Hello just a random
Question. Does anyone take there dog with them
In the cab to work and even on nights out lol not the pub but that’s ok too.
Do many companies allow it still?
Hello just a random
Question. Does anyone take there dog with them
In the cab to work and even on nights out lol not the pub but that’s ok too.
Do many companies allow it still?
I worked at small firm ran 8 trucks gone bust after COVID.
But was a fella who used tramp out took his dog with him a bulldog.
When ever he was off though everyone reftsed drive his truck as despite his best efforts to keep it clean the smell never went away.
These days health n safety I’d guess some sites will probably refuse you if they see a dog
I asked my boss if I could take the dog with me tramping.
He said ‘I dont know, what about the smell in the cab’
I told him the dog would be ok it would get used to it.
Thank you very much.
My dog don’t stink lol maybe sometimes dog ■■■■■ are rough
Probably smells better than a smokers cab
I hated dog-ridden cabs with a vengeance, especially if you had to sleep in them.
Dogs are a bit like body odour, you don’t smell your own aroma as you are always with it, so it is with doggy smells. What is normal and ordinary to you, might be a nightmare to others.
I love my dog dearly, but I don’t want to share his kennel with him.
After I retired and later started to volunteer as a dog transporter but before I hooked up a Teardrop sleeping pod, I regularly slept in the back of the car with my passengers. No problem at all.
The biggest was an Otterhound, only slightly smaller than an Irish Wolfhound, since it became illegal to hunt otters they are a dying breed but this one settled down under my arm to sleep and we were both in exactly the same position in the morning. A most restful night.
It puts a whole new meaning to “man’s best friend”
And “puppy love” ……… Dog gy Style
Well, since WW! anyway, I think it was British soldiers that nicknamed the Mack ‘Bulldog’, thus giving the company a bright idea.