Don't forget those

who are no longer here

who are no longer here

Jesus! It gets worse. How about like memorial day we have a Rob Knapp day !! Lets see…say on the 1st November every year and we all wear our !tell it like it is" badges. Could be a goer i reckon !!!
(Sorry if your refering to people who have passed away but i couldn’t resist!)

Least said, soonest mended.

Maybe October 28th could become White Rose day. Proceeds to abused security guards everywhere.

Harry Monk:
Least said, soonest mended.

I know Harry. So its in my diary for next week, the week after and the week after that…

who are no longer here

dont think anyone could ever forget rob :wink: , just cant understand why grown adults on both sides cant sit down and sort it out so normal service can be resumed