I’m sorry if this topic has been covered before, however I wondered is someone could clarify the drivers hours issue? If I work part time during the week (perhaps 24hrs) in a job totally unconnected to driving, how often and for how long could I drive for during that week?
Many thanks
I’m sorry if this topic has been covered before, however I wondered is someone could clarify the drivers hours issue? If I work part time during the week (perhaps 24hrs) in a job totally unconnected to driving, how often and for how long could I drive for during that week?
Many thanks
If you were to do any driving that comes in-scope of EU regulations in the same week then the part time work will count as other work, You can legally do a maximum of 56 hours driving in any week or 90 hours driving in any two consecutive weeks.
In any week when you drive in-scope of EU regulations you should observe the daily and weekly rest requirements, but on days when you don’t drive you can simply complete a chart/printout/log sheet with name date and start and finish times.
If there’s anything else you need to know post back and we’ll try to be more specific to what you need to know
The main concern is not who much you can work in terms of hours but how many days you can work. You must observe weekly rest periods for weeks in which you drive and daily rest periods for days on which you drive.
If you do a days driving you would not be able to do your other job until at least 9 hours after you finish the driving job. If you do some hours at your other job and then drive those hours would limit how long you could do the driving job for that day.
As a rule of thumb someone who works another job Monday - Friday can generally drive one Saturday or Sunday every 2 weeks. If you don’t work every day during the week you can do more driving days.
OK thanks for those replies. I don’t work monday-friday in my other job as I work 12 hour days, 2 days a week as i’m part time at the moment (24hrs total). What i’d like to do is to combine both jobs in the same week…
OK thanks for those replies. I don’t work monday-friday in my other job as I work 12 hour days, 2 days a week as i’m part time at the moment (24hrs total). What i’d like to do is to combine both jobs in the same week…
That would pretty much give you the option to do 3 days driving one week and 4 the next.