Discovered why my Tom Tom trucker is so useless in london

Before anyone says “it’s only an electric road atlas” and “you should use common sense” etc. I know. And I do.

That said for £300 id expected better.

The one place where I really could do with a reliable sat nav is London. But every time I’ve been I’ve been amazed at how terrible it is. Today, I totally planned my route of google maps, zoomed into street view to check bridge heights etc, but I had the sat nav on also so I could try and see why it was constantly trying to send me down roads id get stuck in. And the reason…the London lorry ban at night. It’s not got the times programmed into it, which means it thinks most A roads round London have 18t limits 24/7, Not just over night. So it’s constantly trying to send me down residential streets to navigate me “around the A road”. This, for £300 makes it a totally useless piece of equipment when trying to navigate round one of the only places you might actually really need it. Instead, I used the FREE google maps to sort me out. Tom Tom…sort it out! I certainly wouldn’t get another.

fool it and put 7.5t as weight and keep height etc

Snooper has the same problem. Don’t feel too bad about it.

An HGV sat nav is like a ■■■■■■ partner, it takes a few goes round the block together, before you learn each others rhythms and ways properly, soon enough you’ll be “arriving too soon” at your destination… :wink:

All sat navs are the same, they have not been programmed for “Timed” weight limits. As you will probably know, all of London is a weight limit at night time.

So… what would you rather happen? you plod along to a point of no return to see a weight/width limit? Or, it tries to route you randomly.

I ALWAYS look up and plan my route in London, I would never trust a sat nav to get me to a destination inside London, purely because of the stupid weight limits that are all over the place.

As someone else has said put you vehicle weight in as 0 or 7 and half tonne and it should work ok. That’s what I do on my Snooper or on the Snooper it comes up with a message saying your route takes you through time restrictions and asks if you want to carry on.

Put your weight as 16 tonnes then use your head as it will route you over some weighted bridges ie 25 or 28 mgw bridges they all do it the only one that will route for timed limits is the pronav

I guess my point is, whoever works for Tom Tom providing there maps knows these weight limits are there as they are in the map. My sat nav knows what time of day it is as it automatically switches between day and night mode at dawn and dusk, which is different daily. So it wouldn’t have taken barely any extra programming to stick those timings on those weight limits. As I say, unless you start telling the sat nav your incorrect weights etc, then it’s a totally useless but of kit when in London.

I always manually plan my route in London with pen and paper. But I’d like to think my sat nav was a back up to help me out if I miss a turn or a get to a junction where I thought I could turn right by looking at the map but it says no right turn etc. Instead, for £300 it’s nothing but a liability in London.

My Tom Tom is also a truck version but will not route you down 7.5t limits but tries to take you down residential streets to avoid them which isn’t helpful. It also doesn’t seem to notice width restrictions either, tried to take me down one the other week to get to a customer who you cannot reach without going through a 7.5t limit. The maps the office give us are pretty useless and are too small to read and drive at the same time, checking off road names to find your turning. As one of the more seasoned drivers told me “you only need to find it the first time”.

My Tom Tom has a fascination with left turns on traffic lights where there’s an island you can’t see

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Tomtom does the same with Dartford crossing at night. Can’t see why it’d be so difficult for them to programme it to realise it isn’t a toll road at night.

Just stop going to London. Full of pickpockets anyway, best avoided.

Tomtom does the same with Dartford crossing at night. Can’t see why it’d be so difficult for them to programme it to realise it isn’t a toll road at night.

Seriously. Totally agree. It’s very poor in my opinion. When you look at all the other data programmed in there and all the info stored on the map such as every bridge height, the majority of weight limits, speed limits, etc etc it wouldn’t take much at all just to add timings onto those where applicable. Because as I said, when your sat nav is trying to navigate you around most A Roads in the capital by sending you down residential streets you’d more than likely get stuck down…no good really!

Tomtom does the same with Dartford crossing at night. Can’t see why it’d be so difficult for them to programme it to realise it isn’t a toll road at night.

Mine asks me about toll road on Tamar bridge west bound but there’s only east bound toll :unamused:

If you all think there bad throw em away. :unamused: cant do that we will get lost ,or tell tomtom your come and work for em

Bad some of the time, ie London. Useful other times. I’m not saying it’s all bad, very specifically for London. Just a shame it’s one place is like it to be more trustworthy.