Drivers to pay for their own waiting time?

Gotta be a company that delivers to Travis Perkins, they have a sign saying not to enter the yard until they have spoken to the yard foreman, the nearest place to park an artic is at least a 2 hour walk away :laughing:

Travis Perkins ! Lol !

I love delivering to their ‘Yards’ (not !)

Most of them are just about big enough to fit 2 Builders Vans & a forklift !

Our rule is 60 mins.

It’s not difficult to do what they ask.

I couldn’t help noticing that the firm in question has an advert in the local paper tonight.
Class 1 & 2 drivers wanted. Anyone who fancies a challenge give them a ring!

I have been on both sides of the fence and I wanted to know within 5 minutes of arrival if they were going to be delayed. If a driver arrived at a tank wash I would know immediately that there were 3 vehicles in front of him, that could be a 2 hour delay. I could then tell my customer that the tanker was available but waiting to clean.

Drivers complain about the office staff not knowing what is happening, how can they when half their fleet is parked up and sat in the canteen?

Company phone, with calls paid for by the company. I don’t care if I have to ring them every 3 minutes.

This isn’t about having to let the office know what’s going on. This company in particular expect their drivers to call every 20 minutes without fail if they are being delayed. I feel it’s asking a bit much. Sure, I would consider every hour acceptable, but instead, they wish to charge the driver for the waiting time.

On the other hand, maybe the company have asked drivers to keep them informed of delays and as usual a ■■■■■■■■ of muppetts can’t be arsed.

With some people the only thing they understand or are interested in is their pocket, the well being and future of the company they’re too thick to see matters to everyone including them, the threat of the pocket being hit will wake most up.

Very difficult to deal properly with unreasonable often depressed arses, you can’t have a normal discussion with them they usually hate the job but won’t leave, they do the rest of the workforce no good and cost the company serious money, yes we know the reasonable company should weed them out asap but the plonkers somehow manage to behave themselves till they’ve been employed long enough for job protection legislation to kick in then they start the stress related sickies…bloody useless people.

Agree with this in principle, but drivers do not negotiate contracts. Some well paid members of staff on both sides do that. It should be the responsibility of “Goods In” and the “Traffic Office” to sort it out, after all “Goods In” will have a time of arrival so should be aware of any delay, and report to both companies that a delay is expected. Not drivers. Just saying.

My lot are bloody terrible about communication.

They phone every hour or so “just to check how you are getting on.”

Me - I’m stuck in traffic, sweating my bollox off because you are too cheap to spec Air Con on your brand new trucks!

They phone within ten minutes of you logging departure from a drop on the telephone system, so they know you will be driving.

If you ignore their call, because you are driving, they try again, then try your company phone, (because your personal phone is just for them to make your life a misery on) then try both at the same time! Then have a go because they couldn’t get through to you.

Me - Sorry boss but there is a strict company policy of no phones while driving, hands free or not. I only answered because the constant ringing is more distracting than talking to you.

They tell you to phone in if you are waiting at a drop for more than 20 minutes, then tell you to hold on while they get advice from the client. By the time the client has gotten back to the boss and he has bothered to phone you, you have done the drop, and the next one and are on your way to the one after that. There is at least an hour of a communications loop between ND office and the Mitsi one, the two doors are at most, fifteen paces apart!

I call in a delay. I let them know when tipping starts and then when finished.

That’s it. If they want a bulletin every 20 mins they can ring the firm in question as I wouldn’t answer. I’m a driver not admin staff. Any delays are nothing to do with me and above a courtesy call as described above they can worry about it themselves…

Yet to have an issue with this method incidentally. :slight_smile:

This isn’t about having to let the office know what’s going on. This company in particular expect their drivers to call every 20 minutes without fail if they are being delayed. I feel it’s asking a bit much. Sure, I would consider every hour acceptable, but instead, they wish to charge the driver for the waiting time.

Doesn’t say every twenty minutes, says over twenty minutes.


This isn’t about having to let the office know what’s going on. This company in particular expect their drivers to call every 20 minutes without fail if they are being delayed. I feel it’s asking a bit much. Sure, I would consider every hour acceptable, but instead, they wish to charge the driver for the waiting time.

Doesn’t say every twenty minutes, says over twenty minutes.

Having previously worked at this company, a call was expected every 20 minutes while being tipped/loaded. The only exception to this was when the office staff decided that they were going home and didn’t want to be disturbed.

Me - I’m stuck in traffic, sweating my bollox off because you are too cheap to spec Air Con on your brand new trucks!

Bet that went down well . . do you still work there?



This isn’t about having to let the office know what’s going on. This company in particular expect their drivers to call every 20 minutes without fail if they are being delayed. I feel it’s asking a bit much. Sure, I would consider every hour acceptable, but instead, they wish to charge the driver for the waiting time.

Doesn’t say every twenty minutes, says over twenty minutes.

Having previously worked at this company, a call was expected every 20 minutes while being tipped/loaded. The only exception to this was when the office staff decided that they were going home and didn’t want to be disturbed.

Fair enough but the original post and memo didn’t say every 20. I stand corrected.

Truck drivers are like naughty little school boys. Never doing as their told and always getting in a strop if they don’t like something. This is often why companies have to use threats of a way of making drivers do things.

How are you supposed to have a kip and still phone in every 20 mins?

Now here’s one I genuinely don’t “get”. Why the hell do some drivers need to climb on the bunk every time they stop anyway? What the hell are they getting up to at night that isn’t sleeping to be so tired? :neutral_face:


How are you supposed to have a kip and still phone in every 20 mins?

Now here’s one I genuinely don’t “get”. Why the hell do some drivers need to climb on the bunk every time they stop anyway? What the hell are they getting up to at night that isn’t sleeping to be so tired? :neutral_face:

Who’s rattled your cage?

Truck drivers are like naughty little school boys. Never doing as their told and always getting in a strop if they don’t like something. This is often why companies have to use threats of a way of making drivers do things.

Must be fun saying ‘yes sir’ all the time…then bending over… :grimacing:

Having finally just received a photo off a friend at a company I used to work for, I’m not overly sure I can actually believe the nerve if it! Sure, if a driver sits at a delivery/collection point for hours on a daily basis and doesn’t inform the traffic office then I can understand the planners and managements frustration. I feel on this point they’re definitely taking liberties on what is a fair working practice, and balance of trust.

I have cropped the titles and company name for reasons not offending anybody. The picture is also not the best and so I’ve followed it with the words printed.


Waiting time at collection and delivery points

Every driver is to be aware of the 20 minute rule
Easy answer ! … Don’t work for them.

If you are at a delivery or collection point and have been waiting for 20 minutes you are to telephone the traffic office


In future if any driver fails to inform the traffic office of any excessive delays, YOUR pay will be reduced by the equivalent time to compensate the company


Simple Rule is:



How are you supposed to have a kip and still phone in every 20 mins?

Now here’s one I genuinely don’t “get”. Why the hell do some drivers need to climb on the bunk every time they stop anyway? What the hell are they getting up to at night that isn’t sleeping to be so tired? :neutral_face:

Who’s rattled your cage?

No-one. It just genuinely baffles me.

What is the big issue with phoning in a delay? Are the company paying you while you are at the drop/load point? If so then you are working, you are not paid to have a ‘kip’, you are paid to do your job. If you are sat at a delivery or collection for 2,3,4 or more hours and don’t phone it through, the company loses a huge amount of money as they cant charge demurrage or make alternative arrangements! That phone call could be the eventual difference between a company staying in business or going bust, then no one has a job!
Rant over :laughing:

Perhaps they have had problems with drivers getting tipped in a reasonable time but then parking up in the corner/staying on the bay if it’s not busy for another couple of hours just to drag it out.

A Stobart driver who was doing exactly this at a place I was loading out of a while ago told me that as long as they stay within the ‘ring fence’ which is programmed into planners’ computers the people in the office are none the wiser, but if they leave the site and park up outside then it will be picked up.

You can’t really ring in every 20min saying you’re being delayed when you’ve got your papers and have parked up in the corner. Can’t say it’s a particularly unreasonable thing to ask, but by doing so you could interpret it as not enabling you to take a 30 or 45 on the bay I suppose.