Dodgiest thing youve ever done?

Cmon people, weve all done it,whether its running over half an hour or so to get home on a Friday night, or constantly running bent all week. Whats the naughtiest thing youve done with regards to tachos?!

seeing as vosa tend to read this site regualy i dont think therell be many people posting on this topic :wink: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

Getting married

. a few years back on the 23rd december i left the wheelhouse after shipping in and did a trailer change in birmingham then ran on and tipped prestwick. pulling outside the gate ready for a 9 hr break , it errr only felt like a couple of mins :blush: :blush: before i was on the road again for surrey and home for xmas

Many years ago, and before I was an OD, I tipped in Paris on a Thursday morning, having already ran down from Calais that day, and then ran straight to Prato for a reload on the Friday. It was the last week before Italy shuts for August and they were screaming for as many trucks as they could get to ship loads out, and paying good money as well. Only had a couple of short breaks on the way down but caffeine and loud music got me there without incident. After loading I was week ended so had plenty of time to rest before the return leg, which was done with the correct breaks and rest periods…

Getting my bus licence :cry: :cry:

I bought an ex post office 7.5 tonner and succesfully run it for a pet food comapny me and my mate had. We done deliverys all over the North West in it. We never had tachos, we though it was a post office thing :blush:
Luckily we where never stopped, we did have mot, tax insurance but no O licence. We never even knew you needed one. Could you get away with that now?

just had a vision of mike-c posting pet food supplies through letter boxes or was that the end result for non payers.

When I was young and daft, driving non stop Gütersloh - Rosenheim, through the night, without even stopping to turn the vicar’s bike around.
Just to see if I could. :exclamation: :blush: :blush:

Running 16 hour splits all week and tipping in the middle of the 8 off. Amongst other things. Long time ago, nearly killed me, did kill a good friend. Lesson learnt.

oh go on then zb vosa

ran from s/hampton to bathgate in one hit one night.
stopped for coffee 3 times.tipped then ran over to east kilbride parked up until 20.00hrs loaded then ran down to stoke one hit.

it was last day b4 having xmas off. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Back in the 70’s I drove for 24 hours without any more than a 10 minute break every couple of hours, then when I reached my destination i started my other job and worked for 4 days with the longest rest being only 4 hours, then I drove back the 24 hours as before…I must have been mad,

but that was normal in the Army

In the recent past, I left Athens on the Monday lunchtime, caught the 4pm ferry out of Patras, got off in Ancona 2pm Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday, loaded at Padua, Vicenza and Feltre. Left Feltre 3pm and walked indoors at 730pm Thursday evening.
Only trouble was the Office never ‘lost’ the tachos and 2 weeks later VOSA paid a visit!!! My cards were hanging on a peg! Captured, interviewed etc and cos I never ■■■■■■■■ the guy and told him the truth, I got away with it! Not even a warning letter.

must be about 10 years ago we left the sony factory in tranava solvaka 6 of us in two magnums solo had to leave other 4 trucks there and our 2 trailers till the new year, only stop was to fuel trucks we were at zeebruge for the lunch time ferry to dover boat and in newport just after 830pm xmas eve those little switches on the speed limiter you could move were moved never new a 385 magnum could go so fast but the ride solo was auwfal) but we didnt know how to keep swapping 3 tacho charts!!!
returning in new year was all done by the book 2 lucky drivers flew back to vienna airport
oh the good old days :sunglasses: :laughing: :smiley:

Driving a Transit Luton Van from Birmingham to Doncaster that was so overweight the mudflaps were scraping on the road!

Oh Happy Days! :blush: :laughing:

leave manchester early hours sunday hit aberdeen 0800 monday mornin open back door’s back on bay goto sleep 2 hour load then down to southampton tip turn back to north west tip then 3 nightish runs to felix and back only did a few times then it was only for my gain and not done it since

gettin to old for that sort of crap

i once started work at 3.30am drove from manchester to london in a transit did a load of furniture drops around london then drove back got back about 4pm that afternoon.

we used to have a regular night run contract to a food factory in wisbech and 1 in long sutton which was covered by a regular night driver anyway he wasnt well so with me being the only one there who hadnt driven on tacho that day as id been in the van i duly named my price (cash in the old sky rocket) and off i went at 5pm gettin back to manchester about 2.30am the follwing morning.

all together it was something ridiculous like nearly 24 hours work and driving and a fair few hundred miles

Cmon people, weve all done it,whether its running over half an hour or so to get home on a Friday night, or constantly running bent all week. Whats the naughtiest thing youve done with regards to tachos?!

id give you nightmares buddy so i l keep it to myself :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Living in Leamington and loading up at the Heathcote with a crisp packing machine i headed for Kilmarnock (Haq Brothers) for delivery following day

got to the customer at 5 in the evening to be told its in the morning
no probs but before i could leave they said if i waited til 6 they would take it off

got tipped started to run home looking for digs (3.5t Merc 407)
nothing appeared so i just headed for truckstop at Penrith beacause i knew that had rooms

when i got there i was told i couldnt park overnight because i wasnt a truck
so i carried on down the road chatting on cb

needing fuel i resigned myself to sleeping across the bench seats
anyway at Knutsfords i asked for the fuel receipt to be dated for the following day as boss liked things to look right

no probs with that. Other than i didnt feel like sleeping so i pushed on home
arrivng at about 0130

taking at lesuirley potter to the office later in the morning thinking a few collections locally in the afternoon as would be the norm for a Tuesday

ring ring blah blah

Boston :cry:
that was the killer day