Driver CPC Card Number

I was filling in an application form for roadways container logistics a few days ago, there’s a field in their form for “Driver Qualification Card Number (CPC)”.

What does this mean, I looked all over my CPC Card and I couldn’t see anything other than my driving license number and the small number in the bottom right on the back of the card.

It wasn’t the license number as that had already been asked, so I just gave the number in the bottom right on the back for a stab in the dark.

Is it that number?

I think that is the unique serial number of the card

I think that is the unique serial number of the card

That’s what I thought, similar number on driving license card. Didn’t have anything else to go on though. Where the number they requested is, I have no clue.

If you look at the list at the bottom left of the image in your OP, you will see 5b Serial number. This is the number they want and it is on the front of the card.

If you look at the list at the bottom left of the image in your OP, you will see 5b Serial number. This is the number they want and it is on the front of the card.

Oh, I was expecting a long number, it’s just 01.

5b looks like the issue number not the serial number

Then that is a difference between a French DCPC card and a UK one as my French card has a 16 digit number there and this is the number I quote on all correspondence. It sounds like the serial number on a UK card is the issue number?

Whilst looking for further information about the serial number, I found this.

Page 5 and 6 give details of all the european countries, those who issue a card and those who put the code 95 on the driving licence.

This DVLA form is looking for a long number.

Scroll to the bottom for the DVLA bit.

Just can’t find reference to DQC number anywhere. The only numbers I’ve got are the ones already mentioned.

Looking online at CPC course records doesn’t reveal anything either. :imp:

3 If you are a bus or lorry driver and have passed driver certificate of professional competence (CPC) initial test
modules, or completed periodic training since 10 September 2008 (for bus drivers), or 10 September 2009
(for lorry drivers) and you need these details included in your response please fill in section 3 with your driver
qualification card (DQC) number if known. Please do not fill in section 3 if you do not hold a CPC qualification.
The driver CPC information will be sent to the company separately from your driver record details.
If you have any queries regarding driver CPC please contact the Driving Standards Agency in the
following ways:

I am so intrigued that I have sent an email to the DSA address shown on that form and asked which number to use. I’ll post if I get a reply.

I was going to ring them Monday, if you do get a response, would love to hear it :slight_smile:

Well here is the question I asked:

Dear sir/madam

On the DVLA form D796 section 3, there is a box to input a DQC number. Please could you let me know which number from the card should be used as it does not seem clear.

And here is the response:

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your email dated 22 September.

I can confirm that the number is on the back of the DQC Card on a white background.

Please contact us if you need any further help.

So your guess was spot on!

Well, not exactly clear instructions, thanks for digging it up. :slight_smile: