Have a look here on page "“5"” is a list of the bans for Europe in July

Hope this is of use to those who come over here .

Thanks for the info Pete, just one possibly stupid question though if i may?

Are the autobahns that were restricted on Saturdays last year the same as this year? i.e. they haven’t added more bits?

Cheers Pete :smiley: :smiley:

look here for a up to date map for 2006 driveing bans in Germany

Interesting publication Brit Pete, but not reliable enough for the information I’m after

Its a pity that Teleroute don’t carry the driving ban dates in every issue. Of the three you can look at, only two issues carry the ban dates. Unless they only carry the bans to cover when there are bans, but it would be nice to know that there are no bans for the three months covered by that issue.
The three you can look at are Nov 2005, Feb and June 2006, are there no driving bans in Europe between Feb and May ■■?

I found this site which seems ok

That is not bad thanks,very much.