DSA advise ?

Hi all,

when I took my test i arrived at the test centre and was waiting for the examiner, another examiner arrived for another canditates test and basically asked WTF was I doing there■■? as my test had been cancelled, this was 5 minutes brfore my test was due to start!! my examiner was actually still on site but was preparing to leave to go to another station.

now i did have the test rebooked at no extra cost, however i did choose to have a couple of hours refresh training prior to the 2,nd test, which I have had to pay for… and another days leave from work. now i feel that cancelled does not apply as far as i,m concerned the test was Stopped!, what made another persons test more important then my own?
I have written several times to the DSA for full detailed explanation to what happened and I consider that i should be due to reimbursement as

a) I lost a days leave from work
b) childcare costs which i have applied for but still awaiting the cheque
c) refresher costs, which DSA says i should have been up to standard to be put into the original test but as the second test was a month after and its not as though I can jump in with a friend or relative is it.

it has took nearly 12 months as it is for the dsa to give a reason with the minimal details as they try to hide behind the Date Protection, they have lost recipts for the childcare costs, which i have had copies made and sent to them but I am still awaiting.

now do you think this is fair treatment? could any of the examiners on here point me in the right direction of who to complain to who is a bit further up the ladder then the plebs that i am dealing with?

Take them to the small claims court - as far as I know, no-one has done this yet and I think that the situation with the DSA will stay the same until someone does. Once a legal precidence has been set then it will allow others to follow or get the DSA to clean up their act on this issue.

thanks rog,

what are your thought on the refresher hours I did?

would it be something you would think as a sensible idea ect or would you expect a canditate to be at the acceptable level even though it would jhave been a month since his last drive in a truck?

what are your thought on the refresher hours I did?

Claim for them as well - it was necessary after waiting for the next test :slight_smile:

First things first.

Did the test get cancelled by the DSA or did your trainer make a mistake?

By the sounds of it it was the DSA.

If it was then should have compensated you for:

Hire of the vehicle and instructor for the test
Any loss of earnings
Any extra childcare required
Travel expencies

This then raises the problem of the required refresher training that you NEED due to the fact of the time scales involved to get you to the same standard you where at when your test was cancelled. Now the DSA will not pay for this but in my view this needs addressing.

I suggest that you write an e-mail to Rosmary Thaw the Chief exec of the DSA, copy it to your MP and wait for the responces. You will get quick responce because thes civil servants will jump very high when MPs get involved you just wait!

I suggest that you write an e-mail to Rosmary Thaw the Chief exec of the DSA, copy it to your MP and wait for the responces.

I think her name is Rosemary Thew not Thaw though.