I am looking for someone to translate a form from dutch to English, it is an entry form for a historic vehicle weekend at den helder in the north of the country, I have tried google but not getting very far.
Hi.There are a few guys on here who have lived and worked in Holland who could probably help.I lived there for 30yrs .The only problem i have is that i don’t have a scanner or copier so it would be a '‘rough and ready’'translation.
Have you not contacted the organisers of the event.Normally they are international so would have forms in different languages,or someone to translate for you as they want people to visit.The Dutch are usually fairly efficient.Mike
Get the Microsoft Translator app for your phone (iOS, Android or WP). It’s a great app. One way it works is using the camera it translates signs, documents etc
I’m willing to help, just pm me with the details
I am Dutch, fire away and I’ll help you.
I’m Dutch also let me know if you still need help