Hi need some help with regards to jumping between trucks on a run to give driver a and b a break, how does the daily hours work for each driver? also if double manning i know that driver 1 can drive for an hour before driver 2 gets into truck but do we both need to finish at the same destination to qualify for the 18hr spreadover?
Hi need some help with regards to jumping between trucks on a run to give driver a and b a break, how does the daily hours work for each driver? also if double manning i know that driver 1 can drive for an hour before driver 2 gets into truck but do we both need to finish at the same destination to qualify for the 18hr spreadover?
To qualify for mutli manning rules a driver must be with another driver (but not always the same other driver) for all of their shift with the exception of the first hour
From what you posted I am imagining 2 trucks and 3 drivers - am I correct?
Yes rodger thats correct, sometimes 3 drivers 2 trucks sometimes 2 drivers per truck, but very rarely do we finish at same end point but always 2 in the truck before first hour into drive unless jumping between 2 , what causes most confusing argument is the daily spreadover if we dont finish at the same point together, the double manning seems to be straight forward enough its the jump jockey rules that are having us pulling out our hair!! everyone seems to interprate the rules differently! Thanks
Hi need some help with regards to jumping between trucks on a run to give driver a and b a break, how does the daily hours work for each driver? also if double manning i know that driver 1 can drive for an hour before driver 2 gets into truck but do we both need to finish at the same destination to qualify for the 18hr spreadover?
When multi manning it’s a 21-hour ‘spreadover’. Nine hours rest in 30 hours leaves 21 hours for duty time.
What you are asking about wouldn’t work with multi-manning rules. For instance there would be periods when driver A or B would be alone in the vehicle while driver C was driving the other truck, or A and B are in one vehicle and C is alone. There is no way of doing it so all three met the multi-manning requirements so it would have to be done under the usual rules, maximum 15 hour ‘spreadover’.
Yes rodger thats correct, sometimes 3 drivers 2 trucks sometimes 2 drivers per truck, but very rarely do we finish at same end point but always 2 in the truck before first hour into drive unless jumping between 2
With 2 trucks 3 drivers you aren’t running to multi-man rules so 15 hour maximum between rest periods. With 2 trucks, 4 drivers you could be but not if you don’t have 2 drivers in each vehicle for all but the first hour.
Thanks coffeeholic and rodger for your replies they have been noted for the future, but i think on a previous occasion the rules shall we say have been bent slightly !!!
Thanks again for clarifying the situation for me
Coffee, am I correct in thinking that if, apart from possibly the first hour, driver A swaps between 2 trucks very quickly and there is always a driver in those 2 trucks with driver A, then driver A can be under multi manning rules?