Dodgiest thing youve ever done?

I once took the tacho apart to get to the dip switches… and change the values which meant me breaking the seal and replacing it with another one which i dropped behind the tacho head…!!!
But i got the seqeunce wrong it was showing 90kph on the tacho but i was only actually doing bout 40kph

Thank god for my dutch mate who sorted it out for me!!

I never touched a tacho again!!!

Nothing really in a class 1 since only had my licence 2 years and things are a bit different these days where would get screwed over completly if caught doing some of the things mentioned on this thread nowadays.

Class 2 doing a two man trunk to Brum, other driver was ill and could hardly keep his eyes open, drove back up the road on his card.

Van driving, used to be self employed and did silly hours outta London. Work all day round about London get hit with a delivery to Aberdeen at end of working day, blast up there do it, get somthing and come straight back to London. By the time i get back next day is starting so just keep on working. Driving for a few days at a time with maybe a few hours sleep in service stations or lay by’s. Good money but burns you out !

First 7.5 tonner job was with a company this years ago. I didnt realise there was such things as tachographs or drivers hours laws and my employer didnt exactly bother his arse telling me. Worked there about 3 months never used a tachograph once, i thought the tachograph was a company thing and didnt even know it was mandatory. Looking back doubt i complied with driving hours laws.

Took a job a few years back because was sick of driving working as a labourer with a occasional bit of class 2 driving. I used tachographs when using the 17tonner but think i was the only one. They also had a flat bed thing which was under 7.5tons and needed a tachograph. One guy took it home every night, i had to use it occasionally and asked him for a tachograph, he looked at me as if i was crazy. he said look its my truck i’m the only one who needs a tachograph in it ! I tried to explain to him that if i was using it even for a short journey i would need to put a tachograph in, but since he didnt have a HGV licence he knew better :stuck_out_tongue: Plus as well he would leave tacho in all day and leave it on rest !

many years ago, prato (italy) to dover, 1 hit via frejus. manual cards due to “broken” tacho. parked in wheelhouse and ended up clubbing the night away!!

ive done tile collections in modena on a fri morning and been in b/head sat dinner time via the brenner i did cheat and grab a couple of hour on the lux belgian border

new york to london 7hrs 45mins beat that boys

new york to london 7hrs 45mins beat that boys

london to new york 3.5hrs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :wink:

I’m a good boy. :laughing:
Never done a thing wrong.
Ask Andy1961. :wink:

Now where’s me wire. :laughing:

Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to ‘ave to get up out of bunk at twelve o’clock at night and lick road clean wit’ tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, drove twenty-four hours a day down t’road for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our TM would slice us in two wit’ bread knife. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

luxury :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

twice i did it.
years ago
i left dover one sun morning at six oc and went to holyhead,dropped trailer and picked another and straight back to dover.
that was in a 336 hino that did 62 mph before the speed limiters and tachos came in.
second one was.
leaving macon one sat morning early and running down to rome[orte] on the national road across perugia.
i forget how long it took,
but it was at least 14 hours[national roasd in italy]

zb off
i would do it again if i needed to do it and got paid enough.

left yard at 06.00 down to nottingham tipped reload leicster down to southampton for 17.00 and across to the grain then parked up at toddy services for 4 hours then up to manchester for an 07.00 bookin tha was in a scania v8 460 tha did 64mph !!

never again left tha firm at end of the week !

So where are all the proper villians then?

There are blokes on this site that have done all the stuff mentioned above on the same day & still had time to get up to mischief in the afternoon. :laughing:

Not me of course, I’ve never done anything dodgy in my life…

So where are all the proper villians then?

There are blokes on this site that have done all the stuff mentioned above on the same day & still had time to get up to mischief in the afternoon. :laughing:

Not me of course, I’ve never done anything dodgy in my life…

And there are still blokes on this site who believe that big brother is alive and well and living behind their pc :stuck_out_tongue:

Dodgiest thing youve ever done?

does sleeping with your bosses wife count??
especially when he is down stairs??


Dodgiest thing youve ever done?

does sleeping with your bosses wife count??
especially when he is down stairs??

Did you have your camera phone? So you can share your ermm evidence. :laughing:

try purfleet tip wrexham run to anglesy load alloy ignots back to purfleet 5 times aweek for 2 years.couldent do it now ro ro trailers good money if kept it at 110kms all day long

And there are still blokes on this site who believe that big brother is alive and well and living behind their pc

indeed,and they are glad they have 42 days to trawl for what they need. :unamused:

Hide behind the curtains in a scania. :smiley: :smiley:

OK 1st ever euro job was for the Germans, used to leave Sun lunch run to the border at Aachen sleep for two hours then run up to Frankfurt. Tip imports do 8 hours collections back to depot to be told you’re on the 6am Dunquerke boat :open_mouth:

Back to the boat, sleep on crossing :laughing:

Did’nt stop long the job did mean that I could get a better euro job because I now had experience :unamused: