Driver double the drug limit

dunno if that will work for those without face ache

looks like he got 2 years on the 12th of this month

At least no one was killed…

I’ve no sympathy for this guy, Hash and HGVs are mutually exclusive, those who like a joint need to find another way to make a living, which he will need to do when he gets out, not much chance of anyone ever letting him behind the wheel of a wagon ever again

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me either

i was shocked there was a drugs limit isnt cannabis still illegal to use/posses.

i hope he is banned for life but judging by his attitude in the video he didnt seem to give a crap. he will probably come up with a ■■■■ and bull story about how his wife smoked it the night before so he must of inhaled some or its my medication gov honest

Too late, he’s been convicted. Also, the “acceptable levels” are deliberately set so “any claims of accidental exposure can be ruled out”.

It’s a de facto lifetime ban anyway: it’ll stay on his licence for 11 years, so no one is going to insure him to drive trucks unless there is a massive extra premium. Who’s going to do that?

By the time it’s off his licence he’ll be 66 and needing annual medicals, which might include drug testing for him due to his previous.

The TC will no doubt be suspending his HGV entitlement for god-knows-how-long and would be reluctant to return it without a very compelling reason, and can easily impose further conditions.

From Statutory Document no. 6
Case Example 13
Mr Smith is currently serving a 24-month disqualification (his first) for driving whilst under the influence of drugs. He applies for the restoration of his Large Goods Vehicle entitlement prior to the expiry of his disqualification.

TC Action: Mr Smith is called to a driver conduct hearing. The traffic commissioner considers the details of the case further, including that the drug detected was amphetamine and, at the driver’s admission, was being used to keep awake and mitigate tiredness whilst driving at night. Due to the aggravating factors, namely the premeditated use of a stimulant which poses a particular risk to road safety, the traffic commissioner decides that the starting point of an 8-week extended disqualification is not sufficient, and that Mr Smith would present an undue risk to road safety. The traffic commissioner therefore refuses the application. The traffic commissioner informs Mr Smith that he can apply again in the future once he has established a suitable period of no further offences of driving whilst under the influence of drugs and states that this is likely to be in 18 months’ time.

thats the point i was making though the tc called a hearing to discuss it. why let him have his license at all he should be banned for life especially if the levels are set to rule out accidental exposure.

years ago i went for a warehouse job for a supermarket need a urine test despite never having touched drugs i wasnt worried however the test needed to run for its full time for it to show i wasn’t positive for cocaine. The tester was getting quite stroppy with me and kept asking if i was sure i hadnt taken any

drug takings rife , there needs to be random checks out on the roads.Only today passed artic he started wandering only mins away from the docks -could be was jus rolling a fag ,or a joint . Thats the sort who needs a pull

The TC can, if he has the motivation and reasonable grounds to do so, remove a HGV entitlement for life, but TC Driver Conduct Hearings don’t get reported in the press

Selfish pr!ck :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Wait, there’s a legal limit for canabis■■?

ok understandably it’s for the purpose of ‘‘ruling out accidental exposure’’

But this guy is 55 I guess some people never grow up