Driver jailed

Yep soft sentance .
I really dont think that locking someone up for 10 20 30 odd years would change anything this guy will have to live with the fact he by neglect killed or was party in killing 6 people.
Most of you here are calling for a really long time behind bars his crime was killing 6 by neglect, does anyone know if he was done on tacho offences /poor maintance of the truck speeding etc…
Ok little Jimmy Twister gose nicks a car, whats he get slapped wrist and a ban, whoopie he does it again and again why cause he aint gonna go to jail and he aint gonna bother getting a licence cause he’s banned… so why would Jimmy waste money taking a driving test just so he can have his bann slapped on it ■■?
This Driver will as I have said live this the rest of his life, He should also recive a Life BAN on driving any vehicle in all member states of the EU.
How many lorries do you still see with stuff in the windows ■■
How many of YOU have stuff still in the windows ■■?
In short We ALL ■■■■ UP at some point some bigger than others, hanging someone out in jail for a long time aint always the answer.

So by your reckoning not only should he put in prison, he has to live with it for the rest of his life but also he should be stopped from earning a living for his familly.
How about ban him from owning a laptop, cut off his left foot, or drag him by the balls up and down the hard shoulder.
I bet you read the sun when you stop for ■■■ M/wood services :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

or drag him by the balls up and down the hard shoulder.
:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Is that a quote from the HATO roadside handbook :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to say I was a little shocked to see the sentence, but even if he was looking on his laptop that is still careless driving, I feel he should get more for what has happened but then the max of 5 years for this offence should be increased. If i was in his position I would be expecting to be locked up for a while longer than he got but if I had been at the center of situation he found himself in I doubt i could drive again having the death of a whole family on my mind. But then we might be seeing in a few months M6 DEATH DRIVER COMMITS SUICIDE in the papers, which although I feel suicide is a cowards way out (that is my own personnal feeling and not a judgement on anyone) you could sort of understand whats going on in his head. I must admit I was a little quick to jump on the band wagon about the laptop thing but no one will ever know what happened that day but it just adds to the need for recording equipment to fit the front of vehicles only recording say 10 mins before writing over so it cant be used for anything other than accident investigation.


Davey Driver:

Yes but these things take a fraction of a second to do.
On the news they showed footage of a police car travelling as the lorry did. There were matrix signs warning of queues and the road was straight. He was not taking any notice for alot longer than it takes to do any of those things.

Sorry bubsy but your missing the point, it only takes a couple of seconds of lost concentration for wiping out a family in a car, you cannot twist and alter the evidence to suit.

It was the last 6 or 7 seconds that caused the accident, after they elapsed he had no chance of stopping !!!

I’ve got to agree with you there. It does look like this site has the largest proportion of brilliantly talented drivers who follow the textbook every waking moment and have never made a mistake in their lives. I wish I was as good as that, but unfortunately I’m only human…

This driver was not concentrating on what was in front of him for a very long time. The last 6 or 7 seconds obviously caused the accident but what about the 1 minute+ before that? he should of seen the matrix signs and the brake lights of the traffic slowing down and taken action then. Why didn’t he? How come every other driver that night managed to slow and stop in time. I bet alot of those were changing the radio etc
I maybe change the radio, pick up a bottle from the passenger seat, have a look at delivery notes, but I always keep looking back at the road every second or two to check what is going on. That makes me a safe driver not a “brilliantly talented driver who follow the textbook every waking moment” We are human, we make mistakes but I am sure we can drive a lorry without killing anyone. There are plenty of drivers out there who have not killed anyone in their career and they are not perfect. :smiley:


Yep soft sentance .
I really dont think that locking someone up for 10 20 30 odd years would change anything this guy will have to live with the fact he by neglect killed or was party in killing 6 people.
Most of you here are calling for a really long time behind bars his crime was killing 6 by neglect, does anyone know if he was done on tacho offences /poor maintance of the truck speeding etc…
Ok little Jimmy Twister gose nicks a car, whats he get slapped wrist and a ban, whoopie he does it again and again why cause he aint gonna go to jail and he aint gonna bother getting a licence cause he’s banned… so why would Jimmy waste money taking a driving test just so he can have his bann slapped on it ■■?
This Driver will as I have said live this the rest of his life, He should also recive a Life BAN on driving any vehicle in all member states of the EU.
How many lorries do you still see with stuff in the windows ■■
How many of YOU have stuff still in the windows ■■?
In short We ALL ■■■■ UP at some point some bigger than others, hanging someone out in jail for a long time aint always the answer.

So by your reckoning not only should he put in prison, he has to live with it for the rest of his life but also he should be stopped from earning a living for his familly.
How about ban him from owning a laptop, cut off his left foot, or drag him by the balls up and down the hard shoulder.
I bet you read the sun when you stop for ■■■ M/wood services :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

What with you okey ■■?
he can do other work so why attack my post others want him locked up for life ffs do you just read post from certain people and no I dont read the sun I cant be bothered with reading that sort of tossh the things i said were alternitives ffs pick on some one your own size



Yep soft sentance .
I really dont think that locking someone up for 10 20 30 odd years would change anything this guy will have to live with the fact he by neglect killed or was party in killing 6 people.
Most of you here are calling for a really long time behind bars his crime was killing 6 by neglect, does anyone know if he was done on tacho offences /poor maintance of the truck speeding etc…
Ok little Jimmy Twister gose nicks a car, whats he get slapped wrist and a ban, whoopie he does it again and again why cause he aint gonna go to jail and he aint gonna bother getting a licence cause he’s banned… so why would Jimmy waste money taking a driving test just so he can have his bann slapped on it ■■?
This Driver will as I have said live this the rest of his life, He should also recive a Life BAN on driving any vehicle in all member states of the EU.
How many lorries do you still see with stuff in the windows ■■
How many of YOU have stuff still in the windows ■■?
In short We ALL ■■■■ UP at some point some bigger than others, hanging someone out in jail for a long time aint always the answer.

So by your reckoning not only should he put in prison, he has to live with it for the rest of his life but also he should be stopped from earning a living for his familly.
How about ban him from owning a laptop, cut off his left foot, or drag him by the balls up and down the hard shoulder.
I bet you read the sun when you stop for ■■■ M/wood services :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

What with you okey ■■?
he can do other work so why attack my post others want him locked up for life ffs do you just read post from certain people and no I dont read the sun I cant be bothered with reading that sort of tossh the things i said were alternitives ffs pick on some one your own size

I already answered other people’s posts about wanting him in prison for life.
I read all posts.
How can he get another job without a licence.
I just hope this never happens to any driver who has made a comment on the amount of time hev swerves.

Anyway, Your bigger than me :smiley: :sunglasses: :smiley:

Well I must say I am surprised. Around 86 posts including around 16 showing what I would call a reasonable attitude towards this driver, his actions, his sentence. That is around 19%, much higher than I would have thought given the number of hangers and floggers who so often infect these threads.
I’m impressed and pleasantly surprised.
Just one thought. I hadn’t heard that the car of the family who died had already hit the lorry in front. Is this a fact? If it is and da Silva had not hit them, and they had survived, would all those calling for more punishment for da Silva be calling for the same for the family’s driver. After all it would have been the same offence, careless driving, just a different outcome?
I don’t believe in God, but the phrase ‘there but for the grace of God’, fits the case perfectly.
Distractions are the main culprits here. So time to ban cigarettes, radios, passengers, thoughts, stress…any more?

I already answered other people’s posts about wanting him in prison for life.
I read all posts.
How can he get another job without a licence.
I just hope this never happens to any driver who has made a comment on the amount of time hev swerves.

Anyway, Your bigger than me :smiley: :sunglasses: :smiley:
He could do office work mate pleanty of people dont drive whilst inside retraining etc

Yeah I’m prob bigger than you sideways anyhow :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Have a good day mate keep it safe


This driver was not concentrating on what was in front of him for a very long time. The last 6 or 7 seconds obviously caused the accident but what about the 30+ seconds before that? he should of seen the matrix signs and the brake lights of the traffic slowing down and taken action then. Why didn’t he? How come every other driver that night managed to slow and stop in time. I bet alot of those were changing the radio etc

PROFESSIONAL explained -

I maybe change the radio, pick up a bottle from the passenger seat, have a look at delivery notes, but I always keep looking back at the road every second or two to check what is going on. That makes me a safe driver not a “brilliantly talented driver who follow the textbook every waking moment” We are human, we make mistakes but I am sure we can drive a lorry without killing anyone. There are plenty of drivers out there who have not killed anyone in their career and they are not perfect. :smiley:

Thanks busby06 - that is what I was trying to say

First post so hello to everyone.

I knew dave for many years and his parents were friends to my parents, the pain that both of the familys are feeling now is imense due to the fact that however the accident happened, they have lost their son,daughter,and grandchildren in a split second. It is very easy to throw accusations around on who did what and why. The truth of the matter is ultamatly the hgv driver ran into the back of the family vehicle, killing all on board. He has to take responsabilty for his actions, out in a year is that long enough? I dont think the sentence was long enough but what is the right length to sentence him to. I drive a class one vehicle, it could easliy have been me driving that vehicle (I like to think that I drive safe, but you never know whats going to happen in the next five minutes). I think the point i am trying to put forward is that “see it from both side’s”. If it was your family that was wipped out by careless driving you would want them to suffer as much pain as you were, if you were the driver knowing that because of your actions a family is dead, how many years would you think as that driver you should recieve. It never is black and white. All I can hope for is that we all learn a valuable lesson out of this, prehaps that we are professional drivers not ultimate drivers, we all make mistakes, but them mistakes can destroy lives.
Drive safe.

(sorry about spelling but am slightly dislexic(i think thats how you spell it))

First post so hello to everyone.

I knew dave for many years and his parents were friends to my parents, the pain that both of the familys are feeling now is imense due to the fact that however the accident happened, they have lost their son,daughter,and grandchildren in a split second. It is very easy to throw accusations around on who did what and why. The truth of the matter is ultamatly the hgv driver ran into the back of the family vehicle, killing all on board. He has to take responsabilty for his actions, out in a year is that long enough? I dont think the sentence was long enough but what is the right length to sentence him to. I drive a class one vehicle, it could easliy have been me driving that vehicle (I like to think that I drive safe, but you never know whats going to happen in the next five minutes). I think the point i am trying to put forward is that “see it from both side’s”. If it was your family that was wipped out by careless driving you would want them to suffer as much pain as you were, if you were the driver knowing that because of your actions a family is dead, how many years would you think as that driver you should recieve. It never is black and white. All I can hope for is that we all learn a valuable lesson out of this, prehaps that we are professional drivers not ultimate drivers, we all make mistakes, but them mistakes can destroy lives.
Drive safe.

(sorry about spelling but am slightly dislexic(i think thats how you spell it))

Welcome spencerhic.

I wish your first post had been in happier circumstances.

Please pass on my condolences to all those that knew the family.

PS - I have foregone my usual flashy welcome stuff becuase I do not feel it appropriate in this circumstance.

First post so hello to everyone.

I knew dave for many years and his parents were friends to my parents, the pain that both of the familys are feeling now is imense due to the fact that however the accident happened, they have lost their son,daughter,and grandchildren in a split second. It is very easy to throw accusations around on who did what and why. The truth of the matter is ultamatly the hgv driver ran into the back of the family vehicle, killing all on board. He has to take responsabilty for his actions, out in a year is that long enough? I dont think the sentence was long enough but what is the right length to sentence him to. I drive a class one vehicle, it could easliy have been me driving that vehicle (I like to think that I drive safe, but you never know whats going to happen in the next five minutes). I think the point i am trying to put forward is that “see it from both side’s”. If it was your family that was wipped out by careless driving you would want them to suffer as much pain as you were, if you were the driver knowing that because of your actions a family is dead, how many years would you think as that driver you should recieve. It never is black and white. All I can hope for is that we all learn a valuable lesson out of this, prehaps that we are professional drivers not ultimate drivers, we all make mistakes, but them mistakes can destroy lives.
Drive safe.

(sorry about spelling but am slightly dislexic(i think thats how you spell it))

hi spencerhic, of course my sympathies go out to you and all that knew the unfortunate family involved. no matter what sentence is passed down it will never be enough for those close to the case but the hang em and flog em brigade should remember it only takes a moment to get into a situation that can lead to tragedy.

First post so hello to everyone.

I knew dave for many years and his parents were friends to my parents, the pain that both of the familys are feeling now is imense due to the fact that however the accident happened, they have lost their son,daughter,and grandchildren in a split second. It is very easy to throw accusations around on who did what and why. The truth of the matter is ultamatly the hgv driver ran into the back of the family vehicle, killing all on board. He has to take responsabilty for his actions, out in a year is that long enough? I dont think the sentence was long enough but what is the right length to sentence him to. I drive a class one vehicle, it could easliy have been me driving that vehicle (I like to think that I drive safe, but you never know whats going to happen in the next five minutes). I think the point i am trying to put forward is that “see it from both side’s”. If it was your family that was wipped out by careless driving you would want them to suffer as much pain as you were, if you were the driver knowing that because of your actions a family is dead, how many years would you think as that driver you should recieve. It never is black and white. All I can hope for is that we all learn a valuable lesson out of this, prehaps that we are professional drivers not ultimate drivers, we all make mistakes, but them mistakes can destroy lives.
Drive safe.

(sorry about spelling but am slightly dislexic(i think thats how you spell it))

Thank you, for registering and posting about what must be a terrible time for you and all concerned.
I agree whole heartedly with what you say, we all do make mistakes unfortunatley one drivers mistake caused the tragic deaths of a familly.
It’s not the first time and it will not be the last.
I’m sure we all will send our condolances and best wishes to the familly, and we hope that a tragedy like this will try to be avoided to the best of our abillity in the future

Davey Driver:
Lets not forget, he also had taken his breaks accordingly to remain within the law, after all, there were no tachograph infringements reported.

regardless of the lives lost through what was probably a momentary lapse of concentration.

Regardless what anyone thinks, it was an accident, something totally unplanned, and I hope to god none of the users on this site are ever put in that position.


  1. There were no tacho records, they were destroyed in the fire, so it would have been impossible to convict. Possibly even on a dangerous driving charge as there would have been no evidence of impact speed, only simulations, i don’t think there has been any suggestions of dangerous driving up until the impact .

  2. The signs were on from strensham about the previous closure at jnc 17, (from different sources) therefore a momentary lapse with MIDAS (motorway incident detection and speeds) kicking in way before the queue seems far fetched.

I have spoken to people after they have been rear ended who say, the signs say queue ahead 60, then 40 are they bone stupid ? did they not see them before running into me ?

  1. Agreed,

There is no excuse for the truck running into the rear of the queue, But before going off on one, Has anyone on here considered the reasons for the queue why jnc 17 was closed for the previous fatality leading to a queue.

If/when the coroners report comes out, read it, i think they may be investigated together.

Don’t forget to wear your seatbelt :wink:

Maybe in the heavy rain and spray and heavy traffic conditions that night it wasn’t so easy. And although it was terrible visibility that night, the coppers aid driving conditions was excellent and suggested he was using a laptop. Of course i’d totally discount the theory too that the car had maybe changed lanes and hit the truck in front. In all my years of driving i’ve never seen cars pull out of slow or long queues in front of trucks.

You must have been in a bad weather bubble, or not anywhere near south cheshire, was positively balmy that evening all the bad weather was well gone before those incidents.

The signs were showing well in advance.

I can see where you are coming from, I agree cars are a nuisance pulling out in front of trucks (happened to me and seen it many times) but i doubt that would have any impact on what happened that night, it’s a bit of a poor comment to throw in though with regard to the gravity of what happened.

But before going off on one, Has anyone on here considered the reasons for the queue why jnc 17 was closed for the previous fatality leading to a queue.

If/when the coroners report comes out, read it, i think they may be investigated together.

Don’t forget to wear your seatbelt :wink:

i don’t understand your point.
wasn’t the previous accident a ex rugby player that hit a bridge support?
as for the motorway signs warning people to slow down how many times do you see them saying queue ahead only to be on a clear rd.

Mr B:

But before going off on one, Has anyone on here considered the reasons for the queue why jnc 17 was closed for the previous fatality leading to a queue.

If/when the coroners report comes out, read it, i think they may be investigated together.

Don’t forget to wear your seatbelt :wink:

i don’t understand your point.
wasn’t the previous accident a ex rugby player that hit a bridge support?
as for the motorway signs warning people to slow down how many times do you see them saying queue ahead only to be on a clear rd.

The stopped traffic was visible for over a mile so he had plenty of time to see it.

Mr B:

But before going off on one, Has anyone on here considered the reasons for the queue why jnc 17 was closed for the previous fatality leading to a queue.

If/when the coroners report comes out, read it, i think they may be investigated together.

Don’t forget to wear your seatbelt :wink:

i don’t understand your point.
wasn’t the previous accident a ex rugby player that hit a bridge support?
as for the motorway signs warning people to slow down how many times do you see them saying queue ahead only to be on a clear rd.

Here’s a thought for the “wholier than thou” brigade…how many people have admitted on here that they ignore the 60…40…etc signs.

Not for one minute am I saying that this was the case here.

Thanks for your post, a very well ballanced statement regarding the situation. As with the others, my condolancies to the family.

can anyone answer me this question then?
i have my laptop with me at work, at all times. being on containers, gives me a fair bit of time, too post, whilst at work, whilst being tipped or loaded. so too keep the battery fully charged, i normally plug it in, via the ■■■ lighter, too charge, whilst on route, from point a too b.
now, the laptop is switched off, and closed shut, but is charging. i have a volvo xl, so it sits on the engine hump, (SWITCHED OFF) but charging.
if i were involved in an incident, minor or major, would the police etc, have a sure fire way of proving, that my laptop was switched off, and closed shut, at the time of said incident? or would they just assume, that a plugged in laptop, was being used at the time, because, i could easily say, till i was blue in the face, that it was closed shut, but can that be proved? know they can look into mobile phone records, in such circumstances, but, can they do the same with laptops, too prove innocence, or guilt?

i’d like too know, for future reference, as this would, make a big difference as too when i charge the laptop.

i’d like too stress here and now, that although i may reach for my smokes, can of drink etc, ihave never, and would never, use a laptop, dvd, etc, whilst on the move, i’m not perfect 100% of the time, but i’m not stupid either.

can anyone answer me this question then?
i have my laptop with me at work, at all times. being on containers, gives me a fair bit of time, too post, whilst at work, whilst being tipped or loaded. so too keep the battery fully charged, i normally plug it in, via the ■■■ lighter, too charge, whilst on route, from point a too b.
now, the laptop is switched off, and closed shut, but is charging. i have a volvo xl, so it sits on the engine hump, (SWITCHED OFF) but charging.
if i were involved in an incident, minor or major, would the police etc, have a sure fire way of proving, that my laptop was switched off, and closed shut, at the time of said incident? or would they just assume, that a plugged in laptop, was being used at the time, because, i could easily say, till i was blue in the face, that it was closed shut, but can that be proved? know they can look into mobile phone records, in such circumstances, but, can they do the same with laptops, too prove innocence, or guilt?

i’d like too know, for future reference, as this would, make a big difference as too when i charge the laptop.

i’d like too stress here and now, that although i may reach for my smokes, can of drink etc, ihave never, and would never, use a laptop, dvd, etc, whilst on the move, i’m not perfect 100% of the time, but i’m not stupid either.

No they cannot prove if you were using it, same as in the case of this driver.