Lol. Maybe you should stay off drugs too Immigrant.
Or maybe increase his dosage…
Lol. Maybe you should stay off drugs too Immigrant.
Or maybe increase his dosage…
Maybe “the monkey on his back” was “chasing the dragon”?
The company I work for employs a random D & A testing policy. Anyone on site will be required to provide a specimen if the access pass number is selected by the computer system, when it randomly selects a time to take samples. Anyone on site at that time is open for selection, be they employees, contractors, or even invited visitors. Although I imagine it would be embarrassing approaching your visitor & telling them they must provide a sample!
It’s a condition of access that everyone agrees to provide if selected, and is covered in the induction film everyone must watch, and pass a test on, before qualifying for a pass.
Employees are subject to disciplinary action if they refuse or fail a test, and contractors must undertake to take action against any of their staff in a similar event. Delivery drivers are subject to this, as they are effectively contractors, or sub- contractors of the company who’s goods they’re delivering. Contractors not complying with this, could have their contract terminated, as they will be in breach. I’m not sure how contract / sub-contract staff would be job wise, if it’s not in their contract of employment, but heir employer could well be without work for them.
I’ve got mixed feelings over this whole subject. I don’t see why my safety should be compromised by people turning up at site under the influence, but think there’s a fine line between this policy, & invasion of privacy / private life. That said, as a tee-total, non drug user, I don’t have anything to worry about.
The company I work for employs a random D & A testing policy. Anyone on site will be required to provide a specimen if the access pass number is selected by the computer system, when it randomly selects a time to take samples. Anyone on site at that time is open for selection, be they employees, contractors, or even invited visitors. Although I imagine it would be embarrassing approaching your visitor & telling them they must provide a sample!It’s a condition of access that everyone agrees to provide if selected, and is covered in the induction film everyone must watch, and pass a test on, before qualifying for a pass.
Employees are subject to disciplinary action if they refuse or fail a test, and contractors must undertake to take action against any of their staff in a similar event. Delivery drivers are subject to this, as they are effectively contractors, or sub- contractors of the company who’s goods they’re delivering. Contractors not complying with this, could have their contract terminated, as they will be in breach. I’m not sure how contract / sub-contract staff would be job wise, if it’s not in their contract of employment, but heir employer could well be without work for them.
I don’t take drugs, I don’t drink when I’m working and I never drink enough in the evening to even register alcohol the next day, but quite simply I would refuse to comply with this. I’m not going to ■■■■ in a plastic cup for the “privilege” of taking somebody the goods they require to run their business, I would simply turn round at the gate, take their stuff back to my yard and then let them sort it out.
I’ve got mixed feelings over this whole subject. I don’t see why my safety should be compromised by people turning up at site under the influence
It shouldn’t. People should not be turning up drunk/stoned. By the same token, we should be trusted not to turn up drunk or stoned. In general we’re pretty good at following that rule, most of us. The odd one or two who aren’t are going to get noticed.
Treating us all like the lowest common denominator is insulting. I’m including things like cab searches and handing your keys over to FLT drivers in this as well. For a tramper, that must feel like home invasion.
but think there’s a fine line between this policy, & invasion of privacy / private life. That said, as a tee-total, non drug user, I don’t have anything to worry about.
I don’t drink (family history of either none or too much) nor do I dabble in recreational pharmaceuticals apart from nicotine (vaped, not smoked) and caffeine but we still have something to worry about. It is but a short step from this to presumed guilt when the exact opposite is enshrined in common law. There is a concept of “reasonable cause” which can then lead to further investigation, which is fair enough. If you turn up with pupils like neutron stars in a nebula or can’t say “sitting” without it becoming something a little more organic, they have reasonable cause for suspicion. However, when any old munchkin in fancy dress with a hi-vis on can force you to prove your innocence, how long is it going to be until the government get the same idea?
Sounds far-fetched? Maybe, but “it may harm your defence if you fail to mention something which you later rely on in court…”
Spot on Chronos.
Companies that select their staff well and don’t recruit chimps and monkeys don’t need this ■■■■■■■■.
Its insulting to be assumed to be one of the great unwashed half wits they drag in off the street to work for peanuts.
As for the random computer selection above, the top brass that approve this crap won’t know when its going to a ‘‘random’’ day will they, course not…
As for the random computer selection above, the top brass that approve this crap won’t know when its going to a ‘‘random’’ day will they, course not…
Are you saying that you don’t think the management will be able to resist abusing this, surely not?
As for the random computer selection above, the top brass that approve this crap won’t know when its going to a ‘‘random’’ day will they, course not…Are you saying that you don’t think the management will be able to resist abusing this, surely not?
Perish the thought man, how could you even imagine something like that…
Next you’ll be telling us our prime minister isn’t called Pinocchio…
As for the random computer selection above, the top brass that approve this crap won’t know when its going to a ‘‘random’’ day will they, course not…Are you saying that you don’t think the management will be able to resist abusing this, surely not?
Perish the thought man, how could you even imagine something like that…
Next you’ll be telling us our prime minister isn’t called Pinocchio…
The Senior Management team are liable to be selected for testing, just as is a contract fork truck driver.
My line manager has been selected for testing, every time the computer has burst into life, much to our amusement. Rescently a colleague of mine was sat next to the MD whilst waiting to be tested.
One thing we can’t complain about in this policy is we are all in it together. Although what would happen to the results, if a senior manager had been on the sauce the night before, could be open to question…
Harry Monk:
The company I work for employs a random D & A testing policy. Anyone on site will be required to provide a specimen if the access pass number is selected by the computer system, when it randomly selects a time to take samples. Anyone on site at that time is open for selection, be they employees, contractors, or even invited visitors. Although I imagine it would be embarrassing approaching your visitor & telling them they must provide a sample!It’s a condition of access that everyone agrees to provide if selected, and is covered in the induction film everyone must watch, and pass a test on, before qualifying for a pass.
Employees are subject to disciplinary action if they refuse or fail a test, and contractors must undertake to take action against any of their staff in a similar event. Delivery drivers are subject to this, as they are effectively contractors, or sub- contractors of the company who’s goods they’re delivering. Contractors not complying with this, could have their contract terminated, as they will be in breach. I’m not sure how contract / sub-contract staff would be job wise, if it’s not in their contract of employment, but heir employer could well be without work for them.
I don’t take drugs, I don’t drink when I’m working and I never drink enough in the evening to even register alcohol the next day, but quite simply I would refuse to comply with this. I’m not going to ■■■■ in a plastic cup for the “privilege” of taking somebody the goods they require to run their business, I would simply turn round at the gate, take their stuff back to my yard and then let them sort it out.
I can fully understand that. As a self employed adult, you may well feel bitter about being subjected to the policies of a company you haven’t directly elected to work for.
However if that were to happen, and I’m not sure it hasn’t. The supplier of the goods you were delivering would be obliged to take action, else be in breach of contract. As you would by delivering their goods, be their sub-contractor.
It’s the same with these stop and search policies.they can display whatever sign they like,but there’s not a chance on earth that any rdc screw is patting me down…or rifling through my personal belongings.
Harry Monk:
I can fully understand that. As a self employed adult, you may well feel bitter about being subjected to the policies of a company you haven’t directly elected to work for.However if that were to happen, and I’m not sure it hasn’t. The supplier of the goods you were delivering would be obliged to take action, else be in breach of contract. As you would by delivering their goods, be their sub-contractor.
Then the customer could sort it out. The bottom line is that although I am prepared to put up with the usual crap when delivering to customers’ premises, I won’t be unzipping my trousers and taking my ■■■■■ out as part of the conditions of being there, that just won’t be happening. No ifs, no buts
Shame on anybody spineless enough to put up with it.
Harry Monk:
I won’t be unzipping my trousers and taking my ■■■■■ out as part of the conditions of being there, that just won’t be happening. No ifs, no buts
Stop playing hard to get.
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
anyone whose a drinker and knows hes going to a place where testing goes on carries a vial of his missuses pee with him.
anyone whose a drinker and knows hes going to a place where testing goes on carries a vial of his missuses pee with him.
Yep standard item in a trampers kit, I find a few seconds in the microwave warms it for that nice in cab ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ experience.
I can see it would come in usefull though if one has overdone it the night before, might go something like this…
“Dear Mr Dipper,Thankyou for helping us keep our company safe and its our pleasure to report your urine specimen tested negative for banned substances and you will be happy to know your also pregnant”.
I feel all nostalgic now remembering the first time i heard my snookie lumps have a tinkle. It was like a bloody carthorse, I had to knock on the door and ask if she was running a bath.
Harry Monk:
Shame on anybody spineless enough to put up with it.
Nowt to do with shame Harry. Being spineless is a way of life to some.
I reckon somebody in co office is competing with his mate in a different co. office for a laugh just to see how far they can go, (a bit like they do already with some of these bloody ridiculous H&S rules)
Phone conversation will be like this.
‘‘Hiya bud, how’s things’’
‘‘A bit bored really why’’
‘‘I’ ve thought of a good one for a laugh, you know these stupid ■■■■ drivers that come in here, and you’ll love this, …we’ll make them have a ■■■■ in a bottle’’
‘‘No, you’ve gone too far there mate, nobody will take that’’
‘’ Trust me , some of these idiots will, they’ll do whatever they’re ■■■■ told to do’’
‘’ No, you’ll be telling me next that they will be telling each other on a forum that it is totally acceptable’’
‘‘Yeh I know, ■■■■ thick lorry drivers, don’t you just love em eh’’
‘‘Ok good one but I reckon I can beat it, …get this’’
And so it goes on towards the gloved finger up the arse I keep on about.
But hey… if you have done nothing wrong etc etc just brace yourselves and smile through the wince.
Have these at Ocado, quite intrusive but completely random. You come in one day, your name (along with everybody elses) is on a clipboard. You press a big red button which decides randomly to test you or not. If it flashes, you are taken to the office, swabbed on your neck, behind ears, forehead for cannabis and cocaine and then have to do police style alcohol breath test. Ocado have an absolute zero tolerence for ANY alcohol, so even if you are within legal limit any trace of alcohol, even 1mg would get you the sack.
Have these at Ocado, quite intrusive but completely random. You come in one day, your name (along with everybody elses) is on a clipboard. You press a big red button which decides randomly to test you or not. If it flashes, you are taken to the office, swabbed on your neck, behind ears, forehead for cannabis and cocaine and then have to do police style alcohol breath test. Ocado have an absolute zero tolerence for ANY alcohol, so even if you are within legal limit any trace of alcohol, even 1mg would get you the sack.
Quite intrusive? you are the champion of understatement there Simon mate.
I bet you are completely endeared towards them then eh?
You innocently and routinely turn up for work on Monday morning and before you know it bundled into an empty room and treated like something between a ■■■■ criminal or a smackhead.
Hope you are on a mega wage to compensate the way they look upon you bud.
For your own good mate, whatever you do don’t mention my finger up the arse scenario, they sound like the kind of firm that would embrace it.
Thanks for the heads up on the Co.name, I know now NEVER to apply for a job there.
You innocently and routinely turn up for work on Monday morning and before you know it bundled into an empty room and treated like something between a [zb] criminal or a smackhead.
This gets more Orwellian with every anecdote. Of course, the laws and rules in Blair’s seminal masterpiece were deliberately designed to be easily and accidentally broken to keep you guilty no matter what. I wonder how much of this is less for health and safety and more a reminder that job security is an illusion and they can mess with your life any time they wish because you’re already guilty of something and they just need to find out what. Fear is no basis for mutual trust and loyalty.
Just a reminder to this type of employer: It’s fiction, not a handbook.