
I only know what I read and see, no actual experience though, personally I would need to be pretty desperate to look at Downtons all I ever see is negative press, they are on a red with VOSA, which means they either have vehicle issues, driver issues or both.
Their trucks don’t look tidy I’m not sure if they are old or just look that way naturally though with 100s of drivers there must be something ok about them or do they just employ all the left overs and that’s why they have so many accidents.

Muckspreader, please tell the 700+ Downton drivers where you got the information about Downton being on a Red. Downton operate closely with VOSA with regard to training and legislation, and operate the Gloucester MOT centre. The last I heard they were on a long run of greens…

Good firm… and exempt from speed limiters :wink:

I’ve never had trouble getting past them, then again the paddy’s can’t get by me either.

I worked there for 4 years and the maintenance of the trucks Is one of the few good things I can say about them.
Defiantly not on a red with vosa.
But they preach to you about been safe and this and that and when time is not on your side all that goes out of the window,
Do a lot of multi drop and certain drivers fly round like clowns doing 10+ drops a day.
Also the drivers at my depot apart from one or two were the biggest set of back stabbers you could ever meet.

But they preach to you about been safe and this and that and when time is not on your side all that goes out of the window,
Do a lot of multi drop and certain drivers fly round like clowns doing 10+ drops a day.

Any examples of being told to break the law■■?

Also the drivers at my depot apart from one or two were the biggest set of back stabbers you could ever meet.

What has that got to do with anything? Drivers will never stick together…


But they preach to you about been safe and this and that and when time is not on your side all that goes out of the window,
Do a lot of multi drop and certain drivers fly round like clowns doing 10+ drops a day.

Any examples of being told to break the law■■?

Also the drivers at my depot apart from one or two were the biggest set of back stabbers you could ever meet.

What has that got to do with anything? Drivers will never stick together…

They will never ask you to break the law simple, but moan at you if your late even if it’s there fault…so then some drivers (rightly or wrongly) put there foot down,but then get called in to the office for poor marks on the microlise system.

Ah ok enough said.

I am interested to know where Muckspreader got his information from about the RED. I guess sour grapes about something. It isn’t right that that can be put on the web with no recourse.

I only have experience of them from when they used to do the Pets at Home contract, but it’s not a company I would want to work for, although they’re probably no different to lots of other haulage companies really.

Ah ok enough said.

I am interested to know where Muckspreader got his information from about the RED. I guess sour grapes about something. It isn’t right that that can be put on the web with no recourse.

As stated my comments are here say, I have no personal issue with Downtons never had any dealings.

The VOSA statement came from my cpc courses, companies where shown on the videos, some companies in a negative way, accidents, loads, deaths the instructor either stated or implied that some companies were on a red and others were on a green, there was discussion about many other companies too.

You need to read the Forum rules I think, muckspreader.

you also need to state whether Downton on a Red or not…

Removed in the name of peace

Removed in the name of peace

Downton are on the 11th month in a row on a Green.

Which company is doing your cpc training?

Edited in order to keep the peace.

Downton are on the 11th month in a row on a Green.

Which company is doing your cpc training?

Thank you for that Ted, I will pm you regarding cpc

I think the OCSR should be available for all to see, that way drivers & customers can make an informed decision.

I think the OCSR should be available for all to see, that way drivers & customers can make an informed decision.

And to stop people saying things on the web that are lies and hearsay!
[quoteQuote =Ours are set at 56,and they fly past me :open_mouth:
Quote = Yeah got to be, ours are set as high as they can be, we also have three ex Downtons drivers, all three of them can’t be lying :unamused: looks like you’re being stitched up. :laughing: :laughing: They all said be spoken to like [zb]
when you phone in, then get it rubbed in with [zb] money :unamused:
Quote = Yes but they put you under pressure and chase you and then you lose your bonus for speeding,trust me they like to make out they are perfect but no company is perfect
Quote = Ah, this must be why I’m struggling to get a job with a decent company :frowning:
Quote = it’s not a company I would want to work for

So in light of this can a couple of drivers give us the up to date facts please.
I have no issue with this.

Walk around any workplace and you will find happy and unhappy workers.

My point was you were saying Downton were Red when they are not.

If that video of the truck rolling over is been used on cpc course I’d bet any money that downtons haven’t given permission to use it.
They hate bad publicity.

It may be worth some folks in this thread reading the defamation act 2014- bought in specifically for forums such as this… we now longer have to remove inane comments but have to tell the fool making them that 1) they are liable for those comments, 2) ask they either remove them or give us their contact details so action can be taken against them personally 3) if they refuse to give details then we will remove the comment and pass on all information we have- IP address’s, e-mail contacts, any publicly given details such as employer etc. And in the case of some someone making a crass statement that could potentially damage a companies reputation without any foundation in fact we will do so without hesitation-

think before you post chaps - I don’t make the laws but under this new one- posting without thinking could be very expensive for you - good news for us finally we are not totally responsible for muppet posting

I’d like to know how you are all getting your information as to what OCRS scores companies have or do you all work for DVSA and have access to it? If not I’d just imagine it’s all hearsay and to be taken with a pinch of salt.
I do agree with muckspreader that they should be publicly available to everyone the same way operators details are.

yorkshire terrier:
If that video of the truck rolling over is been used on cpc course I’d bet any money that downtons haven’t given permission to use it.
They hate bad publicity.

Maybe CM Downtown should adapt a ryanair type attitude, any publicity is good publicity:shock: