Driving licence renewal dropping entitlement temporarily

Haven’t posted for a long time. But was a regular on here.
My driving lic is up for renewal. I don’t need the hgv part just yet so if I tick Box B will I be able to just have a medical in the future to get my entitlement back? Would rather not have medical just yet for personal reasons. Thanks In advance.

Tick B and you HGV entitlement will Bgone

I take it you are over 70?
If you tick A will your B licence be renewed and your C will just be awaiting medical?

I turn 50 in January.

I take it you are over 70?
If you tick A will your B licence be renewed and your C will just be awaiting medical?

Ya don’t have to be over 70, I did that at 55 back end of 2019 as whole licence was showing expired on DVLA so renewed without medical as taxi driver licence was due October, had a panic as I thought I was driving with an invalid car licence, got hgv back early 2020 with medical fortunately as cabbing died a death after 1st lockdown.

I’m confusing myself here. :slight_smile: Heres my licence.

Just found this. I struggle with forms recently.

Dumb question: why not just renew the licence if you think you’ll want it in the future?

If you give up the entitlement, don’t you need to re-train/re-test to get it back■■? Sounds like more and avoidable work to me.

LGV expires 26/11/21
If you do not submit a D4 form then you will not have a valid LGV after that above date until you send in a D4 form - simple as that

I turn 50 in January.

Just renew your photo. Stay away from any paper form, do it online.
motoring.dvla.gov.uk/service/Dv … nfls=false
Your C and CE will be removed until you are ready to submit the medical form, then they will be reinstated.
I would promise to return my licence but never do, keep it to prove your entitlement, If there is ever a mistake in future.

Dumb question: why not just renew the licence if you think you’ll want it in the future?

If you give up the entitlement, don’t you need to re-train/re-test to get it back■■? Sounds like more and avoidable work to me.

Doesn’t want to for temporary medical reasons.
If he knows he doesn’t want Hgv for 5 years then medical would be waste of time and money.

Looks like i can’t do it online.

Ineligible for service


You are not eligible to apply for this service.

To renew your licence you will need to apply with a D2 application form.

Application forms are available from the online form ordering section of the DVLA website.

DVLA form service (external link, opens in a new window)
You can select a different service from the driver licensing online homepage.

Please use the link below to return to the driver licensing online homepage.
Return to the driver licensing online homepage

If you give up your entitlement this year - there’s a good chance they’ll action it immediately, and then not bother to answer the phone should you ever try to get it back again…

I’m wondering how much we get to sue the DVLA for, should our renewed licences now not come back until 2022 for medicals done this past summer just gone…

Looks like i can’t do it online.

Oh, sorry :frowning:
Looks like a medical, can you really not pass at the minute?

Get the medical and done with. Why get the hassle of getting it back when you can do it once

Get the medical and done with. Why get the hassle of getting it back when you can do it once

By the looks of it he won’t pass a medical