Driving in holland

im not actually meaning driving a british truck over there

but im meaning living and working over there, what would i have to do about my licence? could i just exchange it for a dutch one? or would i have to resit my tests?

I used to work for a Dutch company, just used the uk licence as we are now all part of the EU.
As for working over there, the dutch do like there pound of flesh…House to rent are same as here…Expensive.
It is different thou you are treated as a Human being not something stuck to the bottom of your shoe.

thats good to know, im thinking about packing up from these shores and moving away, wont be on my own though, will be going with a couple of mates who are sick of this country aswell.

though im the only one whos been to holland a few times, love everytime i go across only thing is the scooters and cyclists are just mental but other than that its cool.

The only thing to remember, is that the Uk will likely pick up before the EU, and the layoffs over there have been almost as harsh as here.
You get a place, and swap your licence. Should be pretty easy, like it is in Belgium
But good luck with it. I advise getting the job first, then moving.
Of course, you could remain legally resident in the UK, and not shift your licence until you’re sure you like the country and the job…

You’ll need about 1,500 to 2,000 euro to get a place more in some places, deposit, 1st month in advance, fees etc… A 3 bed house in Brussels can be up to 2,000 euro a month.

A 3 bed house in Brussels can be up to 2,000 euro a month.

You can also get a 5bed 3 storey house just outside of brussels for the same price :laughing: :laughing:

Like Deepinvet says, you don’t have to exchange your licence these days, due to the harmonisation of European law.
You can legally drive on your UK licence and can even use your UK Driver’s Card in the digi tacho.
You will only need to exchange your licence when you have to have it renewed for your medical.

Getting somewhere to live can be a bit of a problem. Landlords are not keen to accept people if they have a brand new contract of work with the usual 3 month probation period. In this case, you might face having to stump up a hefty deposit. Just like the UK.
Of course, rents in the big cities are going to be through the roof, but out in the sticks the prices are a lot lower.

Learning a bit of the local lingo before you go is an advantage, but once in the country you will soon pick it up.
I did the “pack a rucksack and bugger off with a mate” thing nearly 30 years ago and arrived in Germany and couldn’t speak a word of the language.
The hardest part is trying to persuade the locals to stop practising their (invariably perfect) English on you and telling them to talk to you in their own language :exclamation: :wink:

It certainly can be a life changing decision and can go both ways, but if you can stick at it and are able to find a job in these hard times then you should be able to make a go of it with a little hard work.
All the best, fella :wink:

thanks guys, well we aint going over till the summer so were gonna see how things go over here first, if things pick up or not, could try get in with the flower deliveries up here witha dutch company as ill have an advantage in that i know the scottish roads like the back of my hand and sorta know the english roads.

will keep you guys posted on what i do

the new norfolk line ferry starts may :smiley:

might be an idea to watch for jobs in rosyth with companys who send trailers with norfolk line to other ports at moment. :wink:

this company used to advertise regularly for drivers in rosyth for uk and occasional belgian pick ups. bound to be similar dutch firms

briteuropean.be/jobsinternat … ivers.html

no vacancies right now dont no if they intend to restart might be worth email

the new norfolk line ferry starts may :smiley:

might be an idea to watch for jobs in rosyth with companys who send trailers with norfolk line to other ports at moment. :wink:

this company used to advertise regularly for drivers in rosyth for uk and occasional belgian pick ups. bound to be similar dutch firms

briteuropean.be/jobsinternat … ivers.html

no vacancies right now dont no if they intend to restart might be worth email

oh yea i forgot about that lol. would be a very good idea,being an ex rosyth boy aswell stuck up here in caveman land that is kelty lol. ive tried nelson but never heard anything back from them.