New to this forum is there some sort of poll you can set up? But do you cringe when you see a big Daves lorry sticker or that sort of thing?
Fulham FC:
New to this forum is there some sort of poll you can set up? But do you cringe when you see a big Daves lorry sticker or that sort of thing?
Plenty of previous threads about it already - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=104192
ADR 1:
Fulham FC:
New to this forum is there some sort of poll you can set up? But do you cringe when you see a big Daves lorry sticker or that sort of thing?Plenty of previous threads about it already - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=104192
Ah cheers for the link. Seems Big Dave gets about abit . Anyhow I’m firmly with the new driver who apparantly won’t make it as a driver as he hasn’t got a sticker in his lorry. Very sad.
Just don’t mention frilly curtains oops
Just don’t mention frilly curtains oops
Or hiding behind them
I have ma Arsenal flag and Home kit in the windscreen
Yawn yawn.
I have ma Arsenal flag and Home kit in the windscreen
I can understand a football sticker or rugby etc. but the name thing gets me, lets not pretend in any form of life were big important people, we are the worker ants. I hate the fact I’m no better than a lorry driver, for some to boast that they are big trucker dave is just pathetic .
Not this ■■■■■■■■■ again 2 within a days
What the chuffinel is this lot about
totally pointless
I have mozzer on a name plate in my window with a united scarf! Does this make me one of them! (And go easy with the united scarf!)lol
It seems to be really getting to you, are you going to be alright?
Yes Farnborough I’m going to be alright. Thanks for asking . Now are you alright ? Why the need to tell everyone your BIG MASSIVE DAVE ? Honestly no one gives a ■■■■. You might have the odd laugh with your regular warehouse bloke, he might even call you big dave , but once you pull out of his depot , your nothing . Basically we are very semi skilled workers , lets not pretend we are the dogs ■■■■■■■■.just graft on , earn yer money and F off home.
Christ, someone post some inspirational videos to cheer this guy up. What a miserable sod
It still amazes me how people in this industry view things so different! It’s shocking if u ask me! I have a name plate in the window yes! Do I care what u or anyone else thinks! No! At the end of the day I like my job and its my house while I’m not at home! Do u tell your neighbours they are £&@&# because u font like their hanging baskets?
well let’s turn the table’s on this, I don’t see the point of people who have username’s that don’t make any sense, such as Fulham FC,
see it’s no different having a big dave no. plate in the windscreen, to having a user name on tnuk such as big dave, it mean’s nothing…
you don’t like having name plate’s in lorry’s, that’s alright, I have one in the car and sorting one to go in the van.
do I have a name plate in the window? yes with my tnuk name on it, I have my name sign written on the door put there by my company!, and do I give a rats ■■■ what you think eh NO
Fulham FC:
Yes Farnborough I’m going to be alright. Thanks for asking . Now are you alright ? Why the need to tell everyone your BIG MASSIVE DAVE ? Honestly no one gives a [zb]. You might have the odd laugh with your regular warehouse bloke, he might even call you big dave , but once you pull out of his depot , your nothing . Basically we are very semi skilled workers , lets not pretend we are the dogs ■■■■■■■■.just graft on , earn yer money and F off home.
Fulham fc which class of worker do you fall into from these definitions for the English dictionary
1 adj Someone who is skilled has the knowledge and ability to do something well.
oft ADJ in/at n/-ing
Not all doctors are skilled in helping their patients make choices.
2 adj Skilled work can only be done by people who have had some training.
usu ADJ n (Antonym: unskilled) New industries demanded skilled labour not available locally.
Multi-skilled employees have a number of different skills, enabling them to do more than one kind of work. adj
…the development of a more adaptable, multi-skilled workforce, capable of moving with the times…
semi-skilled , semiskilled
A semi-skilled worker has some training and skills, but not enough to do specialized work. (BUSINESS) adj usu ADJ n
Translation English - Cobuild Collins Dictionary
now I would class myself as multi skilled, you might only be able to do one thing, so then you could call yourself semi skilled if you like, but then again you could be skilled in moaning and writing total bollicks so in that case could you be classed as multi skilled as well
I think the problem stems from the fact you hate that your a lorry driver. This implies to me maybe you had a failed education and so deemed being a lorry driver as low skilled, dead end job with no prospects, thus feeling the need to pick holes in what every one else is upto because your miserable with your lot. I don’t see lorry driving as an unskilled or “semi skilled” profession. Don’t get me wrong my mrs could drive my truck down the road but could she do it without hitting anything I doubt it, there is a skill in moving it from a to b without damaging anything and without abusing the truck. When I got a new truck at the beginning off the year my boss had my name put on the front. To you it looks like I’m a nob who forgot my name. To me it’s my office for the day, it’s something I take pride in driving and something I look after. I work for a very small family firm and after 8 years I thought it was a nice touch my boss doing it, it shows the last 8 years off looking after the lorry I had before was noted and that maybe they think something off me.