Drug and Alcohol testing!


You innocently and routinely turn up for work on Monday morning and before you know it bundled into an empty room and treated like something between a [zb] criminal or a smackhead.

This gets more Orwellian with every anecdote. Of course, the laws and rules in Blair’s seminal masterpiece were deliberately designed to be easily and accidentally broken to keep you guilty no matter what. I wonder how much of this is less for health and safety and more a reminder that job security is an illusion and they can mess with your life any time they wish because you’re already guilty of something and they just need to find out what. Fear is no basis for mutual trust and loyalty.

Just a reminder to this type of employer: It’s fiction, not a handbook.

Absolutely, the irony is that fiction has almost become fact, the only thing that Orwell got wrong was the miscalculation of 30+years.