Do you want to leave this page?

I keep getting a small window asking if I want to leave the page about 50% of the time but only when on this site - WHY :question:

After reading the post above I’ve just tried viewing this board with Internet Explorer and can confirm the problem, for me it only seems to happen when trying to leave the “Board index” page.

I’ve been able to recreate the problem by hitting F5 to refresh the index page, it doesn’t always happen but is fairly regular, doesn’t seem to happen on the few other pages I’ve tried just the index page and only in IE.

It seems to have stopped happening now :smiley:

This is a good reason to use a decent browser like Firefox or Chrome neither of which seemed to have the same issues :smiley:

No problem here .

same problem here Rog!

No problem here, but I’ve been using Mozilla for years.

its explorer…I usually get it on ebay and nowere else though ive had it in here a few times,but nowhere else,so its just an i.e annoyance

If you are not using an AD blocker can you note if it happens when a certain banner is showing please…

We don’t have any java script in the website source code that would do this so suspect it is embedded in one of the ads that show…

I keep getting a small window asking if I want to leave the page about 50% of the time but only when on this site - WHY :question:

I had that the other day. Why would such a box/window come up like that?!?! When I clicked on no, nothing happened :unamused: then when I clicked on yes, it loaded as normal :unamused: Hasn’t done it so far today. God, the internet can be so annoying at times and as for reading online newspaper sites, I have almost given up :angry: :smiling_imp: