Dismissed for red light pull off

How fallible do you allow a professional driver to be?

Getting “flashed” by a red light camera, no other person involved/injured.

Fixed penalty— Fine and points.

“flashed” by a red light camera, killing a cyclist.

Death by dangerous driving---- Jail, banned,fined, lost job etc

I pulled off on a red once at Soham depot, I had dropped a trailer on a bay and was told to pick up another, hooked up to the other while the warehouse lads transhipped what I’d brought down onto the half pre loaded trailer I had just hooked upto.

After being given the paperwork and keys back I went to the truck, I noticed it was red so went back in to ask, the supervisor told me the dock door was down and all the warehouse staff had now gone home so it was good to go, I said are you sure he said yes, the light must be broken, so I pulled it off, as I did I heard an almighty bang as the load restraints clanged on the floor.
I went to the back to secure the load and shut the doors and noticed that the door to the bay was literally hanging off all smashed to bits, what had happened was the warehouse staff had trapped the door in between the handles on the bars which were attached to the trailer, as I pulled off it brought the door with it. One of the office bods said it’s ok it’s our fault we told you to go, just go and we’ll report it and deal with it all. I told him no chance I’m not going anywhere till I’ve spoken to my boss, so he phoned this supervisor who’d told me it’s ok to pull off, he confessed he’d authorised me to do it.

However later he denied ever saying it and denied talking to my supervisor and tried to say I’d just left the site after doing it.

I’d not been there long and my supervisor must be well respected by the superiors at our place because they believed me and my supervisor, as for the one who’d told me to pull off I think he’s still at Soham and it all got swept under the carpet.

Needless to say I bet it cost a few grand to replace that insulated door on an emergency call out, none of it was salvageable either!

I pulled off on a red once at Soham depot, I had dropped a trailer on a bay and was told to pick up another, hooked up to the other while the warehouse lads transhipped what I’d brought down onto the half pre loaded trailer I had just hooked upto.

After being given the paperwork and keys back I went to the truck, I noticed it was red so went back in to ask, the supervisor told me the dock door was down and all the warehouse staff had now gone home so it was good to go, I said are you sure he said yes, so I pulled it off, as I did I heard an almighty bang as the load restraints clanged on the floor.
I went to the back to secure the load and shut the doors and noticed that the door to the bay was literally hanging off all smashed to bits, what had happened was the warehouse staff had trapped the door in between the handles on the bars which were attached to the trailer, as I pulled off it brought the door with it. One of the office bods said it’s ok it’s our fault we told you to go, just go and we’ll report it and deal with it all. I told him no chance I’m not going anywhere till I’ve spoken to my boss, so he phoned this supervisor who’d told me it’s ok to pull off, he confessed he’d authorised me to do it.

However later he denied ever saying it and denied talking to my supervisor and tried to say I’d just left the site after doing it.

I’d not been there long and my supervisor must be well respected by the superiors at our place because they believed me and my supervisor, as for the one who’d told me to pull off I think he’s still at Soham and it all got swept under the carpet.

Needless to say I bet it cost a few grand to replace that insulated door on an emergency call out, none of it was salvageable either!

Well done lad, that is how a professional acts.


I pulled off on a red once at Soham depot, I had dropped a trailer on a bay and was told to pick up another, hooked up to the other while the warehouse lads transhipped what I’d brought down onto the half pre loaded trailer I had just hooked upto.

After being given the paperwork and keys back I went to the truck, I noticed it was red so went back in to ask, the supervisor told me the dock door was down and all the warehouse staff had now gone home so it was good to go, I said are you sure he said yes, so I pulled it off, as I did I heard an almighty bang as the load restraints clanged on the floor.
I went to the back to secure the load and shut the doors and noticed that the door to the bay was literally hanging off all smashed to bits, what had happened was the warehouse staff had trapped the door in between the handles on the bars which were attached to the trailer, as I pulled off it brought the door with it. One of the office bods said it’s ok it’s our fault we told you to go, just go and we’ll report it and deal with it all. I told him no chance I’m not going anywhere till I’ve spoken to my boss, so he phoned this supervisor who’d told me it’s ok to pull off, he confessed he’d authorised me to do it.

However later he denied ever saying it and denied talking to my supervisor and tried to say I’d just left the site after doing it.

I’d not been there long and my supervisor must be well respected by the superiors at our place because they believed me and my supervisor, as for the one who’d told me to pull off I think he’s still at Soham and it all got swept under the carpet.

Needless to say I bet it cost a few grand to replace that insulated door on an emergency call out, none of it was salvageable either!

Well done lad, that is how a professional acts.


CYA, no one else will!

so wheelnutt, its ok for one driver to do but not another, just cos supervisor says oh it must be broke yeah that justifies why the industry is finished, employ wheelnutt your what every firm wants bet you would even snitch on ya mate for dropping litter, well done you keep it up

so wheelnutt, its ok for one driver to do but not another, just cos supervisor says oh it must be broke yeah that justifies why the industry is finished, employ wheelnutt your what every firm wants bet you would even snitch on ya mate for dropping litter, well done you keep it up

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Hed make a good copper :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


I then proceeded outside obviously assuming the FLT driver would have closed the door

That was your first mistake. Do you assume the last driver of your truck has done his daily check? Do you assume there is enough space on your blind side? Do you assume there won’t be a mobile speed camera on that SC while you blast along at 50?

at that I pulled forward a few feet and then noticed the door was still up,

That was your second mistake, not spotting the red light.

He then reported me to my superior who promptly suspended me awaiting a disciplinary at which they said it was gross misconduct and fired me

I agree with the outcome, it is gross misconduct pulling off a bay with a red light on, the door open and the leveler still on the bed of your trailer.

yes I should have noticed the red light ?

Correct, this is the first time after a lot of waffle that you finally own up to your mistake.

but I was distracted by another driver,

Excuses, excuses, excuses

a split second mistake which I have never made before or likey to make again?

Irrelevant, you made the mistake now, that is what the dismissal is based on.

does anyone have any advice?

Go write your CV and find another job, just hope that the new gaffer does not talk to the old one…

I long to be as perfect as you.



I then proceeded outside obviously assuming the FLT driver would have closed the door

That was your first mistake. Do you assume the last driver of your truck has done his daily check? Do you assume there is enough space on your blind side? Do you assume there won’t be a mobile speed camera on that SC while you blast along at 50?

at that I pulled forward a few feet and then noticed the door was still up,

That was your second mistake, not spotting the red light.

He then reported me to my superior who promptly suspended me awaiting a disciplinary at which they said it was gross misconduct and fired me

I agree with the outcome, it is gross misconduct pulling off a bay with a red light on, the door open and the leveler still on the bed of your trailer.

yes I should have noticed the red light ?

Correct, this is the first time after a lot of waffle that you finally own up to your mistake.

but I was distracted by another driver,

Excuses, excuses, excuses

a split second mistake which I have never made before or likey to make again?

Irrelevant, you made the mistake now, that is what the dismissal is based on.

does anyone have any advice?

Go write your CV and find another job, just hope that the new gaffer does not talk to the old one…

I long to be as perfect as you.

He aint saying he’s perfect or making out to be perfect.
Some one could have died and yes people have died in past incidents and will continue to die with such incidents.

There’s a failure on both parties here and if one goes so should the other as Both have broken the Golden rule.

I’ve just finished with an agency running in & out of the Nissan plant. The area you hand your keys in is a cage nowhere near the door you’re on, you cannot see if it’s open or shut. The thing is if the flt driver had followed proper procedure you cannot get your keys back with the door open. All the doors have a hook on specifically to hang the drivers keys on, once the door opens you cannot get them back until it’s closed again. Having said that, on a number of occasions I have been tipped, got the keys back, and just as you’re about to pull off they open the door to check something.
I would be taking it further.
I take it you were on for fergys.

Just typical of that place used to run in and out of there shift the blame to someone else cos there guys do nothing wrong. We had our dock door stuck up for a week and was supposed to be shut when not in use but nothing said also workers just walking over roads and not using crossings workers going home in their cars overtaking trucks on 20 and 30 mph factory roads all reported and asked for comeback but nothing came back. Like one poster said company would have been threatened by Nissan bullies end of.

Sorry youve lost your job but I would personally start looking elsewhere, dont do that sort of work so won`t comment on what you have/have not done but when I was a union rep I found that 99.9% of the time the company would not take the driver back and when they did they would then find any reason whatsoever to disipline the said driver.


All very harsh imo. Blame culture at work here I think. Are we all not fallible at some point?

How fallible do you allow a professional driver to be? He can run over a cyclist as long as he doesn’t kill him? He can pull off on red as long as he doesn’t kill the forkie? He can swipe a car with his trailer swing and hurt a child in the passenger seat as long as he doesn’t kill her?

Rules are rules, boundaries are set for a reason, we are professionals, you just don’t pull off on red, end of.

There are no excuses, no grey areas.

For some reason it seams that if someone can be blamed and severely dealt with, then it will never happen again.

No, you just weed out those that are not cut out for this job.

I bow to an obviously perfect person. Hope you’re never put in the same situation ‘because someone could have been hurt’.

Unfortunately that is Nissan for you

I used to load at a factory that had one set of rules for office hours and another set for nights and weekends.

Works fine until something goes wrong and then fingers are pointing everywhere.

There is loads of times when ive had my keys and are ready to take the handbreak off and go, when the light has gone back on red ,if id a pulled off and someone had walked past and looked it as if id gone on red,how do you get out of that one :question: :question: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Unfortunately that is Nissan for you

Up in the north east ,nissan is were we put all our bad mannerd ,miserable nobheads


Unfortunately that is Nissan for you

Up in the north east ,nissan is were we put all our bad mannerd ,miserable nobheads

Or mackems as i prefer to call them :laughing:



Unfortunately that is Nissan for you

Up in the north east ,nissan is were we put all our bad mannerd ,miserable nobheads

Or mackems as i prefer to call them :laughing:

But most makems arnt good enough to work there :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes I agree its a big no no, I have worked in the industry for 20 years but I pull off and put on about 30 - 40 trls a shift, I think most of you guys move maybe 2 or 3 at best, you try doing that every day for 20 years without a mistake, thats all it was a momentary lapse of concentration because I was distracted and you guys are probably also right it was Nissan telling my company what to do or else. Anyway sent my appeal letter in the other day im not to hopeful of the outcome but I think to go down the unfair dismissal route could be costly and time consuming, I think Id rather start again, Agencies here I come. Well thanks for the comments everyone I much appreciate it. Im just feeling a bit let down by the whole system I think things in this industry are just getting more and more ridiculous for a driver to do his job what with this stupid CPC crap, medicals every 5 years, keeping licence and digi up to scratch vehicle checks, paperwork, H&S, im beginning to wonder is it worth it. Anyway rant over thanks for the support guys hope you’s have better luck than me if you make a mistake.

well theres an obvious flaw in there system the fact the door could be opened when you had the keys.

So maybe Tesco have the right system in place even with drivers stamping their feet that they have to hand over their keys …

.Good luck .