Easy Life at Last

I had 2 hours listening to company blurb and then 2 hours talking to drivers to get the truth :stuck_out_tongue:

I got my 53 reg premium at 12.00 and put my stuff in while the yard man washed it for me :wink:

There are three of us who started on the same day. 2 came from Irlams so I daren’t call them mate :laughing:

Got my first job at 1500 to run to caldicote for tuesday to load :sunglasses: Got to the workshop at Fradley and that job was cancelled :confused:

At my interview I was told it was all good clean traffic and that we dont carry steel! My next job was from the Rod Mill :stuck_out_tongue: Although I was very surprised, they let you open the sides of the trailer in the shed and even help you nowadays :exclamation:

So I loaded at 7.00 and took a steady ride to Poole to start my holidays, Its a while since I had been to Poole and forgot how basic the facilities are, and the roads to it.

Anyway a decent weeks work, tipped Western France and loaded about 100 clicks away from La Rochelle. Shipped back cherbourg / poole for newark and reloaded at the Rod Mill to swap trailers with a french driver who has gone home, like me :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking forward to retiring here :slight_smile:

Loading Monday for Bordeaux. I dont know what to do with all this wine. :unamused:

:smiley: Nice, did you get me β– β– β– β–  β– β–  :laughing: :laughing:

You going through Poole again Monday β– β– 

i like wine… send it to mansfield if your struggling :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

JB,how can you think of wine at 8oclock in the morning :laughing: psdown to my last 50lt of red and when to gerona yesterday and picked up 10 lt of white on the way back :sunglasses: :wink: froggy

when I shipped out 23.45 on Tuesday, we were on the wine with a meal of course! and then we retired to the bar for some more :stuck_out_tongue:

No silly booking in times in France, Tip Wednesday :laughing:

I did have a booking in time in Newark though, and 3 phone calls to see where I was :blush:

11.00am booking time and I arrived at 11.15

good luck ,malc
if your struggling with the wine give us a shout,red if pos but white goes down too :laughing:

froggy, i often have a nice cool stella at 6 or 7 in the morning before going to bed :laughing: :laughing: . working regular nights does strange things to your body clock! :wink:

JB,used to do nights up to what used to be called fashion flow (now part of exel logs)near you j26 down to roundabout last one off keep going under a brigde on ind est to left etcfinished about 2/3 in the morning never got used to drinking home brew at that time in the morning :laughing: :wink: :wink:

JB,how can you think of wine at 8oclock in the morning :laughing: psdown to my last 50lt of red and when to gerona yesterday and picked up 10 lt of white on the way back :sunglasses: :wink: froggy

the auvergnats think of wine 24/7!!! rose or white before 12 and red after or maybe a demi or 2 at around 10 either side of lunch :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: