Drivers to pay for their own waiting time?


Truck drivers are like naughty little school boys. Never doing as their told and always getting in a strop if they don’t like something. This is often why companies have to use threats of a way of making drivers do things.

Must be fun saying ‘yes sir’ all the time…then bending over… :grimacing:

Fun maybe not, easier, yes. Cant see the issue with just doing a job the way a company asks. Saying no all the time doesn’t make you some cool anti establishment rebel, it just makes you look silly. I’ve always found that the easiest path in any job and therefore life is to just carry out reasonable requests by employers and just do the job they want you to

I never have had a problem switching to break while I’ve been waiting (or even while tipping) as long as it’s for my convenience not theirs. This firm wanted the penny and the bun. Neither have I ever had a problem with phoning in regarding delays etc., but I do not like to hear the torrent of abuse from the other end - like it’s my fault??
Also on several occasions I had stopped for something to eat only for the phone to ring telling me to get my arse to **** ASAP while I was in the caff. Perhaps some might have thrown their breakfast at the wall, but not me (or Reubs). If I want a bite to eat I shall ■■■■■■■ well have one, and that goes for having a quick kip as well - not necessarily on the bunk by the way Lucy. Anyway, I’m well out of that firm now and very happy at the present one where I am spoken to in a civil manner and the phone hardly rings. HTH.

Well it works both ways, I wouldn’t work for a company like the one you describe. I have and I didn’t last 5 minutes.

on several occasions I had stopped for something to eat only for the phone to ring telling me to get my arse to **** ASAP while I was in the caff.

I remember while on my way round to Poundworld (when it was at Birstall) one lunch time to sit in the queue to get loaded, I hadn’t eaten that day so went in to the cafe there just on the left past the retail park. I had literally just parked the cab up and not even got to the doorstep when my phone went. They wanted to know why I was stopping at the cafe rather than having my break in the queue at Poundworld. I just told him straight, “I’ve not eaten yet today, and was quickly grabbing a sandwich to take round the corner with me to get loaded”. Of course, the usual abuse came down the phone, so I just said “whatever” and carried on with my day.

They literally can’t just give one bean away. When you’re working for them they expect you to be constant full accelerator job to job.

I once did a job from their yard in Bradford to Tesco at Falkirk. 4 hours and 15 minutes, door to door (started at 11:30 pm - had previously worked 06:00 until 14:30 that very same day). I then reloaded 26x 1ton sand bags out of the docks at Ayr. The transport operator called and asked how I was getting on, then went ballistic that I’d been taking the ■■■■ because I couldn’t quite make it to get that load off at St Helens that day. Don’t get me wrong, I had 4 hours driving time left. He checked the distance on a route planner to be around 200 miles, and then started to lecture me that at 56mph it does not take 4 hours to do 200 miles. If he’d have actually driven something bigger than a box van, he’d have realised that a fully laden artic does not do 56mph down the A76 from Ayr to Dumfries, or the A75 from Dumfries to Gretna at any point.

And as for those saying “Don’t work for them then”, well, I don’ many others, I left relatively quickly.

On the other hand, maybe the company have asked drivers to keep them informed of delays and as usual a ■■■■■■■■ of muppetts can’t be arsed.

With some people the only thing they understand or are interested in is their pocket, the well being and future of the company they’re too thick to see matters to everyone including them, the threat of the pocket being hit will wake most up.

Very difficult to deal properly with unreasonable often depressed arses, you can’t have a normal discussion with them they usually hate the job but won’t leave, they do the rest of the workforce no good and cost the company serious money, yes we know the reasonable company should weed them out asap but the plonkers somehow manage to behave themselves till they’ve been employed long enough for job protection legislation to kick in then they start the stress related sickies…bloody useless people.