Spain is the only country where you have to enter the region for the end and start of the shift. Andulucia,Catalan,Euskadi or Pais Vasco are amongst many.
correct as that is what is says on the tin
Spain is the only country where you have to enter the region for the end and start of the shift. Andulucia,Catalan,Euskadi or Pais Vasco are amongst many.
correct as that is what is says on the tin
1 of our drivers said to me last week a tramper should not take there card out until Friday/Saturday whenever they finish for the week lol dunno where he got that from and if you are going home 1 night and parked at the yard you need to have 11 hours off ! I just nod and agree lol idiot
1 of our drivers said to me last week a tramper should not take there card out until Friday/Saturday whenever they finish for the week lol dunno where he got that from and if you are going home 1 night and parked at the yard you need to have 11 hours off ! I just nod and agree lol idiot
^^^^. Perhaps what he meant was if the tramper was away every night that he should leave his card in. This is what I do, but of course I take it out if for some reason I am home during the week as I’ve no control then over what the vehicle does.
As a matter of interest our office issued a memo telling trampers to remove the card when parked up on a night out. Speaking to the driver trainer he said it was because drivers were not ending and starting the country at the end/beginning of their shift. I always do this so I’ve ignored the memo.
Also I wonder if repeatedly inserting and removing the card in some way damages the chip as a few of our day men end up with damaged cards that they need to replace?
By taking the card out every night means the daily rest will not be interupted.
An example of this is:
You pull in to a busy layby for a 9/11 off,while you are on a daily rest,you get a knock on the door,for some reason,you have to move the truck a few feet to let somebody in or out.
Or farmer Giles wants to get in his field and you blocked his gate.
By leaving the card in,you would have to start the daily rest again or do a printout.
But our police cousins in Europe will fine you anyway.
don’t park in stupid places and you won’t have a problem.
By taking the card out every night means the daily rest will not be interupted.
An example of this is:
You pull in to a busy layby for a 9/11 off,while you are on a daily rest,you get a knock on the door,for some reason,you have to move the truck a few feet to let somebody in or out.
Or farmer Giles wants to get in his field and you blocked his gate.
By leaving the card in,you would have to start the daily rest again or do a printout.
But our police cousins in Europe will fine you anyway.
I’m not quite sure where to begin with this one Tobes! You’re an experienced Eurotrucker so maybe you’ll tell me under your scenario just how you explain to M. Genderme your failure to keep 24 hr records, or the fact that the vehicle has moved without a card in?
Maybe in the UK you’d get away with it, but imo removing the card whilst parked up would be very bad and costly advice for anyone poking their nose over the water.
That is true,years ago on analogue tachos,you could write on the back of the card “Cherchez pour une repas chaude,et douche”.
Going over hours to find a hot meal and a shower was an unwritten rule in France.
As they love their food.
Do not try that trick now.Drivers would book off and drop the trailer to the Rouitiers as long as you did not take the mickey too much.
Some truck bans would last for four days,parking somwhere decent that was open was a priority.