
If you have been caught,I don’t think you will get points,just a fine … mentID=698
It could be worse,at least you won’t look like a prat like these. Watch the the last one,I’m sure the passenger smacks his head on the windscreen … ue&fs=true

Tell them you are a muslim and on your way to friday prayers.
They will say sorry for harrasing you then offer you a ten bedroom council house in hampshire.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Back to the point…Giblsa, I wouldn’t waste my time worrying about it to be honest. To get done, you first have to be caught. You should get something through the post within 2 weeks if you got copped, but just return the paperwork with a note giving your defence and state that you intend to contest and you and your lawyer intend to robustly defend their charges and the chances are, you’ll get a letter back saying “No Further Action”. Obviously, I can’t guarantee it, but that’s what I’d do, knowing what I know :wink:

If you have been caught,I don’t think you will get points,just a fine … mentID=698
It could be worse,at least you won’t look like a prat like these. Watch the the last one,I’m sure the passenger smacks his head on the windscreen … ue&fs=true

FPMSL! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So funny!

The 2nd one’s airbags go off (and the ■■■-head has a little kid in the car! :unamused: )

The 3rd one…well, I’m amazed the passenger didn’t fly through the windscreen! An avert for seatbelts if ever I saw one!

I did the same thing in sheffield, on a street then it says all traffic turn left, i slowed down looked up street and says [zb] that too narrow lol, so i carried on into buses only lane, come to some lights no left but i did to get out the situation i was in.

At the lights was cameras pointing right at my wagon ouch, will i get done for that? that was 2 weeks ago.


Fines start again in 3 weeks iirc so you should be okay, you really have to be careful in Sheffield cos diversions take you into 7.5 tonne limits (esp up Walkley Lane by the barracks :imp:.


dont get me wrong i’m not worried about it, i havent had any points or nips for about 2 years now and i will contest it but i have a feeling from what people have said i wont get one anyway. we will just have to wait and see.

i should have had two nips from about a month ago in portsmouth, late for work i was doing about 50 in a 40 and noticed the camera at the last minute, just as i got level with the lines on the road and slammed on, got down to about 48 and the same a bit further on, but havent heard anything yet and that was about 4 weeks ago, so even if i do get one it is still Lee G 2- Government money grabbing ■■■■■■■ 1


dont get me wrong i’m not worried about it, i havent had any points or nips for about 2 years now and i will contest it but i have a feeling from what people have said i wont get one anyway. we will just have to wait and see.

i should have had two nips from about a month ago in portsmouth, late for work i was doing about 50 in a 40 and noticed the camera at the last minute, just as i got level with the lines on the road and slammed on, got down to about 48 and the same a bit further on, but havent heard anything yet and that was about 4 weeks ago, so even if i do get one it is still Lee G 2- Government money grabbing [zb] 1

Nice one :wink:

I think its only a fine, as when i was reading the notice from transport for london taped up on the traffic office hatch, one of our rigids got caught going into the Bus lane.

IIRC its a fine of £120 no points, ill double check when i go in on Tuesday, so if TFL dont give you points you should be ok ooop t’ north :smiley:

I think its only a fine, as when i was reading the notice from transport for london taped up on the traffic office hatch, one of our rigids got caught going into the Bus lane.

IIRC its a fine of £120 no points, ill double check when i go in on Tuesday, so if TFL dont give you points you should be ok ooop t’ north :smiley:

£120 ■■■■■■■ quid. robbing ■■■■■■■■■

at least if i do get a fine its only £60 and £30 if you pay it within 14 days. i guess its just a matter of waiting now. is it worth mentioning to the boss, just incase? (at least if he knows about it he will let me know as soon as he does and i can get in within the 14 days and pay it. if he doesnt tell me straight away it could cost me double!

by the way i managed to get out ok, without using any bus lanes. i just followed the ring road and ended up on mancunian way (somehow) but went through moss side (it seems to be a bit smarter than when i last went through there) and got back in one piece!

i got back about half one this morning! with a load of free muller yogurts! it looks like we’ll be having yogurt and chips, yogurt sandwiches and beef and roast yogurt for the next month!