Driver wheel-clamped at Reading Services

A warning to all.

One of our drivers on Thursday, pulled into the Westbound Reading Services, pulling a 15’ wide load, parked in the wide loads bay and went to the car park attendants cabin, no one there, all locked up.

Went to restaurant, a gentleman of Indian descent pleaded ignorance and had no knowledge of parking fees.

Driver goes back to truck and settles down for night.

Wakes up in the morning, to find he has been clamped, by chaining clamp through alloy wheel! at 2.25am without any wake up call.

He’s not alone 14 other trucks, including foreign registered were clamped :open_mouth:

Release fee - £295

When the clamping firm turned up, my colleague explained the situation to no avail, monies were paid and he was released.

It turns out that, the car park attendant was on the East bound side and that these clampers are working the following sites-

Reading (East & West), South Mims, Watford Gap, Thurrock, Clackett Lane and Fleet Services.

Be aware, be warned, oh and if you carry a spare wheel, it is possible to remove all wheel nuts, as the clamp is small and does not cover them and change wheels, therefore not committing an offence as their ticket clearly states ‘you cannot damage their clamp’


So cutting the chain with bolt croppers dont count then :wink: Sounds like a bit of cullusion going on there, some one should be available to take money for overnight parking. I’ve heard that on several of the MSA’s the parking attendents wont go around the park to collect parking fees, but seem perfectly able to walk around late at night to find out who has’nt paid :open_mouth: some thing smells :exclamation:

I rarely pay the attendant, mainly because I want to keep my cash for myself. I always pay in the restaurant, by card.
Unless the ability to pay in the restaurant has been removed at these sites.

I can’t wait for that to happen.
Willi-Betz has an account for all Moto sites (that’s why you see so many of them on Moto’s) but as my truck has no Betz markings on it,only Edwards Logistics,then it’s always fun trying to make the attendants believe that the parking is on account.

Mind you,I stopped at that Reading services just before Christmas and for the life of me I couldn’t find any staff who spoke English! They all seemed to be from eastern europe!

Several trucks were clamped at Keele the other morning, Uk, Irish and Euro, they were all hanging around at 09-00 waiting to be released
:angry: :angry:

cornish trucker:
their ticket clearly states ‘you cannot damage their clamp’


What if some unspeakable person :slight_smile: ‘‘stole’’ the wheel clamp from your truck, shurely Moto or whoever can’t expect you to look after their property if they leave it lying around.

When I get my new truck I will have a M.O.P.A.C.C unit on it .

This unit provides (amongst other things :laughing: ) 240v power to the cab.

M.O.P.A.C.C + grinder in tool cupboard = A sudden lack of attendants to pay on M.S.A’s :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’ve now got my bolt cutters stashed away onboard after I saw what had happened at Keele :open_mouth:
After at good look at the poxy chains, they’ll be no problem to my heavy duty cutters with 1metre handles :sunglasses: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I have found a cheap release fee, only £9.99, Bargain.

Or in my case one of these

With one of these

:wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

north surrey haulage:
Or in my case one of these

With one of these

:wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Don’t forget … 9&id=18830 … 6&id=11964 … 4&id=19703
and the most important … 5&id=51425

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Be careful out there, cause someones always trying the screw you :unamused:

do you pair work for screwfix direct? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


They are the scum of the Earth. I once got clamped in Northampton and argued with the clampers who wanted an extortionate fee, I told them to keep the car. I returned 3 hours later to find they had removed the clamp to put it on some other poor sods car, I drove home :laughing:


north surrey haulage:
Or in my case one of these

With one of these

:wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Don’t forget … 9&id=18830 … 6&id=11964 … 4&id=19703
and the most important … 5&id=51425

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Be careful out there, cause someones always trying the screw you :unamused:

wouldn’t you need one of these as well … 8&ts=09823

Denis F:

wouldn’t you need one of these as well … 8&ts=09823

no because I’ve got one of these

judging by the pic this

comes with this

and a free clip board with pen

but you forgot this

& this

not to mention these

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh you guys certainly made me laugh…look for the story about clampers in old trucks and lorries…thats a laugh too…

:imp: :imp: :imp: Oh God!! When will technology in the shape of broadband ever get to this dark corner of Cornwall? I have just spent half the night trying to browse all the links everyone has listed, and almost forgot what the topic was all about :imp: :imp: :imp:

:evil: :imp: :imp: Oh God!! When will technology in the shape of broadband ever get to this dark corner of Cornwall? I have just spent half the night trying to browse all the links everyone has listed, and almost forgot what the topic was all about :imp: :imp: :imp:

If you are not careful you may end up with a wasted life :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

(especially when you do get the links uploaded & then find it wasn’t worth the wait :wink: )

of course those of us without 240 volts could make use of the compressor fitted to all hgv’s, a section of air pipe, a coupling and a couple of male and female connectors and an air operating grinder and hey presto your in the business of clamp release man.

Ok that does seem a little ott, but start looking around at MSA’s. If people are not going to act like the good professionals that they should be and engage brain before they abandon the vehicle somewhere, then what do you expect? The MSA’s are going to do something about it. I’m sorry, but I tend to avoid them at all costs, I know the facilities are inadequate, but I’ve seen some really, really stupid attempts at parking recently and decided to find somewhere a lot more peacful than the MSA for my 45. Having said that, I had to use the services today and the amusment I gained from watching people abandon their vehicles anywhere bar the lorry park made my Monday morning.

  1. On the double yellow lines when their’s about eight spaces free that you can DRIVE FOREWARD INTO
  2. In the car park for crying out loud (and then wonderes why he can’t get out :unamused:).
  3. In the coach park (possibly fair enough if their’s no spaces free, and yes it’s Corley on the M6, so not too bad a walk from the lorry park :unamused:).
  4. And the other old favourite: On the pumps :open_mouth::roll:.

That’s just today. Sometimes I think these knee jerk reactions are warrented.

Rant over. Now where’s the tin 'at?