Driving time

What actually is driving time?

Is driving time when you stop at a red light for 5 mins?


on the tacho that will count as other work but in reality you would count it as driving if you were timing it yourself!

Theoretically driving time is when the wheels are turning, however If you’re using a digital tachograph it will calculate times until at least the next full minute.

Strange, because you are still in control of the vehicle but your not driving??!!

Need to know this because my shipping office are trying to tell me how long I have left in terms if driving hours!! I thought I was the only one that could tell this not some bod 100 miles away.

Drive for Lafarge :frowning:

If you use a wagon with a digi-tacho, then its
(Not forgetting the peculiarities of digi-tachos).
driving time when the wheels are going round
other work when the wheels are stopped

If you use a wagon with an analogue-tacho, then its
driving time while your 'in control of the vehicle;
other work when your not ‘controlling the vehicle’

Worth a read :slight_smile: