Driver Hire holiday pay

Does anyone know how this works?

How many hours/days/weeks do you need to do to get anything back? And what do you get back?

When I was working for there Oldham branch it was one days paid leave for every fortnigts work so potentialy 26 paid days a year . But watch for them trying to use your holidays to fill up blank weeks .

Ah the agency, a never ending source of entertainment, they could tell their drivers that the moon is made of cheese and they would believe them.

Ah the agency, a never ending source of entertainment, they could tell their drivers that the moon is made of cheese and they would believe them.

You mean to say…it isn’t? :open_mouth:

Ah the agency, a never ending source of entertainment, they could tell their drivers that the moon is made of cheese and they would believe them.


26 days a year sounds right. 5.6wks is the legal minimum I think, dunno if that applies here tho

If they fill blank weeks with holidays sury that’s ok as you’ll get the money?

When I enquired with DH they saod they do not take on self employed or PAYE drivers. They only take people on through the driver hire umbrella company/scam.

The phone was hung up at this point but I am guessing that you will not be entitled to holiday pay, you will be deducted your holiday pay from your weekly wage and paid it on the same payslip

Its all a con and I am also probably roght in guessing they will charge you for the privilege

They must have branch specific rules then. I used to be on umbrella, and now I’m on normal PAYE. They also said they didn’t take on self employed drivers

At Hull they just used to put an amount in your pot for every hour you worked. When you wanted holiday you just asked them to pay what was in the pot.

Sadly the franchise in Hull appears to have been taken over by someone else and are now doing the umbrella scam whereas as far as I know previously everyone was on PAYE.

When I enquired with DH they saod they do not take on self employed or PAYE drivers. They only take people on through the driver hire umbrella company/scam.

The phone was hung up at this point but I am guessing that you will not be entitled to holiday pay, you will be deducted your holiday pay from your weekly wage and paid it on the same payslip

Its all a con and I am also probably roght in guessing they will charge you for the privilege

The scam as it was explained to me (Sainsbury DHL Dartford) was that you get a holiday entitlement based on your average hours over the past 13 weeks…

Great if you both want and are working 5-6-5-6 every damned week - which got you the maximum entitlement of a single week of 60 hours holiday for the 13 weeks worked providing you take that week on week 13!
Do half those hours, eg. 28-30 hours per week, and that amount halves to 30 hours [aid for a week’s holiday. :open_mouth:
Do only a couple of days a week, and you’re looking at £200 for a week’s holiday if you’re lucky.

Every week you do less than max hours reduces the rolling 13 week average you see… You can actually “earn” holiday, and then lose it again - if you don’t keep the ball in the air by taking every scrap of work they offer you!

Sheesh… Crappiest deal of the decade - it’s gotta be!

At Hull they just used to put an amount in your pot for every hour you worked. When you wanted holiday you just asked them to pay what was in the pot.

Sadly the franchise in Hull appears to have been taken over by someone else and are now doing the umbrella scam whereas as far as I know previously everyone was on PAYE.

This, much fairer system, is the one I am one now at my agency. It’s your money, and doesn’t become the firms money again at any point - unlike the system described in my other post right above, which was depoel umbrella for DHL sainsbury, as described to me by the devious Agatha who was more interested in getting me onto the umbrella than actually detailing what work I would be getting, when, and how much pay, etc. :imp:

I dropped out when asked to attend for an unpaid assessment a week later.
Told them “I hold a licence. I don’t do unpaid assessments”. Got told “Oh, it will be paid”, and since I was not buying that lie, I never spoke to them again. How the hell could I be paid when I hadn’t signed up to the umbrella yet? :confused:

Agree. I always thought for agency it was by far the fairest system - get holiday pay for every hour you work. None of this averaging out over 13 weeks rubbish or anything like that. Sadly I’ve only known one or two places to do it.

i thought driver hrie had put everyone onto their umbrella scheme? so no holiday entitlement at all :open_mouth:

If a firm insists you have to be self-employed to work there, HMRC are now coming down on such comanies like a ton of bricks - and have been doing so all year.

The only reason the “dispenser of shifts” wants to employ people this way is because of the back-hander they get from the Umbrella firm, coupled with “getting out of paying dues” for things like Holiday pay, sick pay, any kind of rights whatsoever, and any treatment that would suggest that YOU are your own boss rather than them dictating you about all the time.

You’re either employed, or self-employed. If it’s the latter, YOU set your own rates, and get to pick and choose the jobs you want. HMRC are especially after those agencies that “pretend” they are merely a go-between for a contractor who “pays them a commission to get them work.” They don’t have the right to deduct from your gross pay unless you work for them. If you don’t, then the whole thing becomes a tax fiddle, with both parties likely to be landed with penalties if they are still doing such things this late in the day.

Then there’s the agencies who deduct tax from the contractor’s pay, and don’t hand it over to HMRC at the end of the year - shutting up shop, and running when the beak turns up to arrest both the consultant AND the contractor -but, alas, the bird as flown as far as the “consultant” is concerned.

A Big tax bill then ensues for the actual worker. If you refuse to make the deal to repay HMRC you go to jail. If you accept, but cannot come up with the money, they’ll give you a ‘K’ tax code which is effectively an attachment of earnings in the way it follows you around from one job to the next, - thus resigning does not get you out of paying - as it would with credit card debts.

Although DriverHire is nationwide the only thing they seem to share is the name. My branch let you choose PAYE or Umbrella
I was naive enough to go through Umbrella at the start but have changed back to PAYE, no problems from the branch.

Getting holiday pay out of an agency? :laughing: Good luck with that. :smiley:

According to this… … cs/rti.htm
PAYE has to be done in ‘Real Time’

Left hand down!:
Getting holiday pay out of an agency? :laughing: Good luck with that. :smiley:

Don’t knock what you merely have not come across yourself yet.

I get 12.07% of my gross earnings added to my holiday pot, meaning I build up holiday pay faster during weeks of more hours than usual.
How much do people want for “holiday pay”?

Whatever you’re used to getting, multiplied by around 5 weeks worth per year. For no money actually deducted off wages themselves, the 12.07% system also serves the agency purpose of making them compliant with regards to them “paying PAYE” - when we know there are some dodgy outfits out there who’ll pay paye, but will actually just pocket the tax & NI deducted from your pay, instead of handing it straight over to HMRC as a proper PAYE outfit should. :wink:


Left hand down!:
Getting holiday pay out of an agency? :laughing: Good luck with that. :smiley:

Don’t knock what you merely have not come across yourself yet.

I get 12.07% of my gross earnings added to my holiday pot, meaning I build up holiday pay faster during weeks of more hours than usual.
How much do people want for “holiday pay”?

Whatever you’re used to getting, multiplied by around 5 weeks worth per year. For no money actually deducted off wages themselves, the 12.07% system also serves the agency purpose of making them compliant with regards to them “paying PAYE” - when we know there are some dodgy outfits out there who’ll pay paye, but will actually just pocket the tax & NI deducted from your pay, instead of handing it straight over to HMRC as a proper PAYE outfit should. :wink:

The only agencies that ‘pay’ holiday pay are the ones with poor rates to begin with. Funny that eh.

what do you class as a poor rate?
just wondering

I’ve also been told the more hours worked the more goes in the holiday ‘pot’

if it’s a percentage of gross earnings - the only downside is what you mitigate away from gross earnings, such as expenses.
If you are already paying less tax therefore, you’ll not get so much added to the holiday pot…