Drink Driving

You are all great people like he should be shot, but those of you who remember years ago driving home from pub ■■■■■■ and also getting of a boat ■■■■■■ and let the one who has not cast the first stone
He probably ■■■■■■ up the lads future for the next ten years O you were never young

elsa Lad:
Hear one for you.
A work mate was driving on the M25 early hours of Saturday morning got a blow out, as he was sitting on the hard shoulder a car came to a stop then rolled back into his trailer. My work mate got the young lad out of the car drunk. He moved the car onto the hard shoulder and kept the keys. My work mate got the lad to phone his parents to get the car then he phoned the police to come and nick him.

My question would you do the same or would you let the parents deal with it. Sitting behind the computer I say phone the police, if I been there,not so sure. We all done stupid things when were young don’t think I have the heart to do it.

Despite the feeling of euphoria it gives you, you are not the judge, the jury nor the executioner.

Got :open_mouth: 12 months for blowing 37

Milligrams or ■■■■■■■… ?

I’ve just moved some posts from this thread to the shed, it would help if in future those of you who have had posts removed could leave your handbags at the door on the way in :unamused:

bloke i know told me he always put A 2p coin under his tongue when being breathalyzed, aPPARENTLY that gets the result down. he isnt the sort to tell lies and a big drinker ,still is , id bet he did get breathalyzed few times over the years but kept licence ,hes now retired.

bloke i know told me he always put A 2p coin under his tongue when being breathalyzed, aPPARENTLY that gets the result down. he isnt the sort to tell lies and a big drinker ,still is , id bet he did get breathalyzed few times over the years but kept licence ,hes now retired.

What a hero…

bloke i know told me he always put A 2p coin under his tongue when being breathalyzed, aPPARENTLY that gets the result down. he isnt the sort to tell lies and a big drinker ,still is , id bet he did get breathalyzed few times over the years but kept licence ,hes now retired.

Yeah amazing what “putting a copper in your mouth” can get you off with…

bloke i know told me he always put A 2p coin under his tongue when being breathalyzed, aPPARENTLY that gets the result down. he isnt the sort to tell lies and a big drinker ,still is , id bet he did get breathalyzed few times over the years but kept licence ,hes now retired.

Urban myth: auto.howstuffworks.com/car-driv … alyzer.htm


Got :open_mouth: 12 months for blowing 37

Milligrams or ■■■■■■■… ?

Dipper, I have just spat my tea out over my carpet … that was funny to me

Dork Lard:
“My drink was spiked”.

But I still thought I was ok to drive despite being dizzy and light headed?

Cant see that one holding up in court

I too remember driving my car home from the pub…not ■■■■■■■ but certainly over the limit…but there were no breathalisers back then…i also had a £10 bent m.o.t. as well…bought off a mate of mine. :smiley: but times change, and if we want to keep our licence clean…we have to obey. I did however pass a breathaliser test by sucking a fishermans friend just before i got stopped ( with his permission ) :smiley: :smiley: