Dismissal or mutual agreement

I screwed up, tomorrow I have a disciplinary meeting which might end up with dismissal for multiple health and safety allegations(Y –straps, 3 cages instead of 2 on the tail lift, working through my break)
There is a chance that I might end up with 12 months final written warning but if not would you recommended to ask for an mutual agreement as I don’t want to have a ,bad record’’?
I never had this situation before that’s why I’m asking for opinions(from experience) if employer would be willing to go this way.

Don’t know answer to your question, but why have you done all them things and not followed company procedure?

Or just hand in notice with immediate effect maybe if you’re that worried.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Some places will just look up and ask for your notice and will let you go immediately. Others might give you a probation good work bond and on file for 12 months.
Thing is when your on a bond you feel like you can’t say NO to any reasonable request.

References, I found this on Google…

‘Many people mistakenly believe that your boss can’t give you a bad reference by law, but that’s not entirely true. However, many employers are scared to give bad references because anything considered to be not 100% accurate could be grounds for legal action.’

I’ve never had a disciplinary in my life. Not one where two sides pull up chairs and discuss in grown-up fashion what went wrong, will it happen again…yadder yadder yadder (yawn). For my own part if that ever occured, I’d just get there, tell 'em I thought they were all a bunch of knobs and walk out. That’s probably not your strategy though.

Is there a union rep? Someone who can go with you? Are you able to successfully dispute all the accusations?

How do others get treated at your place when they misbehave, all sacked, all written warning, all bollocked verbally, or does it depend on length of service your general attitude and previous history…whilst different methods of punishment might seem unfair to some its how the real world operates, always has and always will, unless you work for a national/local authority or other place where operating costs are ff no consequence that is, then its completely the opposite, get rid of the good staff and bend over backwards to accommodate the trouble makers and sick notes :unamused:

We can’t advise you because every place operates differently and we aint you.

Go by gut feeling, if its pretty certain you’re going to get sacked then i’d be inclined to put in me notice before the disciplinary and walk away without a sacking on your record, if its likely to be a written or almightly bollocking (or extension of probation or other punishment) then take it on the chin and don’t repeat the offences.

Jump before your pushed, then someone can have your job and do it without dumbing down & cutting corners

I screwed up, tomorrow I have a disciplinary meeting which might end up with dismissal for multiple health and safety allegations(Y –straps, 3 cages instead of 2 on the tail lift, working through my break)
There is a chance that I might end up with 12 months final written warning but if not would you recommended to ask for an mutual agreement as I don’t want to have a ,bad record’’?
I never had this situation before that’s why I’m asking for opinions(from experience) if employer would be willing to go this way.

From what say you work for a reasonably large Company as it looks like they are keen on Company H&S rules.
This suggests to me you may have a Union if thats the case then get your Union Rep in with you,or if you dont have a Rep and you are in a Union contact your Regional Office.
Its not much point in packing the job in if theres no need ,just because you dont want a written warning on your records.
If a “written” is given accept it,and then keep your nose clean for 12 months

References, I found this on Google…

‘Many people mistakenly believe that your boss can’t give you a bad reference by law, but that’s not entirely true. However, many employers are scared to give bad references because anything considered to be not 100% accurate could be grounds for legal action.’

But if it is accurate, then it can go in a reference letter.

On the subject of reference letters, if a driver was really good, then that’s what I’d say with a few reasons why. If they were no good, then it would be a standard confirmation letter of employment dates. Sometimes another firm will send an enquiry letter which is just a tick box affair, and one of the questions may be, ‘Would you employ this person again?’ Y/N.

Re the OP, we probably would agree as a small firm, large firm it would be by the book and it depends what their book says.

I’d go to the meeting and see what’s been said. If your sacked from it so what. I mean yes you lose your job but if you leave you lose your job. I don’t get what you mean by a bad record. I have a record (a few sheets if I’m honest) but I don’t get why you would be upset for your boss to give you one. If you was a high up management and was wanting a management job then I could see why your bothered but for a driving job. I mean what did you wear to the interview. Your just a driver who could get another job somewhere else. Company’s don’t do reference checks. Or they haven’t on me only pnc ones and if they do I tell them am a reformed member of society :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Depends on how much you want the job. If you’re not bothered, hand in notice and work somewhere else.

If you are bothered, go to interview, apologise and explain that you’re happy to undergo additional training to ensure you don’t repeat your mistakes.

This does of course depend on your history with this company.

Good luck either way.


I had a meeting a few days ago with my TM and union rep, I apologised, regret it and they can see that I want to have a job.
This is my first disciplinary ever.
For instance, years ago one of the guy smashed a few lorries in the yard, got sacked but on the end company and him agreed to have an mutual agreement.
Even If I lose my job I want to have a kind of references or chance to write a reason why I left instead that I been sacked.
Is it make sense!?
I will let you know tomorrow what is a outcome, fingers crossed!!!

Get yourself sacked fella.

It’s great fun :wink:

Just get the sack, go and buy a load of k cider, drink and be happy.

Further down the line, turn to drugs and steal things or kidnap people.

Either way it’ll be better than bloody lorry driving

Very different scenario to you admittedly, spent most of the summer of 2014 suspended (on full pay) raft of investigations, meetings, disciplinary, received a final written warning. Returned to work, instantly suspended again for the same reason, more investigations and meetings, another disciplinary, another final written warning. Returned to work for 5 days, 2 weeks holiday, came back, resigned with immediate effect and was told that if I wanted to return at some point in the future they’d be willing to consider it (they brought it up, not me).

Much happier on agency for the last 2 years, always an option for you if you do jump/ get pushed, find yourself a good little number (if lucky) and references are unimportant.

Jump before your pushed, then someone can have your job and do it without dumbing down & cutting corners

The man asked for advice, stop being a prat.