
I’ll take the £30 fine rather than having to poke my finger at the tacho for a minute every day to enter end country as I’ve never left this island in a truck. I doubt they’d be so ■■■■ as to do you for it anyway.!

I doubt they’d be so ■■■■ as to do you for it anyway.!

That would be true if common sense and fair play prevailed, and if VOSA didn’t jump on every opportunity to screw every drop of blood out of you for their self funding, …but it doesn’t, they do, so consequently they will. :bulb:
Even our first line of defence has been taken away from us, (Telling them “Sorry I didn’t realise that” ) because after next year we are deemed to be legislation experts because we are DCPC holders :unamused:
So every avenue has been covered so pay up and smile :smiley:

On analogue tachographs you write the town/city/nearest location, on a digital tachograph apart from a few countries that have regions you can select you only have to put the country.

It’s quite legal to write UK as your start and finish points on a paper chart.
Assuming you are in the UK of course :stuck_out_tongue:


On analogue tachographs you write the town/city/nearest location, on a digital tachograph apart from a few countries that have regions you can select you only have to put the country.

It’s quite legal to write UK as your start and finish points on a paper chart.
Assuming you are in the UK of course :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d always assumed you had to put the town/city ec’t on an analogue tachograph chart, but I’ve just checked and although it’s what’s shown in VOSA’s booklet I can’t find anything to say that it’s a legal requirement.

The regulations seem to just speak of the place where the shift starts/ends.

You learn something new every day :wink:

When going into a foreign country do you have to make a vehicle entry to show you are in a new country or only at the end of your shift?
E.G. Drive to France, Belgium and end up in Germany for the night. Would all 3 countries need to be entered or just your final destination?

When going into a foreign country do you have to make a vehicle entry to show you are in a new country or only at the end of your shift?
E.G. Drive to France, Belgium and end up in Germany for the night. Would all 3 countries need to be entered or just your final destination?

Just the countries you start and finish the shift in.

Have always just left it in overnight, switched to Break, have never done the start / end country bit - it’s never been questioned when downloaded in the Office.

The next generation of digi tachos will record exactly where you are all the time via GPS.

The next generation of digi tachos will record exactly where you are all the time via GPS.

Unless there have been changes I don’t know about the next generation of digital tachographs will only use the GPS to record the shift start and finish locations.

Obviously it’s only a matter of time before that changes though.

What happens in a digi unit if u pull card and carry on driving ? Obviously analogue won’t do anything apart from a light showing ?

What happens in a digi unit if u pull card and carry on driving ? Obviously analogue won’t do anything apart from a light showing ?

A digital tachograph records your activities on the driver card and in the VU, without a card it will continue to record the activities and a driving without card event in the VU.

It will also keep flashing a message saying something like “Driving without card”.


What happens in a digi unit if u pull card and carry on driving ? Obviously analogue won’t do anything apart from a light showing ?

A digital tachograph records your activities on the driver card and in the VU, without a card it will continue to record the activities and a driving without card event in the VU.

It will also keep flashing a message saying
something like “Driving without card”.

What about if shunting around yards etc without 1 in how would whoever know apart from missing mileage ? Or does the VU get downloaded aswell



What happens in a digi unit if u pull card and carry on driving ? Obviously analogue won’t do anything apart from a light showing ?

A digital tachograph records your activities on the driver card and in the VU, without a card it will continue to record the activities and a driving without card event in the VU.

It will also keep flashing a message saying
something like “Driving without card”.

What about if shunting around yards etc without 1 in how would whoever know apart from missing mileage ? Or does the VU get downloaded aswell

Yes, the VU gets downloaded “aswell” (sic).



What happens in a digi unit if u pull card and carry on driving ? Obviously analogue won’t do anything apart from a light showing ?

A digital tachograph records your activities on the driver card and in the VU, without a card it will continue to record the activities and a driving without card event in the VU.

It will also keep flashing a message saying
something like “Driving without card”.

What about if shunting around yards etc without 1 in how would whoever know apart from missing mileage ? Or does the VU get downloaded aswell

Legally the VU has to be downloaded every 56 days or less.

I always pull the card on nights out no matter what, just a habit I’ve got in to. Just ejected it and leave it sat in the unit then push it in in the morning, easier that way.

Me too

I was told by the office last week, that on a night out you must leave your tacho in…their dcpc trainer told them that…so I asked if that included parking up in the yard after a days work and going home? Er no, they said…so I asked what the difference was between being parked up away from the yard, and being parked up in the yard? And why must we leave them in in a night out but not when we come back to the yard and go home…their response, well thats what the cpc trainer said and you will be done by vosa if you dont…yea ok then…

I was told by the office last week, that on a night out you must leave your tacho in…their dcpc trainer told them that…so I asked if that included parking up in the yard after a days work and going home? Er no, they said…so I asked what the difference was between being parked up away from the yard, and being parked up in the yard? And why must we leave them in in a night out but not when we come back to the yard and go home…their response, well thats what the cpc trainer said and you will be done by vosa if you dont…yea ok then…

First the bit about VOSA sounds BS to me from somebody trying build up their part. You could ask the DVSA, but it doesn’t say anything in their publication on the subject.

This is from the VOSA drivers hours and tachograph book, page 37.

record the country in which they begin and end their daily work period. This must always be carried
out at the time of the start or end of the period, even if the card is not to be withdrawn or inserted
(for example if the card is left in overnight);

Doesn’t say you must leave the card in overnight

ensure that the card is not removed from the tachograph during the working day unless otherwise
authorised. The rules are not specific on who can authorise removal of the card, but cases where cards can be removed include a change of vehicle, or where another driver will be using the vehicle during a break or rest period;

Just says the card must not be removed during the working day.

However I can’t really see what the problem of leaving it in overnight when you’re in the cab. Just have to remember your start and end country entry. which is quicker than waiting for it to come out or go back in.

I have heard by taking it out at night has its uses as the VDU only records the country :wink: and we all know trucks get moved at night in yards all over the world …
I’m surprised the tacho doesn’t have a built in GPS system to record where exactly the veh is parked and moved without a card in :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: or is that coming to a tachograph near you soon :open_mouth:

if the vehicle has been moved without a card in then you will have a very expensive conversation with the authorities in many parts of europe, as they regularly download and check the vehicle as well as the drivers card.

Spain is the only country where you have to enter the region for the end and start of the shift.
Andulucia,Catalan,Euskadi or Pais Vasco are amongst many.