Over the past month, I’ve not been able to get on here except via a proxy server. This seems to have corrected itself now, and normal service is resumed.

…Which begs the question - WTF was that all about?

Have VM relented, and stopped blocking customer’s random web destinations?
Was there a problem with this actual website?

I’m not thinking it’s my machine at fault, as I’ve got four of them hooked up to a LAN, thus eliminating the possibility of it being “incorrect settings” or “dodgy software” at my end etc etc. :bulb:

…alternatively, if I wanted to be conspiracist, I could suggest that I was on a licckle ban for driving the mods up the wall with my heavy-hard-drive-using megaposts. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

…If I disappear again for another month or two, I’d be correct here wouldn’t I? :blush:

If we had banned you we’d have done it properly so you wouldn’t be able to get in using a proxy server :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Having just taken the bother to read through the new T&Cs linked, I understand I’m under interdict for refering a derogatory term for a bunch of people we’re all familiar with - and bypassing the censor by using heiroglyphics. I take it that this doesn’t constitute a “yellow card”, but the initial stage warning below that It has to be said that it’s a crying shame that we cannot “name and shame” the activities of criminals in our midst, as if they seemingly have more legal rights than we do. Some unlucky trucker got his fuel syphoned this very afternoon at an M25 service area for instance, and as a bystander walking by the scene, I remember feeling how I’d hate to be the victim of that - even with the firms vehicle!

If I were banned outright, I assume it would be me as a user, thus other accounts opened in aliases would get the boot as soon as they are easily spotted to be myself by my length of posts, correct spelling, and any other ‘dark sarcasm on the messageboard’ that might give away my true identity. :stuck_out_tongue:

Over the past month, I’ve not been able to get on here except via a proxy server. This seems to have corrected itself now, and normal service is resumed.

…Which begs the question - WTF was that all about?

Have VM relented, and stopped blocking customer’s random web destinations?

Hi Winseer,

At the risk of repeating myself, I have tried to explain that exactly the same thing has happened to me.
You also posted to a topic in which another TN member (harry) had encountered the same problem.
:bulb: If you do a search, you could probably find other TN members who have reported the same problem
:bulb: You can believe it or not, it’s up to you.

Denis (paraphrased) has mentioned that you’re not banned, and I can only echo that.

Was there a problem with this actual website?

There was a completely unrelated problem with the TN site, which we believe has now been repaired, but that has been covered in an announcement at the top of every forum and in a couple of other posts that you might have missed.

:bulb: If you still think that the two problems are linked, or that only you were affected by either of them, then the only constructive thing that I can suggest is that you get yourself a tin foil hat and ensure that you wear it at all times. :laughing: :wink: :grimacing: :smiley:

At the risk of repeating Daves reply- but just to make sure this time the message gets through


Any chance that has got through to you?

Short of coming round your house and slapping you round the head with a wet Haddock I don’t see how we can tell you any clearer