Driving Assesment - What to Expect?

Hi, Ive got a driving assesment for a company tomorrow, and just wondering what to expect as its a first one!! Thanks.

They vary a great deal. The larger the company, the more in depth the assessment is likely to be. Expect a test on tachos and hours. Maybe some Highway Code and road signs. Walk round check of the vehicle. Drive around 40 minutes (very variable). Couple/uncouple. Reverse onto a bay or between 2 trailers.

All this is a very rough idea. Some are much shorter and less detailed. You are not likely to get more than the above. Anything you’re not sure about, ask. You will gain much more respect from the assessor if you’re honest. Make sure you understand the gearbox whether it’s man/auto/semi auto.

Don’t rush - but get on with it on decent roads otherwise you’ll come over as frightened of it.

Once again, if you’re not sure about anything - ask. Don’t try to blag.

Dress sensibly - you’ll probably be climbing over a catwalk which may not be as clean as your training vehicle.

Remember to take both parts of your licence and your DQC and digicard with you. The assessment is not a tacho exempt activity.

Take deep breaths and try to enjoy it.

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Fantastic, thanks peter… they are quite a big co. MB or ronald mcdondals! lol.