
the maoster:
I wasn’t talking to you sonny, so unwind your knicker elastic.

your funny there goes the other side splitting


the maoster:
I wasn’t talking to you sonny, so unwind your knicker elastic.

your funny there goes the other side splitting

You see, I resisted picking up on your spelling mistake. It’s not nice to mock the afflicted. :wink:

the maoster:


the maoster:
I wasn’t talking to you sonny, so unwind your knicker elastic.

your funny there goes the other side splitting

You see, I resisted picking up on your spelling mistake. It’s not nice to mock the afflicted. :wink:



Ah, the internet equivalent of sticking your fingers in you ears and going “nananananan I can’t hear you”.



the maoster:

You actully take pride being able to spell better than a truck driver!!!

You’d actually need to be a truck driver to ask that question, and as you’re so obviously a pre pubescent teenager with a vastly over inflated ego and sense of self importance, then yes I take pride in being able to spell better than you. I imagine that I can do most things in life better than you however, so any sense of pride I may feel is somewhat diminished by virtue of the fact you are irrelevant.

What is it with the grammar police on here ? you ask a simple question and get a torrent of waffle about spelling or not using the search button , get over yourselves and while you’re at it get a life

And you not any nearer to you original question :unamused:


Good firm… and exempt from speed limiters :wink:

Not so.

They just peg them at the maximum allowed. Most others are a bit below.

Ours are set at 56,and they fly past me :open_mouth:

no chance yours being wrong then ?. just 700 downtons trucks set wrong :unamused:

We should have “Physics Police” on here rather than GrammarPolice - if that vid is anything to go by. Must have had a top-heavy load to go over like that, as he wasn’t going that fast was he? Baled Cardboard perhaps?

The straps don’t make it more stable - no matter what anyone says. Neither does driving one-handed though. :open_mouth:

This thread is getting like working at one of the downton depots with all the bickering between drivers :smiley:

no chance yours being wrong then ?. just 700 downtons trucks set wrong :unamused:

Yeah got to be, ours are set as high as they can be, we also have three ex Downtons drivers, all three of them can’t be lying :unamused: looks like you’re being stitched up. :laughing: :laughing: They all said be spoken to like ■■■■ when you phone in, then get it rubbed in with ■■■■ money :unamused:


no chance yours being wrong then ?. just 700 downtons trucks set wrong :unamused:

Yeah got to be, ours are set as high as they can be, we also have three ex Downtons drivers, all three of them can’t be lying :unamused: looks like you’re being stitched up. :laughing: :laughing: They all said be spoken to like [zb] when you phone in, then get it rubbed in with [zb] money :unamused:

mate I work for a firm downtons brought out we are set at 52mph and I deal with the planners at the depot im based at and they speak to you properly and with respect as for the money we are on a good fair bit more than the normal downton rate so really am I having it rubbed in. id be more concerned if the firm I worked for was palming us of with second hand 6 year old trucks and gloustershire money .



no chance yours being wrong then ?. just 700 downtons trucks set wrong :unamused:

Yeah got to be, ours are set as high as they can be, we also have three ex Downtons drivers, all three of them can’t be lying :unamused: looks like you’re being stitched up. :laughing: :laughing: They all said be spoken to like [zb] when you phone in, then get it rubbed in with [zb] money :unamused:

mate I work for a firm downtons brought out we are set at 52mph and I deal with the planners at the depot im based at and they speak to you properly and with respect as for the money we are on a good fair bit more than the normal downton rate so really am I having it rubbed in. id be more concerned if the firm I worked for was palming us of with second hand 6 year old trucks and gloustershire money .

Only going on what they said mate, don’t know where they were based ( I could find out ) don’t know how old the trucks were, and don’t know what Gloucestershire money is like, as I don’t work for a Gloucestershire company. I think they may have well been based at the one near Gloucester.

All set to 52mph bar one it seems then.

The truck stock they took over from C&H last year are still set to 52mph. You get an overspeed if you drift downhill to as little as 54 as well. Can’t say I like the way Actros tractors double-change-down and rev the nuts out in the red - 'cos padding on the brake going down hill is frowned upon.
“The exhaust brake will keep it slow” Yeh like F-- it does. Try going down that hill clockwise M25 approaching J9 with a 44t gross weight of paper - and see how much the exhaust brake doesn’t slow you down from 60 without padding the brakes!

…you gotta use good old footy brake just to stay legal, regardless of what is said about “fuel economy” and all that ■■■■■■■■. :unamused:

Like I said.All but one it seems.Agree with you about the exhaust brake though.

The truck stock they took over from C&H last year are still set to 52mph. You get an overspeed if you drift downhill to as little as 54 as well. Can’t say I like the way Actros tractors double-change-down and rev the nuts out in the red - 'cos padding on the brake going down hill is frowned upon.
“The exhaust brake will keep it slow” Yeh like F-- it does. Try going down that hill clockwise M25 approaching J9 with a 44t gross weight of paper - and see how much the exhaust brake doesn’t slow you down from 60 without padding the brakes!

…you gotta use good old footy brake just to stay legal, regardless of what is said about “fuel economy” and all that ■■■■■■■■. :unamused:

Have you tried using the retarder

Like I said.All but one it seems.Agree with you about the exhaust brake though.

There’s more than one mate. my old left ■■■■■■ is at 56 and the odd one here and there that got missed are still at 56 .

All set to 52mph bar one it seems then.

went for an assessment recently. not set @ 52mph, more like 57.
but the company recommends that on motorways, that 52 is a must.


All set to 52mph bar one it seems then.

went for an assessment recently. not set @ 52mph, more like 57.
but the company recommends that on motorways, that 52 is a must.

Yes but then put you under pressure and chase you and then you lose your bonus for speeding,trust me they like to make out they are perfect but no company is perfect

been there done that. seven years first five was top job. top dollars. ex /shotton driver/ runcorn w/floor tauts. Then same old story do as your told or theres the door. £8.oop hr /little extra if your a yes man. time half sat/sun. nigghts £11. £25 n/out well really £20 less tax £5 meal you pay your the work got to give them that but at what cost to the driver. :wink: few lads like myself walked out put me on the pile for a bit but worth every foot step out of there. so if ya want it just go and hav a go up to you mate :wink: