Well, just over 4 months since sending off for my C provisional, and coming up to 2 and half months since I informed DVLA of my recent health issues, I’m still waiting for my licence to be issued.
And still waiting…
Well, just over 4 months since sending off for my C provisional, and coming up to 2 and half months since I informed DVLA of my recent health issues, I’m still waiting for my licence to be issued.
And still waiting…
Well, have just informed the DVLA and to be honest, am quite surprised. My car licence is unaffected, and because my C1 came with my car licence, according to the DVLA, that too is unaffected, as well as D1. My C provisional is still in a queue, but will be subject to a 3 month suspension, as it was near enough month and a half since heart attack then I only have another month and half to wait, will prob have to take exercise ecg and letter from consultant.So all in all, good news really.
i had a double bypass and a mechanical mitral valve replacement took me 11 months from opp to return to work .with a tred mill test to get licence back and a repeat one every 3 years there after .hope this helps
Well, just over 4 months since sending off for my C provisional, and coming up to 2 and half months since I informed DVLA of my recent health issues, I’m still waiting for my licence to be issued.And still waiting…
And still waiting, now 6 and half months after sending licence off. Have made a complaint which done absolutely f’all. Why, when they need to contact various consultants, don’t they contact them all at the same time? So far, every excuse they’ve given is that they need to write to a consultant, at least 5 times now, the latest time being that they need to write to my GP as they’d like to see my medical notes.
And can someone answer a question for me? Will the DVLA have any issues with my Pulmonary Embolism, or any issues with my lungs? I only ask as during my last 3 monthly check up at the Chest clinic, and subsequently the Lung Function clinic, it was found that I have slightly higher than normal lung pressure. It may be associated with the P.E, but then again it may not, and will possibly involve investigation by a Cardiologist.
The other day I was thinking about how reasonably fit I was a year ago, with only an underlying heart condition that gave no problems whatsoever, then in the last 6 months I have had a heart attack, triple bypass, a bout of pneumonia, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, elevated hemidiaphram, which leads to my final question. Do employers need to know that much about my medical history when applying for jobs?
Right, as stated on another post i here, I’ve recently had a triple bypass, followed by a collapsed lung and finally ending up with a Pulmonary Embolism. Who tells the DVLA about these issues? Is it me, or are they likely to already have been informed by the consultants etc? The DVLA are already aware of a previous, unconnected heart condition, I understand if I only had a car licence I wouldn’t need to let the DVLA know, thats according to booklets received during my stay in hospital, but because of my C1 and hopefully impending C provisional I need to let them know. What would be the worst that could happen if I didn’t let them know?
I’m just a bit worried as I’ve been through the worst 6weeks of my life and could do without any more stress regarding my licence.
Well if you dont inform them & are involved in an accident ( your fault or not ) could mean your insurance is invalid your licence is then revoked totally so you cant drive even your car
But your consultant should have informed DVLA sorry to say as it is part of there job but if not you should inform them ( or call them ask the question without telling them who you are then you can get there advice
Even if you have a car licence you should still inform DVLA as when my dad had his heart attack he was not allowed to drive for approx.3 mth
Well, have just informed the DVLA and to be honest, am quite surprised. My car licence is unaffected, and because my C1 came with my car licence, according to the DVLA, that too is unaffected, as well as D1. My C provisional is still in a queue, but will be subject to a 3 month suspension, as it was near enough month and a half since heart attack then I only have another month and half to wait, will prob have to take exercise ecg and letter from consultant.
So all in all, good news really.
So not all bad then good
Good luck in getting the rest sorted but dont wait for them you keep onto them or they may just forget
Hi, this may have already been put on but the DVLA are allowing diabetic Truck & bus drivers to keep their license whilst being on insulin. This change begins from October 2011. Keep safe all
I had a heart attack some 15 years I applied to dvla for my class 2 provisonal I told them of my medical history they made me go to a cardiac consultant to under go the bruce protocol test this involves 15 mins on a treadmill which rises every 5 mins then you sit for 5 mins to recover you are wired up to a cardiac machine so you cannot cheat it its the same test for all even if you are 30 or 60.I passed it at 62 and on the road tramping and loving it, so Good luck.
Hi, this may have already been put on but the DVLA are allowing diabetic Truck & bus drivers to keep their license whilst being on insulin. This change begins from October 2011. Keep safe all
I thought this was subject to individual review, not a complete change. I started a sticky a couple of years ago and a Doctor commented on it recently.
Hi,this information was on a poster on the drs notice board. There was no small print with any exclusions. I’ve stated it as the poster written. For anbody on insulin I’m sure a quick phonecall to the surgery could clarify the matter.
Well, just over 4 months since sending off for my C provisional, and coming up to 2 and half months since I informed DVLA of my recent health issues, I’m still waiting for my licence to be issued.