Driver jailed

Just heard on the news that he will be out in 1 year 27 days

It could be possible he suffers from “sleep aponea” that makeas the sufferer nod off without any knowledge. I’m just grateful he got jailed, until recently he’d been given a fine and point on his license.

to be honest,i dont give a stuff if lord lucan was in the courtroom,and heard the evidence.
the fact is this guy killed 6 people,looking at his laptop.
3 years is,in my opinion ,an insult to the dead,and also to the bereaved in this tragic story.
and as mentioned the uk justice system,has again left the majority open jawed at its complete lack of getting justice properly nearly ashamed to be british.

Its beyond me why everyones suprised and emotional over it. I posted recently the three examples of Norbets killing them selves by hitting someone in front. The guy recently crushed his cab on the A14, probably loads more if you look for them, this is something we all see daily, people, any people cars, trucks whatever all driving to close to fast. A look along any busy motorway tells you lots arn’t going to stop in an emergency without hitting something. Its probably true that if we didn;t all drive like that you wouldn’t fit us all on the roads if we all drove text book style. There just ain’t the room for everyone to do it. We’ll all see how his jail sentence deters others from doing it by looking on the roads tommorrow, i’ll bet everyones learnt from this hey?

to be honest,i dont give a stuff if lord lucan was in the courtroom,and heard the evidence.
the fact is this guy killed 6 people,looking at his laptop.
3 years is,in my opinion ,an insult to the dead,and also to the bereaved in this tragic story.
and as mentioned the uk justice system,has again left the majority open jawed at its complete lack of getting justice properly nearly ashamed to be british.

i didn’t realise he had a passenger with him in the cab, why don’t you tell us everything else you saw him do that night.

the fact is this guy killed 6 people,looking at his laptop.

Are you in the real world? There was and is no proof he was looking at his laptop. If there was he would of been found guilty of a different charge. Get your facts straight.

I agree with MikeC on this one we are all judging the guy and hoping he got life but we wil all be back to the same tomorrow, retuning radios, drinking tea, messing with satnavs etc., hoping that we never end up in the same situation as this guy.

its a terrible situation no matter whay way you look at it.

i dont believe for one second that this driver was looking on his laptop while driving along the motorway.
i am sorry for the people that were killed in the accident.
i am sure the driver is also.
he made a mistake that so many of us could have made in the past.
lost consentration when it was most needed.
how many of us on here have done the same and got away with it.
luckily not getting involved in an accidental situation.
to the young or judgemental members here who want him hung drawn etc.
think about it.
he is not an inexperienced driver.
it could have been any one of us.
there but for the grace of god,go I.
this portugese man is now in jail with scum that are real criminal.

The whole thing has been a tragedy.
For the bereaved and for the driver & for his family too.
I would not wish to be in either his shoes, or his head.
Dreadfully sad all round. :cry:

The guy has been found guilty of causing death by careless driving, that is what a jury of his peers decided. He has been handed a prison sentance of 3 years, ok he will only serve half that, but that is the law of our land.

You have got to remember, he will have to live with the fact that six people died due to the circumstances that day brought.

How would you lot react if for instance one of the TN members was the driver, would you still be baying for blood or would you be thinking he didn’t mean it, he made a mistake.

I think it doesn’t help that the driver was from Portugal, too many drivers have too many racist views. He has been sentanced and will have to serve his time, he will not have an easy time of it, a foreigner in a British jail having killed 6 brits. What do you think will happen to him inside, it probably won’t be very pleasant, he won’t be welcomed with open arms.

We are all guilty of lapses in concentration, we have all done things whilst driving that we shouldn’t have done. Can we stop acting like typical Brits and stop blaming every other nation for this country’s failures.

A familly died in this unfortunate incident, another familly is without one of their familly members for a long time, lets not bicker about the ins and outs. Let’s just try and not let it happen again.

Well pointed out ODD

what if a british truck was involved in a similar accident with a polish or other former east european car■■?

i think i read somewhere that the police said this case was not about wether the driver was foriegn?

not trying too detract from the gravity of what happened, but think, that davey driver, and mike c, make some very valid points.
this terrible incident should make us all think and realise, just how quickly, it can all go so badly wrong.
it will certainly make me think, but for how long…5 mins, 5 hours, 5days?

yes, we are all in a position of responsibility, but how many people, doing a 15 hour shift, with up too 10 hours driving,can go a whole day, without losing concentration.

glass houses and stones.

looking at the tv report
you would think it was the AWS lorry to blame :frowning:

I think some of the ambiguity in court was down to the fact the car had ALREADY crashed into the back of a lorry. Dangerous driving is subject to opinion and in court difficult to prove, would you rather see the guy do some time for death by careless driving or be found not guilty of death by dangerous driving. He made a mistake and he’s going to spend the rest of his life paying for it. Plus as had been said he will be in a British jail which is full of small minded bigoted people who will make his life hell.

Davey Driver:
Rog I’m sorry but I’m going to say it instead of biting my tongue :smiling_imp:

You obviously dont live in the real world, there is one hell of a difference in teaching folk to drive and actually driving for a living, trying to meet deadlines, looking for diversionary routes when it looks like your going to be held up possibly causing you to miss that ferry you so badly need to catch.

I had a great driving instructor called Bob Steel (Tyne & Wear Fire Brigade), probably the same instructor Zebadee (John Vasey had) who helped me get through my HGV on my first attempt, in fact he had very few failures if any, it was amazing what that guy taught me in one week, and do you know something, some 27 years later I cant remember a fraction of the stuff he taught me, in fact, like most other drivers, once I had that piece of paper in my hand I didn’t particularly care.

Driving in the real world is entirely different to driving with some gadgey sitting next to you hitting you on the hand with a stick when you cross arms, or miss a gear etc.

Maybe you should take a driving job to get real experience that you can pass on to your students :wink:

What makes you think I am comparing the teaching of learners to this :question: :question: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
That is a totally different ball-game.

I am looking at this from the view of a professional LGV driver and that of an advanced driver - not the average car driver either.

Not looking at driving from a realistic viewpoint would be a bit pointless.

Deadlines have been mentioned - which is more important, safety or deadlines :question:

27 years and cannot remember - this is where, perhaps, a refresher or an assessment might be useful :bulb: :question:

i think i read somewhere that the police said this case was not about wether the driver was foriegn?

the first thing the police came out with was to inform everyone that it was a portugese driver arrested
i’ve said all along the police did a bad job on this one, they have a lorry in the back of a car, they didn’t investigate past an obviously open and shut case, just nick him and pat each other on the back.
thats why he wasn’t accused of much, it was all just suggested he may have done this or that.
thats why he wasn’t convicted of the more serious charge and only got 3 years, imho a deal has been done


Davey Driver:
Rog I’m sorry but I’m going to say it instead of biting my tongue :smiling_imp:

You obviously dont live in the real world, there is one hell of a difference in teaching folk to drive and actually driving for a living, trying to meet deadlines, looking for diversionary routes when it looks like your going to be held up possibly causing you to miss that ferry you so badly need to catch.

I had a great driving instructor called Bob Steel (Tyne & Wear Fire Brigade), probably the same instructor Zebadee (John Vasey had) who helped me get through my HGV on my first attempt, in fact he had very few failures if any, it was amazing what that guy taught me in one week, and do you know something, some 27 years later I cant remember a fraction of the stuff he taught me, in fact, like most other drivers, once I had that piece of paper in my hand I didn’t particularly care.

Driving in the real world is entirely different to driving with some gadgey sitting next to you hitting you on the hand with a stick when you cross arms, or miss a gear etc.

Maybe you should take a driving job to get real experience that you can pass on to your students :wink:

What makes you think I am comparing the teaching of learners to this :question: :question: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
That is a totally different ball-game.

I am looking at this from the view of a professional LGV driver and that of an advanced driver - not the average car driver either.

Not looking at driving from a realistic viewpoint would be a bit pointless.

Deadlines have been mentioned - which is more important, safety or deadlines :question:

27 years and cannot remember - this is where, perhaps, a refresher or an assessment might be useful :bulb: :question:

So a

professional LGV driver

is like a machine then, never ever ever looks away from the wheel, and as soon as you ‘look’ away from the wheel you loose the ‘professional’ and become an unprofessional LGV driver for the rest of your life :question: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :confused:

So a

professional LGV driver

is like a machine then, never ever ever looks away from the wheel, and as soon as you ‘look’ away from the wheel you loose the ‘professional’ and become an unprofessional LGV driver for the rest of your life :question: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :confused:

Did I say that :question:

I’ll bet that most on here, if they want to do something in the cab that takes away their driving concentration, look well ahead and assess the current & possible situations first to see if they have enough space and time in which to do it.

Careful what you infer please :slight_smile:


So a

professional LGV driver

is like a machine then, never ever ever looks away from the wheel, and as soon as you ‘look’ away from the wheel you loose the ‘professional’ and become an unprofessional LGV driver for the rest of your life :question: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :confused:

Did I say that :question:

I’ll bet that most on here, if they want to do something in the cab that takes away their driving concentration, look well ahead and assess the current & possible situations first to see if they have enough space and time in which to do it.

Careful what you infer please :slight_smile:

No you didnt say that, it was just a question, may be i should of worded my question a bit better, apologies ROG :blush: :blush: :sunglasses:

I’ll bet that most on here, if they want to do something in the cab that takes away their driving concentration, look well ahead and assess the current & possible situations first to see if they have enough space and time in which to do it.

Careful what you infer please :slight_smile:

i’ll infer thats what i did all through my career