Do alll haulage

…companies have a route planner?

No I’ve worked at a few who don’t.
Companies don’t need one … some companies do though to make life a bit easier for drivers .

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Some leave it up to a driver and whinge when they take the stupid route
Some have a route planner and then the stupid driver deviates from it
Some have a planner, the smart driver follows it and if things go wrong, the poo flies towards the planner.

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Thankyou gents. If I was to follow the listing on the works digital appliance as I have been instructed to do by the top brass and village A has two visits,and in between the two visits I have one visit in village B. I would have to travel 7 miles out of village A and do the village B visit,and the back 7 miles to village A to do the other job. So I use “add stop” on my app not to their understanding. I had to do a screenshot to get them to understand that the route planners are not listing according to postcode. I was then told that they do not have route planners

Pallet line places can be like that go past a drop to do more then come back to where you was.
Can do it there way follow there order wasting time and money. Or. Your own way.
You can’t win what ever you do. You use common sense drop off at a place as your passing get told off. You pont out your passing a drop you got told off do it in order they say.

Majority of route planners have never driven or know where places are they just type it all into a computer system and it. Comes out what ever order and they just believe they computer system.

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Even without a planner, if your told a drop sequence, follow it, by all means suggest a change at the start of the job, but if they say A, C, B, then do it.

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Used to work for a certain electric household item supplier on home deliveries
One day had a route which mostly covered Worthing and it had me going over 2 different level crossing about 4 times and if any one knows west Worthing and south farm road crossings they can be down some time :rage:
Rerouted and knocked about 1 1/2 hours off route and went over one crossing once
Did help that I used to work on Worthing BC as a bin man😁

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…companies have a route planner?

I’ve worked for companies who didn’t even have a map in the office!


…or even a map OF the office!


Hopefully if they are running silly high vehicles way over the height of a double deck bus.

Don’t need one these days with Google maps and strret view it’s all they need lol.

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good point,but doing it when it is all scattered,does consume tacho time which inturn causes jobs to be failed,trying to max 9 hours a day times 5

If they have no route planners, as you said earlier, and so you spend your time planning, as you must, then less driving will be done, and so some jobs might fail.
That is their choice to arrange (or not) things that way. Do not beat yourself up over it.

Do your job, including the planning, as best you can, then stop.

You’ve said they provide you with a drop list, what happened when you asked if you could change that route sequence? If you’ve not asked, then follow the drop list, if you asked and they said to follow it, then do so. If you haven’t asked and change the sequence, then expect to get a ‘telling off’

Exactly as above. In there eyes were only a driver were not paid to think or use our brain’s. Even though we know better

But sometimes, what a driver thinks is best is not what the company needs to achieve