Drunken musings

ffs rob all rikkis asking is take time out of your life just to visit the sponsors website have a look around you never no davey might have some stress toys for you :laughing: :wink:

there are some amongst u who think they deserve a place on the INTERNET free of charge with no effort on their behalf those who constantly criticise whinge moan and complain about how this website is run my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your (zb) needs we do what it says on the tin your place your home on the INTERNET no more no less like it or lump it

mmmmmmm :confused:

why should he not make any money out of it :exclamation: its not coming out of your pockets,what would you be logged onto instead :question: other trucking sites which charge a membership fee :question:

chill out


ffs rob all rikkis asking is take time out of your life just to visit the sponsors website

It’s a lot more than that Jon, if you read into it right.

If that is ‘all’ he’s asking like you think then why did it take him 11 paragraphs to say it, drunken state or not.

Think one should read between the lines to see the full meaning of the rant.


One point that is being missed here is that by clicking on the ad you are helping keep this site going.

Rikki and the rest of the gang do do the leg work and plenty of it, but if the advertisers are not getting any response from it then they will not renew. By clicking on the link they can see where that hit is coming from, the more hits the bigger the chance is that they will continue the advertising. simple economics

wife says your a [zb] robk and sends you this

Rob K:

Rob…I to run a private website and a commercial website and yes the costs are minimal but there is a lot more behind a commercial website than a private website
To make this site bigger means to let everyone know it’s here! Which costs money. TrucknetUK does not charge a fee for people to access this site like some others do.
The expenses are printing, travel, server space, advertising etc. and all this costs money…if we don’t get it from the members then where else does it come from….SPONSERS!
Rikki and others have put a lot of time, energy, money and there health to promote this site to make it what it is today so why don’t you help us in spreading the word and keeping this the #1 website for drivers instead of putting us down?
So what’s the problem? All Rikki is asking is that you click on links from the sponsors… that’s all.


You don’t need to shell out any money whatsoever to promote the site. In fact, the site doesn’t need any promoting at all. Rikki wants to put his feet up for the rest of his natural and wants this website to line his pockets; that’s what the problem is and it won’t happen unless he takes the extreme measures as outlined in my original reply.

I don’t know about anyone else but I regularly mention the website and refer to a particular thread when chatting with my trucker mates and a number of them have said to me since that they’ve "had a look at the site’. You can’t ask for any more than that from visitors of a website that you chose to be a ‘free for all’ from day one.

If you’re really desperate to make the site huge then that’s your job to do the leg-work, not ours. From what I can see the site is plodding along nicely with a good number of new members rolling in, many of them newbies seeking advice. You can’t force people here.

Covering the website in annoying flashing banner ads that, in all honesty, few of us have any interest in (just like on any other commercial site) and relying on the visitors to click them is most definitely **not** the direction to go and simply makes the site look cheap and tacky. That statement quite probably hits a nerve but it is true I’m afraid. If you must use banner ads then there is a fine line between acceptable and over-the-top and you have reached that line now. If you introduce any more I think you may do more damage than good.[/u]
I’m sure we’d all love to have a nice, big, interesting commercial website and be able to put our feet up and live off what the sponsors pay and selling ‘trucknet’ mugs in a shop :unamused: but let’s wake up eh…
Welcome to the real world… :confused:
Rob…this website is a BUSINESS!!! and needs to make money to survive. If not from the members (which wont happen) then where? Sponsers! without them this website wouldnt be here. You know nothing that goes on behind the scenes and what is involved to keep this site going and how it is ran. :angry:

Rob…this website is a BUSINESS!!! and needs to make money to survive. If not from the members (which wont happen) then where? Sponsers! without them this website wouldnt be here. You know nothing that goes on behind the scenes and what is involved to keep this site going and how it is ran.

The sad thing is… most people dont know the work that goes on behind the notice board we all use and the cost of keeping it up! thanks to all the managment and the hard work I personaly know Rikki does, this site keeps going upwards! that in its self is a problem because cyberspace is an expensive commodity! more hits this site gets more appealing it is to advertisers, but if advertisers arnt getting feedback then all that hard work could/would be a waste of time!

Idea’s are needed for this bit of the internet to continue to point upwards but without money I see Rikki working his balls off for the likes of some members who want everything for nothing! …and we all know in this world no one gets anything for nothing! not on the long run!

yes bully you are correct,most of the members don’t know what goes on behind the scene’s.we are truck drivers just like you.we come on here to offer advise and to express our opinions for all to read and to put their 10pence worth in.we all appreciate what rikki,lucy and all concerned do for us in their spare time when they ain’t out driving.but if it was not for the members on here then there would be no site to visit.we do our part in spreading the word on trucknetuk,i 4 one have a tn sticker on my cab and i have had alot of people ask about it,including non truck drivers.as has been said b4 about sponsors ads,if i have no reason to visit there site then i won’t,i ain’t one to go on a site if i have no interest in buying things over the net.i don’t buy anything for my unit as it is used at nite by another driver may it be our own driver or an agency driver.sorry i buy air freshners and i have had them nicked.you’s are forever telling us that this site will be free to it’s members no matter what happens,so why keep on bringing the subject up :question: if it’s free then it’s free if not then just tell us.if the sponsors are paying for there space on the site and it is working for trucknet,why does there seem to be a problem over at trucknet hq :question: is there something that we should be made aware of :question: just let us know once and for all and hopefully the subject won’t rise it’s head again :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

PMSL@Rob :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :wink: :wink:

yes bully you are correct,most of the members don’t know what goes on behind the scene’s.we are truck drivers just like you.we come on here to offer advise and to express our opinions for all to read and to put their 10pence worth in.we all appreciate what rikki,lucy and all concerned do for us in their spare time when they ain’t out driving.but if it was not for the members on here then there would be no site to visit.we do our part in spreading the word on trucknetuk,i 4 one have a tn sticker on my cab and i have had alot of people ask about it,including non truck drivers.as has been said b4 about sponsors ads,if i have no reason to visit there site then i won’t,i ain’t one to go on a site if i have no interest in buying things over the net.i don’t buy anything for my unit as it is used at nite by another driver may it be our own driver or an agency driver.sorry i buy air freshners and i have had them nicked.you’s are forever telling us that this site will be free to it’s members no matter what happens,so why keep on bringing the subject up :question: if it’s free then it’s free if not then just tell us.if the sponsors are paying for there space on the site and it is working for trucknet,why does there seem to be a problem over at trucknet hq :question: is there something that we should be made aware of :question: just let us know once and for all and hopefully the subject won’t rise it’s head again :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Totally agree, Jim. Good post :exclamation:


PMSL@Rob :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :wink: :wink:




yes bully you are correct,most of the members don’t know what goes on behind the scene’s.we are truck drivers just like you.we come on here to offer advise and to express our opinions for all to read and to put their 10pence worth in.we all appreciate what rikki,lucy and all concerned do for us in their spare time when they ain’t out driving.but if it was not for the members on here then there would be no site to visit.we do our part in spreading the word on trucknetuk,i 4 one have a tn sticker on my cab and i have had alot of people ask about it,including non truck drivers.as has been said b4 about sponsors ads,if i have no reason to visit there site then i won’t,i ain’t one to go on a site if i have no interest in buying things over the net.i don’t buy anything for my unit as it is used at nite by another driver may it be our own driver or an agency driver.sorry i buy air freshners and i have had them nicked.you’s are forever telling us that this site will be free to it’s members no matter what happens,so why keep on bringing the subject up :question: if it’s free then it’s free if not then just tell us.if the sponsors are paying for there space on the site and it is working for trucknet,why does there seem to be a problem over at trucknet hq :question: is there something that we should be made aware of :question: just let us know once and for all and hopefully the subject won’t rise it’s head again :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Well I consider this thread is going nowhere. If some of you have a hard time getting your head around the basics of how a business is ran then I might as well bash my head against a brick wall :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: If it makes you happy Jim & Rob we could get rid of sponsers altogether and Rikki, Lucy and the rest of the Shareholders can finance the website etc out of our own pockets just to make you guys happy OK! :angry:


If you dont like then close the door on your way out!

Well said Bully! :imp:

hey bully why is it everytime someone mentions anything about trucknet that if you or anyone else don’t agree with then it’s a let’s just close or delete the thread :question: it’s not a case of how a buisness is run,or getting rid of sponsors etc.rikki put this post up while he was under the influence and started on about this site being free and that we should hit on the sponsors ads etc,
i’ll say it again if i don’t want to hit on any ad then i won’t,i don’t need anyone telling me to go on and buy something and to mention where i found their product.

quote my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your perverted needs un-quote

i don’t have any perverted needs and i take this as an attack from tn and the rest of you’s in charge,if thats what you’s think of it’s members then i take it that you’s have very little respect for your members :question: if this had been a member that had typed this they would have had a pm from one of you’s warning them of their future conduct,and if you feel the need to ban me for speaking like this then that choice is yours,but i ain’t gonna sit here and be told to f off or be called a pervert by anyone especially the owner.he was wrong and it should not have been said

hey bully why is it everytime someone mentions anything about trucknet that if you or anyone else don’t agree with then it’s a let’s just close or delete the thread :question: it’s not a case of how a buisness is run,or getting rid of sponsors etc.rikki put this post up while he was under the influence and started on about this site being free and that we should hit on the sponsors ads etc,
i’ll say it again if i don’t want to hit on any ad then i won’t,i don’t need anyone telling me to go on and buy something and to mention where i found their product.

quote my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your perverted needs un-quote

i don’t have any perverted needs and i take this as an attack from tn and the rest of you’s in charge,if thats what you’s think of it’s members then i take it that you’s have very little respect for your members :question: if this had been a member that had typed this they would have had a pm from one of you’s warning them of their future conduct,and if you feel the need to ban me for speaking like this then that choice is yours,but i ain’t gonna sit here and be told to f off or be called a pervert by anyone especially the owner.he was wrong and it should not have been said

i quite agree.


hey bully why is it everytime someone mentions anything about trucknet that if you or anyone else don’t agree with then it’s a let’s just close or delete the thread :question: it’s not a case of how a buisness is run,or getting rid of sponsors etc.rikki put this post up while he was under the influence and started on about this site being free and that we should hit on the sponsors ads etc,
i’ll say it again if i don’t want to hit on any ad then i won’t,i don’t need anyone telling me to go on and buy something and to mention where i found their product.

quote my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your perverted needs un-quote

i don’t have any perverted needs and i take this as an attack from tn and the rest of you’s in charge,if thats what you’s think of it’s members then i take it that you’s have very little respect for your members :question: if this had been a member that had typed this they would have had a pm from one of you’s warning them of their future conduct,and if you feel the need to ban me for speaking like this then that choice is yours,but i ain’t gonna sit here and be told to f off or be called a pervert by anyone especially the owner.he was wrong and it should not have been said

i quite agree.

Me three, fwiw :unamused: .


Donno what was said, it must have been deleted!
but if it was said and I have no reason to believe it wasn’t then I also agree!

I think apologies are required!

Happy Birthday Rikki,how’s the head? People,be a bit magnanimous will you ? The man was celebrating his birthday in the traditional fashion but unfortunately he forgot his lemonade and he’s said more than he should have perhaps.Haven’t we all? Mine’s a pint,cheers! :wink:

hey bully why is it everytime someone mentions anything about trucknet that if you or anyone else don’t agree with then it’s a let’s just close or delete the thread :question: it’s not a case of how a buisness is run,or getting rid of sponsors etc.rikki put this post up while he was under the influence and started on about this site being free and that we should hit on the sponsors ads etc,
i’ll say it again if i don’t want to hit on any ad then i won’t,i don’t need anyone telling me to go on and buy something and to mention where i found their product.

quote my answer t this is if u don’t like it [zb] off and find a website that will fulfil your perverted needs un-quote

i don’t have any perverted needs and i take this as an attack from tn and the rest of you’s in charge,if thats what you’s think of it’s members then i take it that you’s have very little respect for your members :question: if this had been a member that had typed this they would have had a pm from one of you’s warning them of their future conduct,and if you feel the need to ban me for speaking like this then that choice is yours,but i ain’t gonna sit here and be told to f off or be called a pervert by anyone especially the owner.he was wrong and it should not have been said

WTF! are you on drugs dude or what■■? TruckNetUK is not forcing or demanding any of its members to click on banners or buy anything…when you click on a link its shows a hit on that banner…that looks good…sponsers see that hit and like it…the more hits the better…then they come back and take out more advertising which helps us run and make the site better ie the new chat room for example. So what your saying is that you cannot spend a few seconds to help this site? THAT YOU USE AND ENJOY? 1 little click of the mouse and thats all it takes…but I guess thats just a little to much for some people to do right? Also I did not say anything about closing this thread or deleting it…I said it was going nowhere…If you have anything intelligent to say then say it…if not then button it.


Bully the question was is that you made a personal atack against a member of truckNet! which is against the rules of TruckNet! notwithstanding the fact the member is a Valued member of the News team.

If you did make this attack then the very least you should do is apoligise!
If you did not make the attack them say so!

Jim(Kitkat) is a friend and a very valued member of this forum and I for one insist that if a mistake was made then an apoligy is required! you as a director of trucknet should be making an example! not falling to the standard of members Lucy has to pm with a repremand!

I’ve searched for the attack that Jim mentions but can’t find anything and I don’t recall seeing it. That’s not to say something didn’t happen but if it can’t be found it can’t be acted upon sadly.