Drunken musings

[zb]! are you on drugs dude or what■■? TruckNetUK is not forcing or demanding any of its members to click on banners

Strange, Rikki tells a different tale in the original post :confused: . Perhaps you’ve missed it :question:

or buy anything…when you click on a link its shows a hit on that banner…that looks good…sponsers see that hit and like it…the more hits the better

Great. Get clicking then. You guys run the site, we contribute stories and post of views on others’ stories. If it wasn’t for us you wouldn’t have any site to put your banner ads on :bulb:. Also, by insulting key members of the site with your remarks (note that 3 of those members make up the top 10 posters[/b] :bulb: ), you might just find that they take your advice and ‘go elsewhere’ like you suggest. :bulb:
> …then they come back and take out more advertising which helps us run and make the site better ie the new chat room for example. So what your saying is that you cannot spend a few seconds to help this site? THAT YOU USE AND ENJOY? 1 little click of the mouse and thats all it takes…but I guess thats just a little to much for some people to do right?
Like Jim’s already said, if members don’t have any interest in the company then they aren’t going to click the link, regardless of whether you or any other ‘share-holder’ demand/ask/request it. Never heard the saying ‘you can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink it’ :question:. Additionally, as has also already been discussed, this site was set-up originally as a free one, with the only sponsor that I saw being for the T & D mag. The site managed perfectly well then and there was none of this ‘you must click this, do that (etc) or we’ll have to pull the plug’ so what’s changed :question:. There’s a few more members now but that doesn’t alter anything drastically to warrant all this banner clicking. Perhaps it’s more along the lines of the big sponsors have said ‘we’ll pay you twice as much if we get twice as many clicks’ :question:. More beer-tokens for the ‘share-holders’ :question: :bulb:. Or maybe it’s just that Rikki wants to put his feet up and watch the members pay his pension fund from all the banner clicking as originally suggested :question: :smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:
> Also I did not say anything about closing this thread or deleting it…I said it was going nowhere…If you have anything intelligent to say then say it…if not then button it.
> Bully

I’ve searched for the attack that Jim mentions but can’t find anything and I don’t recall seeing it. That’s not to say something didn’t happen but if it can’t be found it can’t be acted upon sadly.

It has since been removed, Neil, unsurprisingly.


Right Rob. Thanks that explains it, I never saw it.

I’ve searched for the attack that Jim mentions but can’t find anything and I don’t recall seeing it. That’s not to say something didn’t happen but if it can’t be found it can’t be acted upon sadly.

You wont find it Neil because it never happened thats why.
All forums have flamers and bashers so I guess TrucKnetUK is no different :frowning:


quote=“TC”]Bully the question was is that you made a personal atack against a member of truckNet! which is against the rules of TruckNet! notwithstanding the fact the member is a Valued member of the News team.

If you did make this attack then the very least you should do is apoligise!
If you did not make the attack them say so!

Jim(Kitkat) is a friend and a very valued member of this forum and I for one insist that if a mistake was made then an apoligy is required! you as a director of trucknet should be making an example! not falling to the standard of members Lucy has to pm with a repremand!

tc i never said that bully made a personnel attack to me,what i said and quoted from was rikki’s original thread,which was this line here :exclamation:below

quote my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your perverted needs un-quote

we all know that (zb) means the f word,and perverted needs no explanation.

i take this line as an attack from he who wrote this thread whilst drunk. although there is no names mentioned it is aimed at every single member who comes onto this site,but i will not be told to f off by anyone nor be told that i’m perverted by anyone.if thats the case then he knows what he can do with his site.there are plenty more fish in the sea so to speak.

infact thats just what i’ll do,the person who started this thread has not even got the balls to come in and delete his original thread which he said he would,so i take it that every word was meant :question: unless we hear otherwise

and bully some of us might not hit on the ads etc,but we as drivers do alot more than click on ads mate,we are the best forum of advertising that you could get.we tell everyone about the site,we have stickers on the trucks which brings people on to this site and gives you the best forum on the web and this all adds up in the members list.looking pretty healthy.so if i was placing an ad on here thats what i’d be looking at,the amount of members,how often they are on,and by placing an ad on tn it will help my buisness.they don’t need to click on it to see it,thats all that matters to a buisness.no how many hits it’s had.something like 30,000 people look at this site per month,thats 360000per year that see’s his/hers advert running across the top of the forums,not bad is it.

so i’ll button it if that’s what you want pal,but i’ll tell you this for nothing…goodbye from me :wink:

but i’ll tell you this for nothing…goodbye from me :wink:

Oh nice one guys… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :angry: :cry:

quote=“TC”]Bully the question was is that you made a personal atack against a member of truckNet! which is against the rules of TruckNet! notwithstanding the fact the member is a Valued member of the News team.

If you did make this attack then the very least you should do is apoligise!
If you did not make the attack them say so!

Jim(Kitkat) is a friend and a very valued member of this forum and I for one insist that if a mistake was made then an apoligy is required! you as a director of trucknet should be making an example! not falling to the standard of members Lucy has to pm with a repremand!

tc i never said that bully made a personnel attack to me,what i said and quoted from was rikki’s original thread,which was this line here :exclamation:below

quote my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your perverted needs un-quote

we all know that (zb) means the f word,and perverted needs no explanation.

i take this line as an attack from he who wrote this thread whilst drunk. although there is no names mentioned it is aimed at every single member who comes onto this site,but i will not be told to f off by anyone nor be told that i’m perverted by anyone.if thats the case then he knows what he can do with his site.there are plenty more fish in the sea so to speak.

infact thats just what i’ll do,the person who started this thread has not even got the balls to come in and delete his original thread which he said he would,so i take it that every word was meant :question: unless we hear otherwise

and bully some of us might not hit on the ads etc,but we as drivers do alot more than click on ads mate,we are the best forum of advertising that you could get.we tell everyone about the site,we have stickers on the trucks which brings people on to this site and gives you the best forum on the web and this all adds up in the members list.looking pretty healthy.so if i was placing an ad on here thats what i’d be looking at,the amount of members,how often they are on,and by placing an ad on tn it will help my buisness.they don’t need to click on it to see it,thats all that matters to a buisness.no how many hits it’s had.something like 30,000 people look at this site per month,thats 360000per year that see’s his/hers advert running across the top of the forums,not bad is it.

so i’ll button it if that’s what you want pal,but i’ll tell you this for nothing…goodbye from me :wink:

Maybe you could join Rob in Spain? :sunglasses:


Oh nice one guys…

yes,nice one indeed :confused:

Maybe you could join Rob in Spain?

rather childish for a Trucknet shareholder that shouldn`t want to lose his members Bully :open_mouth:

I will be the 1st to apoligise to Bully! I mis- read the post! :confused: :frowning:
but I now think this thread is getting out of hand, people should take a step back, its a forum for truckers were all truckers so lets talk about trucks and the thing that brought us all here in the 1st place :wink:

tc i never said that bully made a personnel attack to me,what i said and quoted from was rikki’s original thread,which was this line here :exclamation:below

quote my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your perverted needs un-quote

we all know that (zb) means the f word,and perverted needs no explanation.

I can only apologise, I never saw this quote and I’m not sure which thread you mean it was in, I assume it wasn’t this one. It must have been removed now as I can’t find it using the search facility. If I had seen it when it was posted I would have edited it/removed it, regardless of who made it.

A search of the boards for the word ‘Perverted’ only shows it in three threads, one of which is this one where I and KK have both used it.

Not bad really, a busy internet forum and the word perverted hasn’t been used much. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

neil,it`s on the very first post on this thread by Rikki mate :wink:

Please also remember it is very easy to get the wrong end of the stick on boards such as this when you have no extra feedback to help you decide how something is meant. In a conversation on the telephone for instance you can tell by the tone of the voice how something is intended to be taken. In a face to face conversation you can see from the persons expression if they are serious or joking.

In this medium it is very easy for someone to say something in a manner they feel is lighthearted, jokey or what ever and for everyone else to misread that and to take offence. The use of smileys can help somewhat but I don’t know if they were used in this case or not.

Blimey so it is Daz, I missed that and when I searched for the word and it threw this thread back up I assumed it was KK’s and my use of the word it had found.

This quote will now be edited as IMHO it is against TruckNet rules, If the powers that be feel I am wrong in that so be it and they can take the appropriate steps. :wink: :smiley:

It has now been edited, I’ll get my coat.

Ok guys… :unamused: :blush:

My fault I gave him the Scotch…… :blush: …… The quote that has caused offence was not intended as a personal attack but in hindsight, sober hindsight, we can see how it may have been taken as such.

Those if you who have been around for a while will be used to Rikki’s traditional birthday rant… :open_mouth: … It is also tradition to take it with a pinch of salt… However we will lock this thread but leave it for all to see for a couple of days and then it will be time for the traditional deletion of the birthday rant… closely followed by Rikki doing the traditional apology for the birthday rant… :blush: :blush: :blush: