…

Me and my mate were talking about this very subject today. He is a recently fallen vegetarian. We both agree that one of life’s greatest pleasures is a bacon sarnie made with buttered ciabatta bread. If you think that [zb] comes anywhere close to that I feel sorry for you, I really do! :grimacing:

Never said it did. But then we weren’t talking about bacon with buttered ciabatta bread were we? We were talking about the humble McDonalds bacon roll, which as bacon rolls isn’t bad. It isn’t the best bacon roll ever, but not the worst either…firmly middle of the road. Almost the Ken Bruce of bacon rolls.

It doesn’t even reach that level! You must have eaten some ■■■■ bacon sarnies in your time! :grimacing: