Driveing with lights on during the day in EUROPE

Have just found a list showing in which countrys say you must drive with lights on,

In the countrys below
& Italy. you must drive with lights every day. & Denmark as DAF MAD said.

The following say lights on only in winter.

The folowing say only in imclement weather.

Spain says only when you are going through ROADWORKS;

Belgian,Holland,Portugal, say when the weather hinders visibility,

In Germany they are debating about makeing it also law for lights to be on in day time in the near future,

LADIES and GENTLEMEN this inforfmation comes from a report and
hopefully IT is now 100%correct ,

In the countrys below
& Italy. you must drive with lights every day.

And I’m sure Denmark too. :wink:

DAF MAD SORY you are right i will correct the post have looked at denmarks
traffic laws ,this shows that the written word in magazines is not all ways correct,

Danmark is 100% lights always on, my cars lights come on when the engine is running, the police are very hard on you if your lights are not on. The Danes will flash you if you are dark. In Poland you must be using headlights during the winter months from 1st november to 1st march.


I heard Denmark mentioned, so I feel its my duty to reply,
no only joking, but DK have lights on all day every day, i must admit I thought at first, what a stupid law, but now I think it might help save lives,and not such a bad idea afterall,
I was traveling to rostock from Denmark, with building supplies, and in rostock some German asked me if I was aware my lights were on, and had to explain
that it was law in Denmark, the bloke just shook his head and walked off,
but most germans are quite aware of the rule ,blimey enough of them visit DK
every year for their summer holidays

drew where abouts in DK are you,just interested,
I from Varde, near Esbjerg,not often you see some one posting from DK

I was living in Klovborg, before that in Vejle, but I am back in the UK for work reasons. I will be back to Danmark for a few weeks doing festivals which I am looking forward to.

I am in favour of lights on all the time, the first 30km into Germany is hard trying to spot the Merc gunning down the outside lane, takes some getting use to again. In the UK I am easy to spot, a Citroen on DK plates with its headlamps on…

I was just thinking the other day, that we could do with a ready reference chart for Euro-newbies (and oldies :open_mouth: :laughing: ). A chart with the speed limits for the various road classes in each country, speed limits for ADR loads if different. Some of the old Eastern Block countries use to have different limits for a wagon and drag in comparison to an artic too, usualy lower and other tthings things like headlights on or not., or in Italy loads are not allowed to overhang the rear of your vehicle at all, all these sorts of things.
If we could get links to sites with the various countries rules as well, that would be magic…
The UK is easy, for rules of the road, we have The Highway Code.
For the Tacho rules there is Drivers Hours and Tacho Rules

Other countries may not be so straight forward. Get your thinking heads on guys and girls, lets see what we can come up with. I’ll compile the details into a chart if you get me as much detail as you can.

Is this any help–

.Speed limit - Wikipedia

scroll down to where the speedlimit table is all speeds for lorrys are on the right hand side,

AND also on the useful sites forum there are some good sites for drivers
like the onefor poland ,for example.

Another thing to note is that in most European countries it is compulsory to use dipped lights in tunnels, regardless of the countries rules on lights during daylight hours.

That link is just the job Brit Pete, it’ll make a good start. All I’ve got to do now is figure out how to include it into the chart I’ll have to build.

Now what else will I need to add to the chart??

I know that in France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany all tunnels are signed to remind you to put your headlights on. In the UK, you normally don’t need to, not by law anyway.

And dont forget that there are certain departments in France that demand lights in daylight, Bayyone is an example as is the N60 towards Orleans through the forest

Wheel Nut:
And dont forget that there are certain departments in France that demand lights in daylight, Bayyone is an example as is the N60 towards Orleans through the forest

Surely that is a recommendation, in the Landes (SW) at least, or have they changed that now?
Crappy idea anyway, except in the Landes and other places like that with long, flat, straight, narrow roads; and in forested areas where it is dark - common sense, just as in bad weather, law or no law.

brit pete:
Have just found a list showing in which countrys say you must drive with lights on,

In the countrys below

Just off the phone to the in-laws and they’re saying that it is not law yet but is going through the deliberation process so give a few months …

All good stuff guys.

So far I’ve got the UK rules and regs plus these,
for European speed limits … ngland.htm
for bank holiday dates in Europe, so driving bans in certain countries … sezeit.pdf
for the map of German Autobahns to which holiday bans apply.

Does anyone know of any other sites with local driving bans or other useful information?
For eg, Frances alpine Saturday bans in winter for the skiers.

have a look at the usefull links forum there are quite a few already posted there
which would help those who go to places like POLAND or HUNGARY, also the post here for the scandinavian countrys is worth puting in .as well.

ALSO the railwaylink for the trains is one to put in as well.

Simon how about this ,a listing of driveing bans from ist july–september
the ““LIST”” is on page "“5"” … /85900.pdf

add BULGARIA to the list of countrys with it being

LAW as of the 1stNOV until 1st MAR ;YOU MUST DRIVE WITH
full lights on, INFO from german magizene,

I would like to see it made law here in the UK, no excuse for the divies then. :imp:

I would like to see it made law here in the UK, no excuse for the divies then. :imp:

Part of me agree`s steve, but motorbikes stand out more at the moment with there headlights on. Would they so much when everyone did it?