Do you download for assemnt drive


The company I work for has had me on an “apprenticeship” sort of thing (its a government scheme)

anyway we finished that a few weeks ago so I have only had the actuall assesment for the end point, and a practice drive (that was really more an assesment for work) on my card. should have been more but long story… work basicaly would have preferred they hadnt started the scheme (gota love a good government contract)

so my question is do I need to get my card downloaded, am not employed as a truck driver, not not likely to be for a while as no one seem interested in a new driver outside of agency, (not leaving full time work for a agency, especially when the pay aint better) and have only driven twice as more or less an assesment.

have emailed our transport manager and hr but I suspect you guys may actually answer before the deadline to download

Your responsibility is to present your card for downloading when requested to do so. It is not your responsibility to chase anyone to download your card.

To add to what’s been said above, if you’ve used your driver card it’s a legal requirement for the company to download the card data, regardless of whether or not you’re currently employed as a driver.

However, as said your responsibility ends at making the card available for download :wink:

Modern trucks can download your card automatically. So it may have already happened without you knowing about it

Another vote for, don’t worry about it.