Directions forum?

I mentioned it on the pdf so hows about it? a new section dedicated to links to map sites giving directions to most of the major D.C,S, N.D.C,S and R.D.C,S aroung the country.

Can you link to multimap without it costing you?.

If so then i think its a bloody good idea considering we are all truck drivers.

To be honest, we’re a bit top-heavy on forums at the moment, so would be loath to create another one…however, we are hoping to get an upgrade to the board at some point which will allow us to have sub-forums. When this happens we can look at expanding many of the reference-y bits of the site - eg. the FAQs - so could probably put something in there…We have no idea when this may be, mind, so you’ll just have to join us in being patient. :cry:

In the meantime, as a compromise, I’ve “sticky”'d the thread which has been started in the PDF so it’s easy to find and add to. :wink: