Driving /speeding during lockdown

Surely a keyless car can be cut off via the key or will automatically cut off if out of range of the key??

Er - no.

In a typical “keyless” car the ignition is switched on and the engine started by pressing the big red Start button while the key is in range. The engine will thrn continue to run until it is switched off (again by pressing the Start button). The key only has to be in range for the switch-on and starting operations. There is no facility on the key itself to remotely switch on or off, or to start the car.

This is how so many of these cars have been stolen using range extenders and laptop computers - the scrotes only need to fool the car’s system to get it started, at which point they are then free to drive it as far as they like provided they don’t stop the engine.

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I know the insurance companies will always try to wriggle out of paying so i’m not surprised.

I’m still working and my yard is 40miles from my house (tramping so only once a week) so i have a letter from my employer to cover me if stopped
I also carry it on my person not in my car so if i’m in an accident it doesn’t get lost/burnt/left behind :open_mouth:

Ever thought about getting a couple of photocopies of it, just in case?

Paper costs money mate :smiley:
But yeah i did.
The way i see it i only need the one that’s with me all the time :sunglasses:

Fair play, you taking precautions for an unseen situation…but Christ, I’m sure my employer would replace it if my car had gone up in flames!

I was more thinking that screwups happen. The original might get lost, damaged, defaced, coffee spilled on it, it might blow out of the window, or something that’s only obvious in hindsight.

Better to have a copy and not need it than need it and not have a copy.


Surely a keyless car can be cut off via the key or will automatically cut off if out of range of the key??

Er - no.

In a typical “keyless” car the ignition is switched on and the engine started by pressing the big red Start button while the key is in range. The engine will thrn continue to run until it is switched off (again by pressing the Start button). The key only has to be in range for the switch-on and starting operations. There is no facility on the key itself to remotely switch on or off, or to start the car.

This is how so many of these cars have been stolen using range extenders and laptop computers - the scrotes only need to fool the car’s system to get it started, at which point they are then free to drive it as far as they like provided they don’t stop the engine.

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I’m puzzled as to why NZ police don’t have the same system as employed on British patrol cars where they can leave the engine running with the key away from the car but if you attempt to engage a gear it cuts out.

Or have I misunderstood that option?

the maoster:


Surely a keyless car can be cut off via the key or will automatically cut off if out of range of the key??

Er - no.

In a typical “keyless” car the ignition is switched on and the engine started by pressing the big red Start button while the key is in range. The engine will thrn continue to run until it is switched off (again by pressing the Start button). The key only has to be in range for the switch-on and starting operations. There is no facility on the key itself to remotely switch on or off, or to start the car.

This is how so many of these cars have been stolen using range extenders and laptop computers - the scrotes only need to fool the car’s system to get it started, at which point they are then free to drive it as far as they like provided they don’t stop the engine.

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I’m puzzled as to why NZ police don’t have the same system as employed on British patrol cars where they can leave the engine running with the key away from the car but if you attempt to engage a gear it cuts out.

Or have I misunderstood that option?

ive just converted a covert undercover thingy ex prison van that has a button on the dash to let you remove the keys with the engine still running but cuts out only when you hit the brakes.

the maoster:
I’m puzzled as to why NZ police don’t have the same system as employed on British patrol cars where they can leave the engine running with the key away from the car but if you attempt to engage a gear it cuts out.

Or have I misunderstood that option?

No, you’ve not misunderstood, that’s how they work. Maybe there are problems incorporating such a system on a “keyless” car - which surely raises the further question of why our antipodean chums don’t spec their patrol cars without the keyless option.

New game in lockdown, fastest I’ve been overtaken, so far it was last week at 120mph, this was a BMW and on the m27/a31 at 0615
I knew Mercedes added this gizmo for a reason [emoji16][emoji16]

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Also 3 month hold on mots but where possible you have to maintain condition of your car.

MoTs have been extended 6 months.

gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus … march-2020


Also 3 month hold on mots but where possible you have to maintain condition of your car.

MoTs have been extended 6 months.

gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus … march-2020

trucks over here get 3 month and cars over 5 years get 4 month.
the corona excuse was kinda pointless anyway as all the test centres were mostly shut because all the ramps had cracks in them so they cancelled everything.
corona is only giving them some breathing time to get them fixed.
my mate delivered 3 ramps to derry on friday so itl prob be open in june anyway.

It doesn’t affect me, my local garage is open for repairs to key worker vehicles, we can get our cars MoTd as usual.

It doesn’t affect me, my local garage is open for repairs to key worker vehicles, we can get our cars MoTd as usual.

I found a local garage to MoT my motorbike a couple of Saturdays ago. I couldn’t take advantage of the 6 month extension as it had been off the road (and not Mot’d) since 2017.

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Good. If your in a crash and you can’t prove it was an essential journey then I hope they don’t pay out. Something needs to happen to teach some people that covid 19 isn’t a game and the government haven’t put the rules in place to play silly beggars.

read this and understand that your post is complete covid media hype drivvle.
you would only be non insured if you were using your car for some other purpose exactly the same as you would not be insured normally.i.e delivering currys or taxi driving.
the emphasis os on the word " could"

I know one of our drivers who got busted for speeding had do the course online via zoom or similar. Whether that was down to the course already being booked in advance I don’t know. But there is no reason why they can’t still do the course via zoom or similar.

To be honest anyone speeding will more likely get points plus a fine, and a covid19 ticket.

I have a family member who is a copper,and has issued more covid tickets then anything else
All to cars from over 30 miles away from his patch.
As to speeding, well been told insurance firms are loading 30% on to premium if over 15% of limit, and offence during lockdown period.
And some are not paying out if an rtc takes place and a non essential journey… up to you to prove its essential.
Roads are getting busy again, as folk are trying there luck with travelling…

Keep safe guys

To be honest anyone speeding will more likely get points plus a fine, and a covid19 ticket.

I have a family member who is a copper,and has issued more covid tickets then anything else
All to cars from over 30 miles away from his patch.
As to speeding, well been told insurance firms are loading 30% on to premium if over 15% of limit, and offence during lockdown period.
And some are not paying out if an rtc takes place and a non essential journey… up to you to prove its essential.
Roads are getting busy again, as folk are trying there luck with travelling…

Keep safe guys

Link to insurance company’s not paying out please,

Link to insurance company’s not paying out please,

mirror.co.uk/money/drivers- … r-21809359

Goverment advice is not law.


Link to insurance company’s not paying out please,

mirror.co.uk/money/drivers- … r-21809359

So no evidence of insurances companies pay out.
Also ‘essential travel’ is nor defined in law.



Link to insurance company’s not paying out please,

mirror.co.uk/money/drivers- … r-21809359

So no evidence of insurances companies pay out.
Also ‘essential travel’ is nor defined in law.

correct,which makes the original statement just waffling pish.



Link to insurance company’s not paying out please,

mirror.co.uk/money/drivers- … r-21809359

So no evidence of insurances companies pay out.
Also ‘essential travel’ is nor defined in law.

Also, at the bottom of the article, it quotes an insurance company spokesman (rather than a lawyer who’s looking for business), who states that you dont invalidate your insurance.